American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 433: Superman: Homelander is really a Kryptonian!

"People of the motherland, what is this?"

Clark Kent immediately stared at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice.

Clark Kent is eager to know everything about his life experience and his "alien background".


Clark Kent has long regarded the Kents as his parents from the bottom of his heart.

But this sense of pursuit of identity is innate in people.

Even Dachao is no exception.

In the past, Clark Kent had no choice but to live in a muddle.

After all, he was the only Kryptonian on the planet.

He has no access to his past.

but now?

But it's different.

"So now, are you willing to talk to me?" Luo Xia had a hint of teasing on her face.

"Now the facts are obvious. You have a maze, but I have the key. However, I don't necessarily have to enter the maze. On the contrary, it is you who want to enter the maze."

Clark Kent is obviously also interested in the cube, but he deliberately behaves very restrained.

"You are right."

Rorschach nodded, not bothering to deal with those useless things with Clark Kent, and said straightforwardly, "I don't care if you want to enter this maze, but I do want to go in."

"So I am determined to get your key."

"I am here to cooperate with you sincerely, but if the cooperation fails, I will have no choice but to take it away."

The corners of Clark Kent's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Dear motherland, you are so direct!

They are always being robbed. Can we be more civilized?

"How do you want to cooperate?"

After Clark Kent paused, he also stopped talking about the nonsense.

Regarding this "maze", he also wanted to go in and have a look.

So I started to formally talk about this matter with Rorschach.

"Clark, the meal is ready, ask Rorschach to come over for dinner!"

The two were chatting "hotly" when Jonathan Kent waved his hand to Clark Kent and shouted.

Clark Kent glanced at Rorschach and said nothing more in a tacit understanding.

As if nothing had happened, he greeted Rorschach and went to the restaurant.

Needless to say, there will be a lot of fun between the guests and the host next.

After meal.

Clark Kent and Rorschach take a "walk" along the vast farm together.

As the two walked, they discussed serious matters.

"I just need to declare that I own the ownership of this thing, okay?"

"Yes, Clark, you do have the key. If your key opens this thing, then you just did me a favor!"

"Out of your gratitude for my help, I will give you some compensation, or I owe you a favor, it doesn't matter."

"But this thing is mine!"

"So Clark, let me confirm with you again, even if this is the case, will you still choose to cooperate with me?"

Rorschach reiterates this question to Clark Kent.

He feels that this kind of issue must be clarified in advance.

"Do I have any choice?"

Clark Kent shrugged, "You threatened to rob me!"

Seeing Clark Kent's attitude, Rorschach felt relieved.

Obviously, Dachao agreed with Rorschach's "overbearing proposal".

Even though that thing matches my own key, it is basically definitely a Dachao thing.

But this has been lost for more than ten years. How could Dachao have the nerve to take this thing for himself?

no way.

Clark Kent is such a man with no faults in his moral character.

Very reasonable.

"very good!"

Rorschach nodded with great satisfaction, "Then, let's open this thing together."

The two of them reached an agreement very happily.

Considering this is something from Krypton, it seems to be a high-tech gadget.

Once it is turned on, there may be some "big scenes" or something.

Rorschach and Clark Kent decided to conduct experiments in an uninhabited place.

After saying hello to the Kents, Rorschach and his wife quickly left the Kent farm.

We arrived at a deserted mountain near Smallville.

"Okay, let's stay here!"

Rorschach looked around and nodded with great satisfaction.

Then he couldn't wait to take out the cube.

Clark Kent stopped talking nonsense and took out the key hanging around his neck and handed it to Rorschach.

Rorschach was not polite to Clark Kent. He took the key and inserted it into the cube slot with a hint of expectation.

Perfect fit.

Perfect fit!

Both Rorschach and Clark Kent were slightly refreshed.

It was just speculation before, but at this moment, everyone can be sure.

Clark Kent's key is indeed used to activate this cube!

Where is any nonsense next?

Rorschach pressed the entire key into the cube's slot with a gentle force.

next moment.

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!

The whole earth began to shake.

On the ground in front of Luo Xia and Luo Xia, huge "ice spikes" suddenly stabbed out one after another!

Those ice spikes seemed to have no pattern, just randomly stabbed out.

But it was just a blink of an eye.

A strange-shaped crystal fortress with a strong "alien style" was gathered together.

Rorschach: "..."

Isn't this thing the Fortress of Solitude!

It has always been Superman's secret base in the Arctic.

It's just because Rorschach flapped his wings, and now it has appeared in Smallville early.

"What is this?"

Clark Kent looked at the crystal fortress in front of him, his eyes widened slightly.

There was a light of surprise and excitement inside.

Kryptonian technology!

Although Clark Kent still doesn't know what this thing is.

But there is no doubt that it must be a product of Kryptonian technology.

Clark Kent originally had a little doubt in his heart about Rorschach's Kryptonian rhetoric.

But at this moment.

Clark Kent's last little doubt has completely disappeared.

He really believed that Rorschach was a Kryptonian from Krypton, just like him.

"Incredible, really incredible!"

Clark Kent was amazed.

As if Granny Liu was about to enter the Grand View Garden, he subconsciously took a step and walked in along the entrance.

Rorschach did the same.

Together with Clark Kent, he entered the Fortress of Solitude.

However, when the two walked in, the Fortress of Solitude was empty.

The imagined "ghost" of Jor-El did not appear.

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