American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 440 The terrible Homelanders, slaughtering Kryptonians like killing chickens

"Got it, Lord Ursa!"

Noah responded immediately and walked towards Clark Kent on the ground.

Trying to get information about another Kryptonian from Clark Kent.


But at this moment, a sonic boom sounded.

Another young figure appeared in front of Ursa and the others.


Several eyes at the scene fell on that young figure.

Is this the other Kryptonian, the Homelander?

"No need, I came by myself!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach looked calm and composed.

It seemed that the people standing in front of him were not the Zod family, which belonged to the giants in the entire Krypton, but just a few unknown people.

"Are you the Homelander?"

Ursa looked Rorschach up and down and asked condescendingly.

"I am from my country, but I am not a Kryptonian."

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Rorschach explained, "If you are looking for a Kryptonian, then I tell you, you have found the wrong person."

In fact, Rorschach saw all the battles between Adara and Clark Kent.

In Rorschach's eyes, the opponent's strength is not worth mentioning at all.

He can suppress it with a flip of his hand.

But even so, Rorschach is unwilling to get involved in the war of the Kryptonians without knowing it.

Rorschach is not afraid of trouble, but it is better not to get involved in unnecessary trouble.

Although Rorschach has killed Brainiac once, the opponent is just a pawn of General Zod, or a tool.

This is naturally completely different from the official confrontation with the Zod family.

"Don't you dare to admit your own identity?"

Noah couldn't help but sneer at the side.

This Kryptonian is even funnier than Kal-El.

Although Kal-El is very weak, the opponent at least has the courage to stand up and face them.

But this Homelander in front of him?

He even used such a cowardly excuse.

"I have clearly told you that I am not a Kryptonian. Whether you believe it or not is up to you."

Rorschach only explained it once, and would not explain it a second time.

"Okay, stop this childish and useless trick!"

Ursa was too lazy to say anything more to Rorschach, and issued an ultimatum to Rorschach, "Join the Zod family and follow us to conquer this planet, or, destroy it with this planet!"

"Destroy? Just you?"

Rorschach sneered disdainfully, "I will only say once, don't provoke me, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

"Hahaha! Lord Ursa, was he threatening us just now?"

Adara, who knocked Clark Kent down, couldn't help laughing.

Ursa and Noah were the same, and they couldn't help but grin their mouths into old chrysanthemums.

A person who doesn't even dare to admit his own identity, but he made such a big talk to them, which is really laughable.

"Homelander, don't be careless!"

Clark Kent reminded Rorschach with a serious face.


Ursa's last bit of patience also disappeared.

She snorted coldly and gave Adara a ruthless order.


Adara shook his body and turned into a phantom again, rushing towards Rorschach as fast as lightning.


But the next moment.

A light sound rang out.

It was Rorschach who stretched out his hand and grabbed Adara's neck in an instant!

Then he gently exerted force and lifted the other party off the ground.

The other party kicked his feet and grabbed Rorschach's hand with both hands and struggled desperately, trying to break free from Rorschach's hand.


All his efforts were useless.

The other party simply stretched out his hand and grabbed, and it was like a mountain pressing down on him, suppressing his entire body.


"This is impossible!"

Usa and Noah's faces changed suddenly, and the sneer and disdain on their faces disappeared in an instant.

Instead, they were replaced by deep shock.

Adara was caught by the motherland at the first sight?

And he was caught in an unmatched crushing posture!

What a joke!

How could that guy be so powerful!

But this is just the beginning.


The next moment.

Rorschach grabbed Adara's right hand and exerted a little force, and the sound of broken bones sounded immediately.

Adara's head drooped weakly.


Rorschach casually stretched out his hand and threw Adara's body on the ground like throwing garbage.


The scene suddenly became quiet.

The breathing of Usa and Noah suddenly stagnated.

Looking at Rorschach, all of them were shocked and extremely fearful.


Adara was dead just like that.

Killed instantly by the other party!

Who is this Homelander?

How could his strength be so terrifying?

Not to mention Usa, even if General Zod came in person, he couldn't kill Adara instantly like killing a chicken.

"Listen, Homelander, maybe there is indeed a misunderstanding between us."

Usa's voice sounded.

Her attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and she immediately spoke to Rorschach calmly.

"I think we can talk..."


Just in the middle of speaking, Usa's voice was interrupted by a sonic boom.

Rorschach swayed and rushed towards Usa.

For Rorschach, it would be fine if he didn't take action.

But since Adala has been killed, there is no need to keep the other two Usana.

To cut the weeds, we must remove the roots!

Usa suddenly felt a huge strong wind blowing against her face, making her breathless.

Instinctively, she started to use her super speed to dodge.

But his body only shook for a moment, and he found that he couldn't move at all.

Because a hand pinched Usa's neck again.

Rorschach's hands!


Usa gasped on the spot and felt a huge wave in his heart.

Although he had just witnessed Rorschach killing Adala in an invincible manner, Ursa could not believe it at this moment.

Even she couldn't react to the speed of the people of the motherland!

Isn’t this such nonsense?

Not to mention defeating the people of the motherland, she couldn't even escape in front of the people of the motherland!

The strength of the two sides is actually so different?


But despite being shocked, Usa did not sit still and wait for death.

While trying to break free, his eyes also shot two heat rays towards Rorschach.

But Rorschach ignored it, as if he didn't see it at all.

Let those heat rays hit him.

Don't say he was injured, he didn't even frown.

It was as if the amazingly powerful heat ray was just a breeze blowing across his face.

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