American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 463: Traveling through the universe? It's like everyone can do it

There was no way Miss America could not be surprised.

Even more surprised than Doctor Strange from another dimension.

After all, she knows Wanda's power better than Doctor Strange from another dimension.

The other party has been chasing her through more than a dozen parallel universes.

If it weren't for a critical moment, Miss America's ability to be both flexible and unpredictable would not be lost, allowing her to escape to other parallel universes in time.

Miss America has been killed long ago!

It is no exaggeration to call him the greatest demon king in the multiverse.

No one in any universe can stop it.


The young man in front of me actually defeated that big devil?

Miss America really couldn't accept it for a while.

"add another point."

While Miss America was surprised, the voice of Doctor Strange from another dimension sounded again, "It's not just as simple as defeating it, but defeating it in a dozen seconds."

Defeat Wanda in ten seconds?

Miss America almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

This sounds even more nonsense.

But although she found it emotionally unbelievable, intellectually, Miss America also knew that Doctor Strange from another dimension could not lie to herself.

No matter how incredible she thought it was, it must be an indisputable fact that Wanda was defeated by the young man in front of her.

"Is this true? Great! That woman has finally been defeated!"

After digesting it for a while, Miss America laughed out loud with excitement.

"But why do you want to help us? What are your conditions?"

Miss America then asked Rorschach with her eyes fixed on her.

During her life in exile in the parallel universe, many people took the initiative to help her because they could not sit back and watch Wanda cause trouble in the world.

But there are also many people who are utilitarian.

Miss America is not sure which country the person in front of her belongs to.

"I do have conditions, but my conditions are only good for you and have no harm."

Rorschach confidently said to Miss America, "I need you to work for Clarko."

Miss America immediately hesitated.

Her abilities are a little too unbelievable. If she is mastered by someone with evil intentions, it will be a disaster for the multiverse.

"I know what you're worried about, but I'm not the kind of person you think."

Rorschach laughed. He thought for a while and made a suggestion to Miss America, "Well, I'll give you a day to think about it, and you can also take this opportunity to understand who I am."

After saying this to the other party, Luo Xia didn't say any more nonsense.

After greeting Charles, he left the Illuminati base.

Doctor Strange and Miss America from another dimension were undoubtedly released by the Illuminati.

Freedom restored.

When the two of them walked on the bustling street, they both still had an unreal feeling.

Those people from the Illuminati went to great lengths to capture him, but in the end, after helping him to block Wanda, they let him go?

"Strange, what should we do next?"

Miss America subconsciously asked Doctor Strange from another dimension for his opinion.

"I think we can consider the proposal of the motherland."

Doctor Strange from another dimension said to Miss America without hesitation.

After Miss America pondered for a while, she also nodded.

The people of the motherland were her only chance to get rid of Wanda, and Miss America didn't want to miss it in vain.

Ever since.

in the coming time.

Miss America and Doctor Strange from another dimension began to investigate the relevant information about Rorschach.

After checking it out, my worries were completely dispelled.

Homelander is not the bad guy they feared, but a superhero who has saved the world many times.

What do the two of them have to hesitate about now?

Both came to Krakow.

The staff of Craco immediately brought him to Rorschach.

"So, you've thought it through? America?"

Rorschach asked, looking at Miss America with a smile on his face.

"I've thought it through."

Miss America nodded heavily, "Actually, I have no choice now."

"Trust me America, you won't regret this decision."

The chief butler, Raven, spoke to Miss America very confidently.

Considering that Miss America is about to become a Krakow, Raven's attitude towards Miss America is quite enthusiastic.

"So, Motherland, what are you going to do next?"

Doctor Strange from another dimension spoke at this time, "You and I both know that Wanda will not give up, and she will do it again."

"I know, so I plan to completely solve this trouble."

Rorschach nodded and stood up.

Then he gently turned his hand.


Doctor Strange and Miss America from another dimension suddenly felt their eyes dazzled.

Then he saw something more in Rorschach's hand.

The expressions on their faces suddenly froze.

Especially Doctor Strange from another dimension, who almost made his eyes pop out.

"Infinity Gauntlet! Still an Infinity Gauntlet full of gems!"

Doctor Strange from another dimension screamed out in surprise, unable to remain calm at all.

In this universe, is it actually the people of the motherland who have collected the infinite stones?

But not only has he not been rejected by the superheroes on Earth, he also has such high prestige!

It seems that most of them didn't snap their fingers.

So the question is, why do people in the motherland collect gems?

Doctor Strange from another dimension can be said to be full of questions.

But Rorschach had no intention of solving his doubts, so he put on the Infinity Gauntlet and thought about it.

Click, click, click!

A space shuttle door appeared immediately.

"It turns out you can travel through parallel universes!"

Miss America was really stimulated.

Fortunately, she was worried before that the people of the motherland were planning to use her abilities to do evil.

As a result, I was just being sentimental.

She can travel through parallel universes on her own, so why do she need to plot her abilities?

Miss America is getting more relieved.

"Anxin is waiting here."

After saying these words to Miss America, Rorschach stepped into the shuttle door.

"Wait a moment."

Miss America gritted her teeth and followed suit.

"I will definitely regret doing this."

Doctor Strange from another dimension shook his head, sighed, and followed suit.

Rorschach didn't stop him.

When the two came to him, they used the infinite gems to close the space shuttle door.


In the blink of an eye, three people appeared in the universe of the Blackened Scarlet Witch.

"Let's go and have a nice chat with Wanda."

Rorschach waved to the two of them, looking relaxed and at ease.

It's like going to catch up with an old friend.

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