American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 438: The Zods arrive, a new threat from the Homelanders

After a simple exchange, Rorschach and Clark Kent reached an agreement.

There was no nonsense between the two of them.

He immediately began to use his super sense, covering the entire Smallville and even several surrounding towns to search for traces of Brainiac.


Nothing was found.

"Could it be that the search range is a little small? Brainiac went to a place far away from Smallville?"

Rorschach couldn't help but think to himself.

He soon fully released his senses, and his super hearing suddenly covered the entire earth.

But still nothing was heard.

As for super vision?

Naturally, it is impossible to cover the whole world like hearing.

Compared with hearing, vision is indeed limited in terms of breadth.

One of the most basic, vision will not bend!

Rorschach's perspective cannot see through the entire earth.

Therefore, he has no way to cover the whole world like hearing.

"How about Motherland? Did you find anything?"

Clark Kent's voice sounded. He looked at Rorschach seriously and asked, "I have searched the entire metropolis and didn't hear any useful information. What about you?"

Rorschach also shook his head.

Clark Kent's face darkened slightly: "It seems that Brainiac is not in Metropolis."

"Not only is he not in the metropolis, he is not even in this country." Rorschach responded on the side.

Clark Kent was slightly stunned and couldn't help but look at Rorschach one more time.

What does the motherland mean by this? Doesn’t it mean that his detection can cover the entire country?

Clark can only cover the entire metropolis now!

But soon, Clark Kent put this useless thought behind him.

His solemn gaze fell on Rorschach: "Then, people of the motherland, I'm afraid it's up to you to find Brainiac."

In terms of perception, he was so far behind Rorschach, so naturally he had to rely more on Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded and said nothing more.

Continue to use his super hearing to cover the whole world to monitor any suspicious sound.


In the vast expanse of ice and snow.

The messy and wildly beautiful Fortress of Solitude was opened again.

Inside the fortress, stood a high-spirited figure. It was none other than Brainiac, whom Rorschach was searching for.

At this moment.

Brainiac just stood in a place with many crystals inserted in a mess.

There, there were some related consoles.

One of his hands was inserted into one of the crystals. Various data flashed through his eyes, and the huge data stream flashed non-stop.

I don’t know how long this process lasted.



After Brainiac's disdainful efforts, the originally peaceful fortress suddenly began to become "turbulent".

Huge energy flows began to gather in front of Brainiac, and an invisible energy vortex began to slowly form.

At this moment.

The data in Brainiac's eyes finally stopped flashing.

His face began to shine with excitement.

"it's time!"

Brainiac stretched out his hand excitedly, and a drop of blood seeped out from his fingertips.

no doubt.

That drop of blood was naturally not Brainiac's blood.

This thing is just an intelligent robot, where does the blood come from?

That blood was clearly the blood that Brainiac got from Da Chao.

At this critical moment, Brainiac gently touched the drop of blood into the energy vortex in front of him.


The blood suddenly seemed like water dripping onto a sponge, and was swallowed up in an instant.


But at that moment, the original energy vortex began to shine, and a space portal suddenly appeared.


However, the light only flashed by and disappeared in an instant.

In that flash of light, three figures emerged from it.

Looking around, I saw three shabby figures in shabby clothes, looking like refugees.

But at the same time, the embarrassed figures could not hide the huge momentum and mountain-like oppression emanating from these three people.

These three people are none other than the Kryptonian prisoners that Brainiac released from the Phantom Zone, the super prison of Krypton.

"Lord Ursa?"

Brainiac glanced at the three people in front of him, and the excitement on his face was slightly extinguished, "Where is Lord Zedd?"

Among the three people who were rescued, there was no Zod, the target that Brainiac wanted to rescue!

This disappointed Brainiac very much.

The only consolation is that although General Zod is not among the people released this time, they are not other irrelevant personnel.

The three people in front of them are surprisingly Zod's wife Usa, and Zod's two confidants, Noah and Adala.

"Brainiac, you did it, Zod didn't misjudge you!"

Ursa glanced around, his eyes fell on Brainiac again, and he couldn't help but nodded in approval.

"This is what I should do, but why didn't Master Zedd come out?"

Brainiac asked again unwillingly.

"The old man Jor-El had already made preparations in the Phantom Zone. Zod was blocked, and only a few of us came out."

Usa couldn't help but look cold when he thought of this.

"Lord Ursa, Jor-El's son is on this planet. We will find a way."

Brainiac was not discouraged.


Usa's eyes suddenly lit up, and he began to ask about relevant information, "Where is this place?"

"A planet called Earth."

Brainiac gave Ursa and his friends some general information about the Earth.

"Besides Kal-El, there are other Kryptonians on this planet?"

When Ursa heard the relevant information about the Homelander, his eyes became more and more playful.

"Yes, Lord Ursa, the specific identity of that Kryptonian is still unclear. We only know that his nickname is Homelander. He once snatched the Fortress of Solitude from me and gave it back to Kal-El."


Usa raised her eyebrows and thought carefully. She had never heard of this name at all.

And with her level, if she had never heard of the name, then it must not be an important character.

It must be just a small person.

After all, the life of everyone in Krypton is set in advance, and the big people are also set in advance.

Ursa couldn't have been unaware.

Of course, Brainiac also told Ursa some suspicious things about Homelander, but Ursa still believed that Rorschach was a Kryptonian.

After all, she had never heard of any race in the universe that was so highly similar to the Kryptonians.

In addition, the other party helped Kal-El to snatch the Fortress of Solitude, and this matter was already a foregone conclusion.

"Are there only these two Kryptonians? OK, Brainiac, let's clear all obstacles next!"

"I want to take this planet and give it to Zod as a gift when he comes out!"

Usa's voice followed, and she said with high spirits.

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