American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 443 Luther's fear: We shouldn't provoke our countrymen!

Brainiac's request was reasonable, and Lex Luthor did not doubt it at all.

He did not think much about it and nodded immediately.

He agreed: "Leave this to me."

Anyway, Lex Luthor is now "cooperating" with Homelander, and there are plenty of opportunities to meet.

With Lex Luthor's wisdom, it is not a problem to get some biological samples quietly.

"In addition, the exposure of the laboratory last time has made the situation much tighter. If it is not necessary, do not contact me easily."

Brainiac once again told Lex Luthor with a serious face.

"I think there is no such opportunity."

Lex Luthor was about to speak, but another familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Lex Luthor and Brainiac's faces changed at the same time.

This voice is not unfamiliar to both of them.


It's Homelander!

"Homelander, why are you here!"

Lex Luthor's face was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on Rorschach.

But Rorschach ignored Lex Luthor.

He just looked at Brainiac leisurely: "Brainiac, do you really think you can do something to deal with me?"


Lex Luthor immediately looked at Professor Finn beside him with a puzzled look.

So, Professor Finn also has another identity?

"Homelander, you are indeed a troublesome guy."

Brainiac was not panicked, "But what can you do to me? Kill me again? What's the point?"

"The meaning is that this is the last time I kill you."

Rorschach smiled lightly, flipped his hand, and took out the crystal that Jor-El gave him.

Brainiac, who was originally confident, immediately began to look ugly.

He naturally recognized where the crystal came from.

Considering Jor-El's intelligence, Brainiac immediately judged it.

That thing could really kill him completely.


Brainiac had no more nonsense, and he shook his body, unfolded his super speed and began to escape.


But the next moment.

Brainiac suddenly crashed into an invisible energy barrier.

He could no longer move.


Rorschach gently waved at Brainiac.


Under the restraint of telekinesis, Brainiac's whole body flew towards Rorschach uncontrollably.


Rorschach waved the crystal in his hand and pierced Brainiac's chest.

Brainiac's body suddenly stiffened, as if he had been electrocuted, his mouth and eyes opened wide.

In Brainiac's eyes, a huge stream of data flashed rapidly.



This process lasted for about ten seconds.


Brainiac seemed to have a short circuit, and streams of energy like electric currents rushed out of his body.

Not only that, there were wisps of green smoke coming out of his body.



Brainiac fell to the ground and did not move.

"Isn't he human?"

Lex Luthor looked at Brainiac on the ground and was very surprised.

Because of the research on the meteorite monster, he and Professor Finn have been working together for many years.

But he never knew that Professor Finn actually had another identity!

No, this cannot be simply called another identity, he is not a human at all.

The sharp Lex Luthor immediately realized that he was very likely to be used by Professor Finn.

This made Lex Luthor, who always controlled everything and used everything behind the scenes, feel angry.

"Lex, I thought you were a wise man, but obviously, you are not as wise as I thought."

Rorschach ignored Lex Luthor's reaction at this moment.

He just stared at the other party with his eyes and said this lightly.

Although the voice was not loud, Lex Luthor opposite him immediately felt a great pressure.

"Listen to me, Homelander..."


Lex Luthor was only halfway through his words when Rorschach shot out a beam of heat rays.

It swept across Lex Luthor's arm.

Hot blood gushed out immediately.

Lex Luthor's left hand was cut off by Rorschach in an instant.


Even with Lex Luthor's superhuman will and concentration, he couldn't help but scream.

"You still have three limbs left, which means you have three more chances to do tricks. Think about it yourself."


After saying this to Lesko Luthor, Rorschach shook his body and disappeared.

Facts have proved that people like Lex Luthor really can't be polite.

After taking some more drastic measures, the other party immediately became honest.

Of course.

Rorschach also knew.

People like Lex Luthor can't really accept their fate like this.

Now he is so honest, just because he can't deal with Rorschach.

That's all.

But if the other party finds an opportunity to deal with Rorschach, he will definitely not give up.

But this kind of thing.

Rorschach didn't care at all.

He just needed Lex Luthor to fulfill his request within a period of time.


"Homelander, twenty meteorite monsters have been found, most of them were found in the towns around Smallville."

"In the recent period, the surrounding towns have been lost, I'm afraid there are not many meteorite monsters left."

One month later.

In the Luther Mansion, Lex Luthor reported the situation to Rorschach honestly.

Rorschach nodded to show that he knew.

Lex Luthor has been studying meteorite monsters for such a long time, and he has almost caught all those who should be caught.

Now he can still find twenty people, which is very good.

"Let's proceed to the next stage."

Rorschach made a decision immediately, "You and I both know that the meteorite monster is affected by the energy of kryptonite, but the energy of the meteorite monster is different from the energy of the meteorite."

"What I want you to do next is to extract the same energy from the kryptonite as the meteorite monster!"

Absorbing kryptonite to become stronger is Rorschach's ultimate secret.

He naturally won't leak it out casually.

"I will start to arrange it immediately."

Lex Luthor nodded and agreed without any nonsense.

The painful lesson of losing an arm made Lex Luthor never dare to act rashly before he was absolutely sure.

And this situation will continue for a long time.

With Rorschach's perversion, Lex Luthor will not be sure for a long, long time.

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