American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 452 Homelander: Flash, do you think you are important?

"People of the motherland!"

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared, Barry's expression suddenly changed slightly.

The people of the motherland are really here!

Came so fast.

Unfortunately, Barry really doesn't want such a big devil to come to Central City.

Midtown is already chaotic enough, it's like a mess.

If another speedster appeared that was far faster than himself, Barry would be really powerless.

I am afraid that the situation in Central City will no longer be controllable.

"People of the motherland, why are you here?"

Barry stared at Rorschach and spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't look at me like that. In fact, I'm here to help you."

Rorschach spread his hands with a nonchalant expression, "I'm here to deal with Speed."

Barry was slightly stunned.

When Rorschach asked him about Zoom before, Barry could sense that the people of his motherland were paying special attention to Zoom.

But why the people of the motherland pay attention to top speed is uncertain. It is possible that it is an enemy or a friend.

And now.

Barry got the answer in the affirmative.

It's the enemy.

I have to say, this is exciting news.

But considering the behavior of the people of the motherland, Barry was obviously hesitant.

Barry really doesn't want to cooperate with such a murderous guy.

Sisko and the others were very excited.

Especially Dr. Harrison.

Originally, he was thinking about how to cooperate with the people of his motherland to deal with Ji Suo together.

It turned out to be better this time, so I didn't have to worry about it anymore.

The purpose of the people of the motherland is the same as theirs.

"So people from the motherland~"

Dr. Harrison immediately stood up and extended his hand to Rorschach, "Welcome to join."

"Wait a minute Dr. Harrison, don't we need to discuss this?"

Barry immediately shouted to everyone on the side.

"Barry, I have made my attitude clear. No matter what you choose, I choose to cooperate with the people of the motherland."

"As for you? Let's discuss it."

Dr. Harrison said firmly to Barry and the others.

"Actually, I only need to cooperate with Dr. Harrison. It's all up to you whether I take Dr. Harrison away or stay here."

Rorschach also spread his hands.

His purpose in coming to Midtown was just to steal extreme speed.

And it was Dr. Harrison who did this.

Everyone else on Team Flash is dispensable to Rorschach.

If so, Rorschach's movements would be easier.

But if not, it's not a big problem, just a little troublesome.

Barry walked to the side with Sisko and Catherine and quickly exchanged opinions.

"OK! People of the motherland, we have a condition."

After some discussion, Barry turned back and said, "This operation does not require any more deaths."

"I can't guarantee that."

Luo Xia spread his hands, "After all, if someone wants to die, you can't stop him."

If someone really offended Rorschach, Rorschach would naturally slap him to death.

There is nothing to say about this.

"Barry, I think the people of the motherland are saying that if no one messes with him, the people of the motherland will not mess around."

Sisko immediately spoke for Rorschach.

In fact, except for Barry, several other people are very welcome to cooperate with Rorschach.

Barry looked at everyone and understood what everyone was thinking.

He also knew that this kind of verbal guarantee was meaningless at all, so he didn't say anything more in the end.

The two sides waited and reached a temporary agreement.

Needless to say, everyone began to discuss how to deal with the speed.

"People of the motherland, since we are now on a united front, I think we need to do a test on you first. We need to know how fast you are."

Dr. Harrison made such a suggestion to Rorschach.

Considering the current situation, there is nothing wrong with Dr. Harrison's suggestion.

"No need, I can tell you my speed, five thousand meters per second."

Rorschach waved his hand and refused, and also told everyone that he had reduced his speed by half.

even so.

The scene immediately erupted with gasps of air.

Everyone is Barry's senior comrade-in-arms, and they know that Barry's speed is one thousand meters per second.

As a result, this native of the motherland was five times faster than Barry!

This is too amazing.

"Are you actually... so fast?"

Barry himself was greatly stimulated.

Only a speedster like him knows that the higher the speed, the harder it becomes.

When he first gained top speed, it was very, very easy to increase his speed by a few hundred meters per second or something.

It can be achieved with a little training.

But what about now?

The speed has been maintained at one thousand meters per second for more than half a year, and there is no progress!

It's really hard for Barry to imagine what kind of speedster can make himself that fast.

"Five thousand meters per second? That's really cool!"

Sisko and the others became excited.

With freaks like the people from the motherland, there is naturally a lot more chance of winning against the speed.

"If you, a native of the motherland, can reach this speed, then your speed is very likely to exceed the top speed."

Dr. Harrison's eyes were full of light.

"Then, Homelander, come with us to Earth 2!"

Katherine's voice sounded, and she immediately looked at Rorschach with sparkling eyes and spoke.

Before Rorschach came, Barry and a few others were discussing going to Earth 2 to save Dr. Harrison's daughter.

At this moment, with the addition of a freak like Rorschach, the chances of winning are naturally greater.

Others naturally had no objections.

Rorschach naturally agreed with both hands.

Everyone quickly reached a consensus.

However, before the official departure, Rorschach made a request to Dr. Harrison: "Dr. Harrison, you once stole Barry's speed, and I need you to do this again."

"Your goal is extreme speed!"

Dr. Harrison reacted immediately.

Others at the scene also suddenly realized it.

But because of this, the Flash team that had temporarily accepted Rorschach was all in hesitation.

They were all a little unable to accept this kind of thing.

After all, they are members of the Flash team, so they naturally know how terrible the power of the speedster is.

Once this power is obtained by non-humans, it will cause a huge disaster to the world.

Speed ​​is a living example.

And Homelander?

He doesn't look like a good person at all.

The people in Barry's team are really unwilling to help Rorschach strengthen his strength.

"Forget it, I said it before, I only need Dr. Harrison."

Rorschach shook his head at a glance, and just focused his eyes on Dr. Harrison, "What's your choice, Doctor?"

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