American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 450 Dachao was shocked: The people of our country are simply amazing!


Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!

With such a huge roar, the Fortress of Solitude rose from the ground again.

"Fathers, come in, I've finished talking to Joe."

Clark Kent waved to Rorschach and took him into the Fortress of Solitude.

"Father of the motherland, Clark has told me, to be honest, do you think too highly of me?"

Joel's figure immediately appeared in front of Rorschach and Clark Kent.

But Qiao El was also very confused about Rorschach's request.

to be honest.

If it were the heyday of Kryptonian civilization, Rorschach's request would really be nothing.

Joelle can just send some spaceships there.

but now?

Jor-El only has one fortress left, nothing more.

Can't even fly into space, let alone collect pieces of Krypton.

"Qiao, don't worry, let me ask you, you can tell the difference between ordinary stones and Kryptonian fragments, right?"

Rorschach looked at Joel confidently and asked.

"It's natural."

Joelle nodded without thinking.

This is indeed a small problem for him. He only needs to scan the composition of the stone.

It's a breeze.

But there is a prerequisite, which is to bring the stones that need to be scanned.

A stone in the vast starry sky, even if he, Jor-El, has great abilities, he can't do anything about it.

So the problem is back to the beginning.

How can I get it?

"This will be easy to handle."

Rorschach smiled and said, "Qiao, I have a method that may allow you to scan the entire universe."

Scan the entire universe?

What a joke!

Super artificial intelligence like Joel was stimulated by Rorschach.

As for Clark Kent?

I even felt that Rorschach was talking nonsense.

Although according to common sense, Rorschach would not joke at this time, but there was no way, what the other party said was too ridiculous.

"People of the motherland, this is impossible."

Joelle said to Rorschach with great certainty.

Not even the Kryptonian civilization at its peak could do this, let alone others.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Luo Xia smiled enigmatically and gently turned his hands.


But he saw a flash of light, and a very cool metal glove appeared in front of Rorschach out of thin air.

And on the metal glove, there are six gems of different colors, but very cool.

Infinity Gauntlet!

Surprisingly, it is the Infinity Gauntlet.

The kind full of gems.

That's right.

Rorschach plans to use the Infinity Gauntlet.

Those things in the past could be completely handled with Rorschach's ability.

But now this time, it is really beyond Rorschach's ability.

Or it will be very troublesome.

"What's this?"

Clark Kent immediately stared at the glove and asked.

Although he didn't know what the glove was, he could feel a frightening power from it.

No matter how blind you are, you can know that it is definitely not a mortal thing.

"Qiao, this thing should allow you to scan the entire universe. I will try to connect with you later, so don't resist."

Rorschach just smiled lightly at Clark Kent without explaining anything, and then greeted Jor-El seriously.

"This is impossible!"

"The amount of energy contained in this actually exceeds my calculation power!"

Joel was immediately shocked.

He is considered the top intelligent program in the entire universe, but it turns out that he can't even analyze the energy level of that thing.

One can imagine how terrifying the energy contained on it is.

Before seeing the Infinity Stones with his own eyes, Joel couldn't believe that there could be something with such a high energy level in the world.

"So, can we get started?"

Rorschach didn't say any nonsense and directly put the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand.


A huge force acted immediately.

But now Rorschach's physical fitness is much stronger than Thanos.

The burden of all gems is nothing to him.

Before Jor-El could say anything, Rorschach immediately began to activate the power of the six Infinity Stones.


The gem on the glove suddenly flashed with light, and Rorschach was instantly connected to Jor-El.

And through the power of the Mind Stone, he and Qiao El were also connected together.

All of Qiao El's data were thoroughly reviewed by Rorschach.

Joel himself is also completely under Rorschach's control.

What Joel can do, Rorschach can also do!

It's equivalent to Rorschach possessing Jor-El.

Then, its abilities were strengthened countless times.


In an instant, Rorschach scanned the specific coordinates of Krypton.

Then using that coordinate as the center, the stones suspended in the surrounding space were scanned.

All the meteorite fragments were screened out in an instant.

Another thought.



A huge mountain rises from the ground in the North Pole.

That big mountain turned out to be all the fragments of Krypton.

"OK, done!"

Rorschach was satisfied and disconnected from Jor-El, and also took back the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Homelander, what happened just now?"

Jor-El looked at Rorschach in shock and asked.

Just now, he had completely lost control and completely turned into a puppet of another super program.

How super?

If Jor-El is a mountain, then that super program is a planet!

There is absolutely no comparison.

Fortunately, Homelander didn't plan to do anything to him, otherwise, Jor-El would be a lamb to be slaughtered.

There was no power to resist at all.

"Homelander, what did you do?"

Clark Kent walked to the door and looked at the mountain that suddenly appeared, shocked beyond words.

He could naturally guess that the mountain must be the fragments of the exploded Krypton.

But it was too scary to bring it from space to the earth in the blink of an eye?

If Clark Kent hadn't seen this kind of thing with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

A moment.

Clark Kent's fear of Rorschach went up a level again.

No, it should be said that it went up to the eighteenth level.

He had always known that Homelander was an unfathomable man.

But the scene before him still shattered Clark Kent's three views.

"Not bad, very good."

Rorschach also walked out of the Fortress of Solitude.

He looked at the mountain outside and couldn't help showing a very satisfied smile on his face.


They are all the battery materials for his own strength.

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