American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 425 Dachao, you will feel uncomfortable if I don't hit you, right?

However, this situation is a lot more convenient for Rorschach.

He could just take advantage of these meteorite monsters to sleep and harvest them all without anyone noticing.

It can save a lot of trouble.


But just when Rorschach was about to take action, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Clark Kent appears again.

Dachao is currently investigating the inexplicable disappearance of small town residents, and all clues point here.

But he didn't expect that someone would arrive one step ahead of him.

"People of the motherland, what are you doing here?"

Clark Kent looked at Rorschach solemnly and asked.

"Clark, I am your eldest brother, have you forgotten?"

"Brother, please don't ask casually about your affairs."

Rorschach, however, pouted at Clark Kent with a hint of malice on his face.

Clark Kent ignored Rorschach.

His eyes swept across the scene, and all the imprisoned people came into view.

His complexion suddenly changed.

"These are the people who have been deemed dead and missing in Smallville for more than ten years. Unexpectedly, they were all arrested here!"

Clark Kent's words were filled with irrepressible anger.

"I have to get them out!"

Clark Kent didn't hesitate at all.

He immediately walked towards the controller on the side and tried to release all the people locked up.


But Luo Xia swayed and blocked the other party's way, "I won't stop you from rescuing people, but you have to wait until I finish my work."

"Motherland, what is your purpose?"

Clark stared at Rorschach with a trace of vigilance and hostility.

Originally, he thought that Rorschach's purpose was the same as his own, that he was here to save people.

But at this moment Clark Kent discovered that he seemed to have guessed wrong.

"My purpose has nothing to do with you. I can only tell you that I will not hurt them."

Luo Xia looked at the other party with a serious face, "What I am doing will not take long. When I finish it, it will not be too late for you to save them."

Considering that Rorschach and Clark Kent were not familiar with each other, Rorschach felt that he was pretty good at it.

But Clark Kent also has his own persistence.

"No, people of the motherland, I want to save them first!"

"No matter what happens to you, you can save the person before talking about it."

Clark Kent looked at Rorschach very firmly.

"Unfortunately, I'm not going to do that."

Rorschach shrugged.

Everyone's slumber now is the best time to harvest, and he won't change anything just because of Clark Kent's words.

"I can only apologize to those who hindered me!"


Before he finished speaking, Rorschach punched out, sending Clark Kent flying backwards.

Clark Kent also wanted to get up and deal with Rorschach, but Rorschach immediately took out a piece of kryptonite.

Thrown in front of Clark Kent.


Clark Kent immediately groaned, lying on the ground and curling up into a ball, it was painful.

Not to mention continuing to fight against Rorschach, Clark Kent couldn't even stand up.

Green Kryptonite is really poisonous to Clark Kent.

"You, how do you know this stone!"

Clark Kent stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him, and yelled unwillingly and angrily.

"I told you I'm your eldest brother."

Luo Xia curled her lips and responded nonchalantly.

Then he ignored Clark Kent.

They began to step forward one by one, open the single rooms, and put their hands on the meteorite monsters.

Harvesting has begun.


A share of cosmic energy arrives.


Another amount of cosmic energy has arrived.

that's all.

Rorschach began to harvest those meteorite monsters calmly in front of Clark Kent.

"What is he doing?"

Clark Kent on the other side looked confused, with confusion all over his face.

Why are the people of the motherland touching those people?

Everyone touches it for a few seconds, and that's it.

Other than that, nothing was done.

Thinking back carefully, it seemed that the same was true when the motherland captured Davis.

He held it for a few seconds and then let it go.


Everything the people of the motherland say is true!

He really had no intention of hurting these people.

It seems that I am worrying too much.


What is the purpose of the motherland doing this?

This is something Clark Kent can't figure out anyway.

"Sir, Base 3 has been completely invaded!"

Luther House, Smallville.

Lex Luthor in a suit and tie sits at his desk.

In front of him stood a smart and strong man in a suit and leather shoes.

The other party reported to Lex Luthor respectfully.

Lex Luthor frowned slightly.

Base No. 3 is one of his most important experimental bases and an important research branch of the "Ares Project".

It plays a vital role in the advancement of the "Ares Project".

Lex Luthor still values ​​​​it very much.

"Who is the intruder?"

"What's going on at Base 3 now?"

Lex Luthor then stared at his confidant and asked in a deep voice.

"The intruder is unknown. Our surveillance only captured a vague shadow, and then everything was destroyed."

"It only took a few minutes from the alarm triggering to the fall of the entire base."

"It seems that this time it's not an ordinary person!" Lex Luthor's eyes lit up.

He has been studying those meteorite monsters for so many years, and he is naturally not unfamiliar with superhumans.

Hearing that a new superhuman appeared, Lex Luthor was more excited than worried or panicked.

"Send out Ares! Capture that superhuman alive!"

Lex Luthor made this decision immediately.

"Sir, Ares has not been tested yet."

"Then treat this time as a test!"


"The last one, done!"

Putting his hand back from the last meteorite monster, Rorschach couldn't help but reveal a very satisfied smile on his face.

This wave of gains is still very good.

Although the cosmic energy of one person is not so impressive, it accumulates to a lot, and it is still very considerable for a group of people.

Rorschach carefully compared it. If the harvest this time is converted into Origin Point Enhancement, it is about 20,000 Origin Points.

You know, Rorschach has only been in Smallville for a few days?

20,000 Origin Points are really a lot.

Only after doing all this did Rorschach turn around and reach out to Clark Kent lying on the ground.

His mind moved.


The green kryptonite that paralyzed Clark Kent automatically flew back to Rorschach's hand.

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