American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 447: The Flash and Green Arrow are captured by Homelander

Not long after throwing Green Arrow and Flash to the floor, Rorschach heard a sonic boom outside.

He shook his head slightly, showing a helpless look.


It was undoubtedly Superman again.

Superman was good in everything, except for one thing, he was too nosy.


Sure enough.

He went out and opened the door, and Clark Kent's figure came into Rorschach's sight.

Considering that there were two people lying on the floor in his house, Rorschach did not invite Clark Kent in.

Instead, he walked out of the house himself.

"Homelander, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to follow you or monitor you, but I think you understand me best, and sometimes our hearing can hear something."

"And don't misunderstand Homelander, I believe you have your own deep meaning and purpose in doing things. Although sometimes I don't agree with the means, you haven't hurt others, and I believe you will do the same this time."

"But sorry, Oliver and I are friends, so I still want to come and ask if there is any misunderstanding?"

"What do you plan to do with Oliver?"

Just as Rorschach thought, Clark Kent did come for the Green Arrow.

It's just that Clark Kent, a farm boy, actually knows a person like Oliver Queen.

It was a bit beyond Rorschach's expectations.

"Do you know Oliver?"

Rorschach asked Clark Kent this question with curiosity.

"By chance, Oliver and I were tracking the same meteorite monster, and we got to know each other."

Clark Kent explained briefly.

Rorschach understood.

That's right.

On the surface, the identities of these two people seem to be very different, but that is only from a secular perspective.

But in fact, both of them are superheroes, and they are all in the "supernatural circle".

Even if they know each other, it is not too strange.

"Homelander, no matter why you arrested Oliver, I can assure you that Oliver is a good person, and you may have some misunderstandings."

"I hope to help you solve this misunderstanding."

Clark Kent said to Rorschach again with a serious face.

"Clark, you worry too much. There is indeed a misunderstanding between Oliver and me, but I "invite" him to come here just to start a cooperation with him."

Rorschach did not hide it and told Clark Kent the truth.

After getting the answer from Rorschach himself, Clark Kent was completely relieved.

"You know, if you need help, you can come to me at any time."

Clark Kent said to Rorschach sincerely.


Rorschach was "walking" with Clark Kent outside.

In the house.

"Where is this place?"

Barry Allen woke up slowly. He checked the situation and felt a little surprised.

The speedster who knocked him unconscious didn't do anything to him?

He also took him to a civilian house instead of a secret base.


Seeing Oliver Queen lying beside him, Barry Allen walked over immediately.

He shook him gently and woke him up.

"Barry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine too."

The two sides had a brief communication and found that both of them were unharmed.

The speedster just knocked them unconscious, that's all, and didn't do anything to them.

"Barry, how could this happen? I was knocked unconscious, but why were you also knocked unconscious?"

"Please, it's not because your speed was stolen by Professor Swan, right?"

Oliver Queen stared at Barry Allen in great doubt.

"My speed was indeed stolen by Professor Swan, but I explained to you that he had no choice because the Speedster coerced him."

"Now we have reconciled, he will not steal my speed again, we will deal with the Speedster together."

Barry Allen began to explain to Oliver Queen, "The reason why I was defeated is because I met another Speedster."

Oliver Queen's expression immediately became serious: "Is it the Speedster from Earth 2 that you mentioned? He appeared again?"

But he immediately felt something was wrong: "But why didn't he kill me?"

"Oliver, that's not the Speedster, but a new Speedster."

Barry Allen explained to Oliver Queen with a serious face, "I have never seen that Speedster, he is not from Central City."

"I never knew that there were Speedsters in other places outside of Central City."

Oliver Queen spread his hands.

"So what should we do next, Oliver?"

Barry Allen looked at Oliver Queen and asked.

"The other party knocked us down, but didn't do anything to us. Instead, he brought us to this place."

"Whatever his purpose, he released the corresponding goodwill."

"You ask for my advice? My advice is to see what he wants to do."

Barry nodded, agreeing with Oliver's point of view.

No matter who the speedster is, since the speed of the other party is so fast, everything else is meaningless except for the two of them waiting here for the other party to arrive.

The opponent can catch up with them in the blink of an eye.

More importantly, the speedster obviously already knew the identities of the two of them.

They have to deal with this matter.

Otherwise, I will really feel uneasy.


The door opened at this time.

At the same time, a voice came over.

"I want to talk to you two about cooperation."

Rorschach walked up to Barry and Oliver.

"Before we cooperate, I have a question that I want to clarify first."

Oliver spoke first, staring at Rorschach, "You said before that Luther works for you?"

This issue must be clarified.

If so many of Lex Luthor's human experiments were ordered by the man in front of him, Oliver would not cooperate with such a person under any circumstances.

"That's right, but I also said that the experimental base is not the kind of base you think it is."

Rorschach just shrugged.

Then he told Oliver and Barry the true purpose of the experimental base.

After hearing this, both Oliver and Barry had looks of surprise on their faces.

Naturally, they would not believe Rorschach easily just because of his words.

But based on what they saw when they invaded that base, that base was indeed different from other Luther's experimental bases.

The treatment of the meteorite monsters is completely different.

The two of them still believed mostly in their hearts.

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