American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 57: Rapid increase in strength, body of steel


Following the words of the Siren, Darwin, the Ravager and others all turned their eyes to Raven.

Even Charles couldn't help but look at Raven twice more.

Based on the appearance and abilities of Raven and Copycat, no one would believe that the two had no relationship.

"I don't know, I don't know her at all!"

Raven was a little at a loss when everyone looked at her, and immediately shook her head to explain to everyone.

"It seems that you are the other person who can change your appearance?"

Copycat couldn't guess this now, and she stared at Raven with interest.

But before she finished speaking, Eric, who was in a fierce mood, came to Copycat.

He grabbed Copycat's neck and shouted in a deep voice: "Where is Xiao, tell me! Where is Xiao!"

At this moment, Eric looked like a beast that wanted to eat people, with a hint of ferocity, and the murderous intent on his body was not concealed.

He just pinched Copycat's neck and pressed the other party hard on a car on the side of the road.

"I... don't know, I don't know at all!"

Copycat yelled at Eric with great effort.

"Nonsense! Don't lie to me! You and Xiao have the same ability, you must have a different relationship with him, tell me!"

Eric's hand strength increased by three points, pinching Copycat's face with blue veins exposed, in pain.

"Eric, that's enough!"

"Stop it now!"

"You're going to kill her!"

Charles couldn't stand it anymore, he hurried forward to pull Eric away, "Leave this matter to me, okay? You know I have the ability to read minds, right?"

Eric let go of Copycat reluctantly.

"Since you made a device to isolate telepathy, you must know my ability, right?"

Charles came to Copycat in place of Eric, "So, you know you can't lie in front of me."

"Come on, start, just read my memory and see if I'm lying!" Copycat didn't care at all.

Charles put his hand on his temple and activated his ability on Copycat.

One after another, related pictures appeared in front of Charles.

His face turned very ugly.

Because what the copycat said was true, the other party really didn't know where the Black Emperor was.

This person was just a mercenary hired by the Black Emperor, that's all.

They weren't even from the Hellfire Club!

"Charles, how is it?"

Hank asked, staring at Charles, and Eric's eyes were fixed on Charles.

But Charles shook his head a little disappointed: "I'm sorry, but she really doesn't know where Xiao is. She and the mutants before were paid to do things."


"Damn it!"

Everyone at the scene was inevitably a little angry and depressed and wanted to hit someone.

In this case, they really made a wasted trip and gained nothing.

Everyone naturally understands the situation of getting paid to do things. They can't know too much information about the employer, and it is basically impossible to get more information from them.

"There must be something useful, right?"

"I'm sorry, Eric, but I didn't see it."

"No, Charles, she shouldn't just do things for money. What's her relationship with Xiao?"

"I believe she must have a relationship with Xiao!"

Eric couldn't accept it even more. He found another entry point and stared at Charles and asked.

"Eric, her ability is imitation."

"Not only can she imitate other people's appearance, but also their abilities!"

"I'm sorry, I'm also very angry, but I have to admit that our operation failed this time."

"We were all fooled by Xiao."

Charles said to Eric in the same depressed tone.

"Just that?"

"Just that!"


Eric punched the car in front of him heavily.

"Let's go back first, the police should be here soon."

Mora's voice sounded, and she reminded everyone on the side.

"What should she do?"

Darwin glanced at the imitating cat on the side and asked.

"She'll go back with us!"

Eric said without hesitation, then took Copycat and got into the car together and left quickly.

Until this time, Rorschach could not wait to enter his system.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 85 m/s]

[Strength: 39.2 tons]

[Physique: 204 (average value of healthy adult men 10)]

[Mental strength: 162 (average value of healthy adult men 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlock progress 5%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (primary), Super Hearing (primary), Heat Ray (primary), Flight (unlocked)]

[Origin Points: 750 points]

The Origin Points suddenly became 750 points, which was a huge amount that had never been seen before. Rorschach was still very excited about this.

[It is detected that the host has surplus Origin Points. Do you want to use them immediately for strengthening? ]

The system sounded the same prompt again, and this time Rorschach did not hesitate.


[Congratulations to the host, the Homelander template is unlocked by 12%! ]

The system sounded the same prompt again.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Speed: 134.1 m/s]

[Strength: 97.5 tons]

[Physique: 274 (average value of healthy adult men 10)]

[Mental strength: 232 (average value of healthy adult men 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (unlock progress 12%)]

[Abilities: Perspective (elementary), super hearing (elementary), heat ray (elementary), flight (unlocked)]

[Origin points: 50 points]

This wave of strengthening added a full seven percentage points, and Rorschach's various attributes have increased significantly compared to before.

Needless to say, the speed is almost twice as fast as before, and the strength has reached nearly 100 tons!

These are just the attributes that have been quantified on the panel.

As for the unquantifiable abilities such as perspective, super hearing, and heat rays, they have naturally been improved accordingly.

Let alone physical fitness, Rorschach knows without a special test that he is now invulnerable to swords and guns.

Now he is equivalent to having a real body of steel!

This means that Rorschach will not be so frustrated when fighting with others in the future. He can ignore most attacks and just rush forward and push forward.

Another very important thing is the duration of Rorschach's heat rays, which can now reach at least five minutes!

This has directly improved Rorschach's combat effectiveness by several levels.

Overall, Rorschach is still very satisfied.

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