American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 456: Rapid increase in strength, return to the Marvel world

"Haha, have you seen that speed?"

"What do you think about Zoom wearing a mask, Cisco?"

"Why can't we see his voice and body movements? He was scared to death by the people of his motherland!"

"This is a day to remember."

"We no longer have to be afraid of extreme speeds."

Earth One, a cutting-edge technology laboratory.

The atmosphere at the scene was great.

Whether it is the two technicians Cisco and Catherine, the core character Barry, or Dr. Harrison and his daughter.

Everyone's face was red and they were extremely excited.

After such a long time, they finally truly defeated Extreme Speed ​​once and got rid of the fear of being dominated by Extreme Speed ​​for a long time.

Even though they weren't the one to defeat Zoom, it was still a good thing.

"Thank you, my motherland. Without Qi, I would not be able to reunite with my daughter."

Dr. Harrison came to Rorschach from the bottom of his heart and thanked Rorschach.

"You're welcome, Doctor, I just fulfilled my promise, that's all."

Rorschach shrugged lightly.

"Speaking of promises, my motherland, don't worry, I will help you do whatever I promise you."

Dr. Harrison also said seriously to Rorschach.

He agreed to help Rorschach steal extreme speed, and this matter is only the beginning.

Likewise, it will be a long process.

During this long period of time, Dr. Harrison will continue to provide technical support to Rorschach.

"I believe you, Doctor."

Rorschach nodded, and then glanced at the people in Barry, "Everyone, I'm going to take a step first, but I believe we will meet again soon."


After saying hello to everyone, Luo Xia swayed and disappeared.

Returning to his base, the first thing Rorschach did was to come to a terminal device full of technology.

On that equipment, there were several "glass tubes" impressively loaded.

Crack, crackle!

At this moment, inside one of the "glass tubes", there was extremely dazzling lightning shining non-stop.

That was clearly the speed stolen from Extreme Speed's body.

Or, according to Rorschach's speculation, it should be the Speed ​​Force.

But whether it is or is not, we can only wait until next time to experience it for ourselves.

Rorschach just doesn't have any nonsense.

With great anticipation, the "glass tube" was installed into the injection gun that had been prepared long ago.


Suddenly the lightning struck into his body.


In an instant, Rorschach immediately felt an unspeakable huge force pouring into his body.

Crack, crackle!

There were also streaks of lightning flashing out of his body.

But soon, the lightning was quickly absorbed like water dripping onto a sponge.


It's business as usual.

"Is this the end?"

Rorschach spread his hands slightly.

The mysterious speed force, like another world, did not appear in front of him.

Nothing happened.

However, Rorschach tried it next and was extremely happy to find that his speed had indeed become faster.

Compared with the original, it is almost three hundred meters per second faster.

Although it is more than 300 meters per second, it is nothing compared to Rorschach's current speed.

But don’t forget, Rorschach achieved this in just a few minutes!

Considering this efficiency, it is quite remarkable.

Rorschach believed that with the continuous harvest of extreme speed, his speed would continue to get faster and faster.

This is also an important reason why Rorschach temporarily let go of Speed.

He wants to keep this high-quality leek and harvest it slowly.

As for whether what was stolen from Speed ​​was the Speed ​​Force, Rorschach still doesn't know.

But this possibility cannot be ruled out.

You must know that even the Flash did not become faster because he gained the Speed ​​Force, but gained the Speed ​​Power after becoming faster.

It is possible that the Speed ​​Force is temporarily "dormant" in Rorschach's body, and can be captured by Rorschach again at the right time.

"Thinking about it this way, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Thinking of this, Luo Xia couldn't help but bring up a smile.

In the following days, Rorschach's life began to become full and busy.

Although he is based in Midtown, Star City and Smallville have not ignored him.

After all, the experiments on both Lex Luthor and Oliver Queen are equally important to Rorschach.

Fortunately, Rorschach has super speed, so distance is not a problem for him at all.

that's all.

While supervising two important experiments, he continued to harvest speed from Extreme Speed.

It's just so plain and boring.

Nothing worth mentioning.

It was not until half a year later that Rorschach squeezed all the value out of Speed.

A full four thousand meters per second speed was harvested from the opponent.

Rorschach's speed now reaches 14,000 meters per second.

I have to say that such an increase in half a year is very, very scary.

A year later, Lex Luthor's experiment finally succeeded.

The other party completely stripped away the toxins in the kryptonite.

Rorschach naturally had nothing to say, and absorbed all the stockpiled kryptonite in one breath.

He immediately gained the equivalent of 200,000 origin points!

His strength has undoubtedly made another leap.

The strength has reached 30,000 tons, and the speed has reached 20,000 meters per second!

The only trouble is Oliver Queen.

It took the other party four years to finally complete Rorschach's request.

Successfully used Krypton fragments to synthesize kryptonite.

It is worth mentioning that during this process, Rorschach had already handed over Lex Luthor's research results to Oliver Queen.

The kryptonite that Oliver Queen finally synthesized does not need to go through the purification step.

It can be done in one step and directly absorbed by Rorschach.

It is perfect.

At this time, Rorschach made a decision.

"It's time to go back!"

Calculating the time, I have traveled from the Marvel world, and six years have passed in a blink of an eye!

This time is not short.

Now that the current work has been completed, it is time to go back and take a look.

After making up his mind, Rorschach did not say anything nonsense.

He took all the technical information from Oliver and Luther, and then took out the Infinity Gauntlet.

Click, click, click!

A space channel was immediately opened by Rorschach.

He did not say anything nonsense, stepped into it, and disappeared immediately.

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