American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 487 Quantum frenzy, even the people of our country are troubled

"I will!"

"I will definitely do it!"

Miss America glanced at the judges, then glanced at Rorschach, and said this to everyone.


Without any delay, she swung her fist.


Accompanied by such a sound like glass breaking.

A five-pointed space door with a flashing blue light immediately appeared in front of Miss America.


Waves of waves came suddenly.

Everyone could see clearly that the other side of the space door was the boundless sea.

Although it is unknown whether the other universe is a universe with only X-Men but no Avengers as Miss America claimed.

But at least, the location is indeed the sea.

And the space door came out with one punch, smooth and mature.

This is enough to show that Miss America is very proficient in controlling her own abilities.

The X-Men were too lazy to explore what the other universe was.

Just by looking at the situation in front of her, she silently made a judgment in her heart.


The White Queen spoke first.

Just when she was about to say something to Miss America, an accident happened at this moment.

But she saw that the space door opened by Miss America began to flash violently.

It seemed to have become something similar to pixels, flashing non-stop.

It was like the picture jumping when the TV signal was not good.

What's going on?

The smile on Miss America's face also froze for a moment.

She turned her head and looked at the space door in front of her, also confused.

"I don't know what this is."

"I swear, I have never encountered this situation before."

Miss America tried to explain to the X-Men.

But just after she finished speaking, the space door suddenly flashed out, and a large and terrifying energy flow came out.

It was not the ordinary energy flow, but the colorful, dazzling energy flow that was bright enough to blind people.

Rorschach was caught off guard and his eyes were flashed.

And when Luo Xia quickly adjusted himself.


The energy flow came from the space gate like a tide, and it exploded in an instant.

It also released a terrifying energy, sweeping towards everyone like a raging wave.

"Not good!"

Luo Xia subconsciously released his telekinesis, forming a terrifying telekinesis wall, trying to block the energy flow.

But something happened to Luo Xia.

The telekinesis that has always been successful failed this time.

It didn't block the terrifying energy at all!

It was as if Luo Xia's telekinesis and the majestic energy were completely two dimensions, and the two sides did not affect each other.


In an instant.

The huge energy was like a wave, hitting everyone at the scene.

Miss America, needless to say, she was standing in the space gate and was the first to bear the brunt of it.

As early as when Luo Xia's eyes were flashed, he was sucked into the energy.

Completely disappeared.

As for the White Queen, Wolverine and other X-Men, they were also sucked by the huge force and flew towards the vortex behind the space gate.

What about Rorschach?

Same thing!

"What's going on?"

Rorschach was also shocked.

His adrenaline surged, and he felt a sense of tension and crisis for the first time in a long time.

Since Rorschach became stronger and stronger, and his strength has stood at the top of the universe, he has not encountered such a crisis for a long time.

But Rorschach did not feel panic.

At that critical moment, the power in his body burst out all of a sudden.

He stepped out with both feet and started his speed.


A sonic boom sounded.


Rorschach's super speed of 25,000 meters per second played a role at this time.

He broke free from the huge suction acting on him and successfully escaped to the side.


But it was also at this moment that the suction had been completely gathered into the space gate and disappeared completely.

The White Queen, Wolverine, Cyclops, Raven and other X-Men.

And the "quasi-X-Men" Miss America, all of them, their figures completely disappeared.


The space door opened by Miss America also disappeared.

The scene suddenly became empty, as if nothing had happened.

Rorschach's face suddenly became gloomy. He glanced around and frowned slightly.

What happened just now?

What kind of energy is that unknown energy?

Why did such an accident happen when Miss America opened the space door this time?


With these thoughts, Rorschach shook his body and disappeared on the spot.

He called Hank over at the fastest speed.

Hank brought the best scientific research team of Krako to conduct a careful investigation and analysis of the scene.

His brows frowned quickly.

His face also became extremely solemn.

"Rorschach, good news, Raven and the others should be fine."

After Hank came to a conclusion, he came to Rorschach and reported to him.

"So what's the bad news?"

Rorschach glanced at Hank and asked with great confidence.

He was so familiar with Hank that he knew what Hank was going to say to him when he saw Hank like this.

Sure enough, Hank immediately shook his head and sighed, "The bad news is that I detected a large amount of quantum energy residue at the scene. If my inference is correct, they should have entered the quantum field."

"The energy wave you encountered should be a quantum energy tide."

Quantum field?

Rorschach immediately had an impulse to bet on the dog.

Even at his current level, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness in front of the mysterious field of the quantum field.

Because the collar field is completely different from the world we are familiar with.

The basic laws and basic rules within it may be very different.

That is another completely different unknown world.

Just look at the example of Hank Pym.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hank Pym is the authority in the quantum field in the entire Marvel Universe.

Even though there are all kinds of other top scientists in this world, Hank may not be ranked compared to those scientists, but in the field of quantum, even Tony Stark may not be comparable.

But Hank is still helpless in the face of the quantum field.

After so many years, it was only by relying on the connection between Scott Lang and Janet that he rescued his wife.

In the face of this situation, how can Rorschach be sure that he can rescue Raven, the White Queen and others?

"I don't quite understand, Hank, America just opened the space gate on the sea surface, why is there a quantum energy tide?"

After a moment of hesitation, Rorschach asked Hank such a question.

Is someone conducting quantum experiments on the seabed?

It can't be such a coincidence.

Rorschach remembers clearly that the sea surface on the other side of the space gate was not affected!

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