American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 497: Quantum Realm Ruler, Another Conqueror Kang

"Misunderstanding, this is all misunderstanding!"

"I know a big devil rules you here, which makes you nervous, but he is definitely not, OK?"

"He is from the motherland, just like me, he is from outside."

Scott Lang explained to Janlato seriously.

After hearing this, Janlato walked in front of Rorschach and looked him up and down carefully.

After some observation, she did find that the man in front of her did not look like the Conqueror Kang's man.

That's right.

The big devil who ruled the quantum field in Scott Lang's mouth was Conqueror Kang.

Of course, it was not the Kang in the Time Administration, but another Kang.

Twenty years ago, Kang was exiled to the quantum field by other Kangs, but unexpectedly, the big devil was indeed not covered.

In just twenty years, he completely conquered the quantum field and became the king of the quantum field.

So what about the natives of the quantum field?

Some people surrendered to Kang and accepted Kang's rule, but there were also people who had been resisting Kang.

Janlato and Quazi are the leaders of the resistance.

And this tribe is actually a base of the resistance.

Moreover, because Kang himself came from the outside world, the attitude of the resistance towards outsiders is more understandable.

"You and Lang are both from the outside?"

Janlato stared at Rorschach and asked with a serious face.

Because of the language barrier, Scott Lang translated the whole time.

"That's right."

"Why did you come?"

"Several of my friends were accidentally involved here, and I came to find them back."

"Then why did you come to me?"

"I found a few 'fellow villagers' and came to understand the situation."

After asking a few key questions, Janlato immediately turned his questioning eyes to Quazi on the side.

"What he said is true."

But Quazi nodded immediately.

Janlato couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this perverted guy was really sent by Kang, their tribe might really be lost.

This man defeated dozens of elite warriors in the blink of an eye, which was too terrifying.

"You can rest here, but after that, you need to leave!"

"You have half an hour."

"And Lang, you two too!"

After understanding clearly, Janlato made a decision.

She said seriously to Rorschach and Scott Lang and his daughter.

The entire quantum field was controlled by Conqueror Kang, and outsiders breaking in here must not be hidden from Kang's eyes.

As for Kang, as an outsider, he will definitely send people to capture those outsiders.

Because Kang himself has been looking for a way out!

There is Scott Lang in front and Homelander behind, which brings them too much risk.

Janlato really dare not take such a risk.

Scott Lang was helpless. He originally wanted to use the resources of the indigenous people to find his wife and family.

But now, there is no way.

He can only accept it silently.

"Homelander, well, if you want to find your companions, I think there is a great possibility that they were captured by Kang the Conqueror."

After Janrato left, Scott Lang began to introduce the situation to Rorschach.

Rorschach just learned some basic information about the quantum field.

He was still a little surprised about this. He didn't expect that there was a Conqueror Kang in this field.

As for Scott Lang?

Rorschach also learned a little about his situation.

The reason why the other party came to the quantum field was also an accident.

It was because Scott Lang's daughter, Cassie Lang, invented a "quantum detector" that can detect the quantum field.

Who would have thought that just after the instrument was turned on, a family of five was sucked into the quantum field.

"Conqueror Kang?"

Rorschach nodded and knew it in his heart, "Lang, thank you for telling me all this, but I think I should go now."

Since he had learned everything he wanted to know, Rorschach naturally had nothing to stay for.

Whether Raven and the others were captured by Kang or not, this was a direction of investigation that Rorschach naturally could not miss.

"Wait a minute."

Scott Lang also caught up and stopped Rorschach, "Are you going to find Kang? I'll go with you. Hope might also fall into Kang's hands."


Rorschach agreed after a brief thought.

Strictly speaking, it was he who implicated Scott Lang.

Originally, the tribe of Janlato had reluctantly accepted Scott as an outsider, but who would have thought that it would be destroyed by Rorschach all of a sudden.

In addition, everyone had the same goal, so it was not impossible to go with Lang.



Just when they were about to say goodbye to Janlato and leave the tribe, at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously and saw a large number of high-tech spaceships covering the sky.

Flew over the tribe.



The dense rain of bullets immediately bombarded everyone in the base.

"We've been discovered!"

"Kang's fleet, it's Kang's fleet!"

"It's all the fault of those outsiders, they led Kang here!"

The base exploded all of a sudden, and the rebels, who were shocked and angry, kept cursing.

While frantically dodging the fleet's firepower attack, they hurriedly gathered their forces to counterattack and evacuate.

"Lang! We meet again!"

Among those fleets, a "big-headed monster" with an extremely large head flew in front of everyone.

He spoke to Scott Lang with a sneer on his face.

This person is none other than a super villain in Marvel, MODOK.

So why does MODOK know Ant-Man?

That's because MODOK is the villain in "Ant-Man 1", the Wasp Warrior Darren Kraus.

At the end of "Ant-Man 1", Scott Lang destroyed Darren's Wasp suit, causing Darren to be sucked into the quantum field.

As a result, Darren was not destined to die and fell into the hands of the Conqueror Kang.

And was transformed by Kang into a super soldier, MODOK.

"Darren? How did you become like this?"

"Why is your head so big!"

Scott Lang almost popped his eyes out when he saw his former "old friend" become like this.

It would have been better if he didn't mention it. Once he mentioned it, MODOK was immediately angry.

If it weren't for you, would I become like this?

"Darren? I am MODOK now! The ultimate killing machine!"


MODOK sneered and blasted Scott Lang with an extremely powerful energy attack.

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