American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 431 Looks like we have to find Dachao again

"It seems that I do underestimate you, Kal-El."

"You are worthy of being Joel's son!"

After getting up from the ground, Brainiac immediately looked at Rorschach with admiration.

There was also a touch of surprise and approval in his eyes when he looked at Rorschach.

"Let me see how many abilities you have inherited from Joel!"

But soon.

Brainiac let out a cold snort again, and with his eyes facing Rorschach, he shot out two heat rays.


The same goes for Rorschach.

The heat rays from both sides collided in the air.

A brief stalemate formed.

Rorschach knew immediately.

The heat ray of the man in front of me is more powerful than Clark Kent's heat ray.

But in front of Rorschach, it doesn't matter.

Rorschach did not continue the stalemate with Brainiac. While blocking the opponent's heat ray, he waved at the opponent.


A huge amount of mental power was released immediately, imprisoning Brainiac's entire body.

"What method is this?"

Brainiac was surprised again.

Since when have Kryptonians been able to do such a thing?

Not to mention Qiao El's son, not even Qiao El himself.

Immediately afterwards.

Brainiac began to struggle.

But he found out immediately.

Even if she tried her best and put all her strength into feeding, she couldn't break free at all.

"This is impossible!"

Brainiac was moved more times in this brief moment than in the years he had been lurking on Earth.

Kal-El is actually so powerful?

On Earth without a red sun?

This kind of thing is really beyond Brainiac's cognition.

But Rorschach ignored Brainiac's reaction.

At this moment, he unfolded his clairvoyance ability and observed Brainiac with curiosity.

This time.

It was Rorschach's turn to be a little surprised.

"I originally thought you were a Kryptonian, but I didn't expect you to be a robot."

Luo Xia felt a little bit pained now.

If it were a living organism, Rorschach would still have the confidence to use certain measures against the opponent to force him to submit.

But what about the robot?

After all, robots have no sense of pain or fear. In other words, they have no weaknesses that can be targeted.

"But it doesn't matter. If you tell me everything I want to know, I can consider letting you go."

In any case, Rorschach still planned to try to see if he could get something from Brainiac.

"So, what do you want to know?"

Although Brainiac was imprisoned by Rorschach, he remained calm and did not panic at all.

"The specific coordinates of Krypton."

Rorschach gets right to the point, no nonsense.

"Is this what you want to know?" Brainiac was surprised.

He thought Rorschach was asking about something important and secret.

Result, that's it?

Besides, Krypton has already exploded, so what’s the use of knowing the coordinates of Krypton?

"I can tell you, but I have one condition."

Brainiac pondered for a moment and began to negotiate with Rorschach.

"Tell me your conditions."

Rorschach raised an eyebrow.

He is also very curious about the other party's conditions.

"I need a drop of your blood." Brainiac looked at Rorschach with a serious face and spoke.

A drop of blood?

In other words, the purpose of the robot in front of him is to get Dachao's blood?

Luo Xia naturally didn't know why the other party wanted Da Chao's blood.

But it was obvious that he was unable to meet the other party's request.

"Do you think this is possible? Try another one." Rorschach refused without hesitation.

"This is my only condition." Brainiac still insisted.

"I told you, I'm not Kal-El."

Rorschach was silent for a moment and emphasized to Brainiac again.

Rorschach said this to Brainiac at the beginning, but the other party didn't believe it at all at the time.

But this moment.

Brainiac was really doubtful.

Kryptonians do not have this kind of method of controlling objects through space. Kryptonians do not have a red sun, and they will not be so powerful.

Moreover, this person has obviously completely controlled the situation, so there is no need to lie to him.

Could it be.

Is this person really not Kal-El?

But why does this person have so many skills that Kryptonians have?

Brainiac was really beaten by Rorschach.

"In other words, I found the wrong person?"

Brainiac was silent for a long time before finally accepting this silently.

"That's right."

Rorschach nodded with deep understanding, "As the price for offending me, I need you to tell me the specific coordinates of Krypton."

"Don't you know that Krypton has been destroyed?"

Brainiac looked directly at Rorschach and asked.

"You don't have to worry so much, you just need to tell me."

"If I tell you, you will let me leave?"


"Oh well."

After Brainiac pondered for a moment, he actually told Rorschach the coordinates.

"thank you for your cooperation."

Rorschach said this, and then his mind moved, and his telekinesis gathered violently.


Brainiac was blown into a pile of slag.

Although it was just a misunderstanding, since he had already started, Rorschach would not leave any hidden dangers for himself.

Naturally, he would just kill him and be done with it.

And to be honest.

Rorschach did not dare to believe the coordinates that Brainiac told him.

Ding Dong!

However, after Rorschach killed Brainiac, something fell out of his body.

It was a cube with a very delicate shape, and no one knew what it was made of.

What is this?

The cube immediately attracted Rorschach's attention.

He had just blown Brainiac into slag, but this cube was intact!

And the fact that Brainiac carried it with him could further illustrate the importance of this cube.

Rorschach stretched out his hand and waved, and the metal cube that fell on the ground flew into his hand.

Rorschach took it and examined it.

He found some symbols engraved on it that he couldn't understand at all, and he had no idea what they meant.

However, a slot that was sunken inward immediately made Rorschach's mind move.

"The shape of this slot..."

Clark Kent!

After Rorschach pondered for a while, he immediately became energetic.

He had recalled that Clark Kent had a "pendant" on his neck.

Rorschach didn't care about it before.

But now thinking back, the structure of the pendant is consistent with the slot in front of him.

Could it be...

The "pendant" that Clark Kent wore was actually the key to activate this cube?

Rorschach's eyes suddenly lit up.

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