American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 454 The Flash is completely stunned: Is this the true speed of Homelander?

"All right."

After Barry pondered for a moment, he nodded.

Ji Speed ​​has traveled to Earth One many times to deal with him. When the other party learns that he appears on Earth Two, it is indeed very likely that he will be alarmed.

And now.

With such a powerful speedster like a native of the motherland, Barry still has the confidence and speed to fight hard.


With the sound of this sonic boom, the Bari people disappeared, leaving only a cool red lightning.

Swish, swish, swish!

The red lightning began to shine rapidly in the middle city of Earth 2.

At this moment, Rorschach's super hearing also covered the entire Earth 2 again.

"The Flash? Is it Barry Allen from Earth-1?"

"This is unreasonable, that guy is looking for death!"

Not long after, Rorschach's eyes suddenly lit up.

He finally heard what he wanted to hear.

"I found top speed."

After saying this to Harrison and others, Rorschach had no nonsense.

His body swayed and he suddenly disappeared.

"Is this the speed of the people of the motherland?"

"It's really much faster than Barry!"

Sisko's face immediately showed a look of wonder, and he murmured a sigh.

The same goes for Dr. Harrison and Catherine.

They looked at each other and saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

"It seems that the people of the motherland did not lie."

Catherine also sighed.


The speed of both Barry and the people of the motherland is beyond the scope of human eyes.

It is impossible for ordinary people to see any difference.

But the air flow stirred up by the motherland is much stronger than Barry, which explains the problem.


Just when Sisko and the others were sighing, Rorschach's figure had already appeared in the middle city of Earth 2.

Swish, swish, swish!

At this moment, two lightning bolts, one red and one blue, were intertwining with each other in the middle city, constantly rushing through the city.

There is no doubt that it is the Flash Barry and Speedy.

"Flash, who gave you the courage to come to my universe?"

Speed ​​caught up with the Flash in the blink of an eye, his voice full of coldness, "Your speed broke through? No, you are still so slow!"

The Flash ignored Zoom's taunt.

He just gritted his teeth and used his speed to the extreme, trying to get rid of the extreme speed.

But the Flash soon discovered to his dismay that no matter how fast he was, he couldn't get away from Zoom.

The other party is like a dog-skin plaster, clinging to him.

"Quick Speed, don't be complacent, someone will deal with you today."

The Flash finally snorted at Zoom.

"Someone can deal with me? Who? Who can deal with me? Between our two universes, I am the fastest!"

Jisu snorted coldly.


But before he finished speaking, a sonic boom sounded.

At the same time, a figure appeared next to him in the blink of an eye.

Ji Su was surprised on the spot.

Another speedster!

He immediately turned around and saw an extremely young face appearing in front of him.

The other party actually didn't wear a mask at all and didn't cover his face.

"Who are you?"

Speedster asked, looking at Rorschach.

But the surprise was soon replaced by overwhelming surprise.

Another speedster appears, good, I can steal one more person's speed.

"Is this your speed? Extreme speed? Like a snail!"

Rorschach curled his lips in disdain, the disdain on his face was undisguised.

While saying these words to Ji Su, Rorschach had already used his telekinesis to wrap the "Speed ​​Stealer" and attached it to Ji Su's body silently.


Jisu snorted coldly, his speed suddenly increased, and the person suddenly disappeared.

In an instant, the Flash was far away.

However, Luo Xia's body swayed and he suddenly disappeared.

He followed Ji Su steadily without being separated by an inch.

As for The Flash?

He was also dumped out of sight a long time ago.

"Not bad, you are much stronger than that loser Flash!"

There was also a look of surprise on Jisu's face. He had already increased his speed to two thousand meters per second.

This speed is already twice that of the Flash.

But I didn't expect that this new speedster could keep up.

"Let me see how fast you are!"

Ji Su became more competitive and began to speed up.

Three thousand meters, four thousand meters, and finally four thousand five hundred meters.

And this is already the fastest speed.

But even so, he still didn't get rid of Rorschach at all.

"Are you actually... so fast! Who are you!"

Jisu couldn't hide the surprise in his heart.

You know, the reason why his speed is so fast is the result of constantly stealing the speed of others.

Before forcing Dr. Harrison to steal Barry's speed for him, this guy had already harvested the Flash from another universe!

This has led to the achievement of several top speeds in the universe!

But why is this strange guy so fast?


The opponent's speed should be faster.

Because the top speed is actually very, very reluctant now, and it is overloaded.

He used all his abilities.

But looking back at the guy next to him, he was still so relaxed and effortless.

"People of the motherland, remember my name."

Rorschach told Speedy his name, "This name will be your next nightmare!"

"Hmph, I don't believe I can't beat you!"

Ji Speed ​​gritted his teeth and used all his strength to try to get rid of Rorschach.

But it was impossible to do it.

"Is this... the speed of the top speed and the speed of the people of the motherland?"

The Flash, who saw Zoom and Rorschach chasing each other with his own eyes, was completely stunned.

He knew that the top speed was faster than him, and he also knew that the people of his motherland were faster than him, but he never thought that the other party would be so much faster than him!

With the two running at full speed, Flash felt like he was chasing a luxury car on a bicycle.

It's so powerless.

So far out of reach.

He tried his best, but he could only chase people from a distance to watch the fun, that's all.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Under the shocking gaze of the Flash, the Flash and Speedy began to chase each other in Midtown.

Swish, swish, swish!

Swish, swish, swish!

Round and round, round and round.

Until Ji Su stopped out of breath and could no longer run.

"Quick Speed, you have to work harder!"

After Jisu said such arrogant words, Luo Xia swayed and disappeared.

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