American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 604 Terrible Homelander, one punch to a Navy admiral

It's just that.

In addition to the strengths shown in the video, this guy actually has the ability to pass through walls?

Is he sure he is not a devil fruit user?

But if so, why is he not afraid of seawater at all?

While being surprised and surprised, the bigwigs of the Navy Headquarters also had such doubts in their hearts.

But the doubts only flashed by, and now everyone can't bother to study what happened to the Homelander.

That's not important.

The important thing is that the Homelander actually appeared!

"He came to the door by himself? Very good, it saves us a lot of trouble!"

Akainu snorted first, staring at Rorschach coldly.

Rorschach didn't even look at Akainu, but just turned his eyes to Sengoku as if nothing had happened.

"Marshal Sengoku, so, what have you considered?"

"I believe that Admiral Kizaru has conveyed my meaning very clearly, right?"

At this point, Rorschach turned his gaze to Kizaru again, "Admiral Kizaru, you won't slack off on this matter, right?"

Kizaru: "..."

Even at this extremely serious moment, Kizaru couldn't help but twitch his mouth wildly, complaining.

Is it even known to outsiders that I slack off?

I just slack off a little bit at ordinary times...right?

Sengoku glared at Kizaru unhappily, you bear, your reputation of slacking off has spread!

The navy has no shame, right?

Of course, now is not the time to discuss professionalism with Kizaru, and Sengoku quickly retracted his gaze.

His face became stern.

A silent momentum also emanated.

Although that momentum was not worth mentioning in front of Rorschach, it could even be called a joke.

"It's ridiculous. What do you think the navy is?"

Zhan Guo snorted coldly, "You don't really think that the navy can't do anything to you, do you?"

Seeing Zhan Guo like this, Luo Xia shook his head.

He sighed: "I knew that things wouldn't go so smoothly. Well, since you don't cooperate, I'll beat you until you cooperate!"

These words almost made Marshal Zhan Guo and his people explode.

This is fucking.

Dare to say such words in front of them, arrogant to the extreme, right?

"A bold lunatic dares to challenge the majesty of the navy?"


Akainu, the most iron-blooded of the three admirals, took the lead.

After a loud shout, he punched Luo Xia fiercely.

Although they did not use the power of the fruit, the physical skills of the three admirals were actually very terrifying.

Although they are all top-level devil fruit users of the natural system, they are top-level strong men even if they do not use the power of the fruit.

"A mere general dares to be so arrogant?"

Rorschach immediately showed an extremely disdainful smile, and then waved his hand casually.

The telekinesis turned into a fist and hit Akainu directly.


Accompanied by this extremely dull sound, General Akainu did not even approach Rorschach, and he was shaken violently.

Like a cannonball, he flew backwards.


A loud noise.

The wall of the Warring States office suddenly trembled, and a big hole was knocked out by General Akainu.

The same happened to several walls outside.

Rorschach only punched Akainu and knocked him hundreds of meters away!

From the office building, he directly hit the playground outside!


And then.

A deep pit was smashed on the ground.

"Admiral Akainu!"

"It's Admiral Akainu!"

"Admiral Akainu seems to have been... beaten up!"

There were exclamations all around, and the navy officers who were training almost popped their eyes out when they saw the embarrassed Akainu.



The same was true for everyone in the office.

Whether it was Sengoku, Garp, or Aokiji, all of them bulged their eyes and showed shock.

Even though they had seen Rorschach's strength in the video in advance, they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

That's the admiral of the navy!

Is it really appropriate for you to abuse him like a dog with just a wave of your hand?

"Sword of the sky!"

The lazy Kizaru was no longer lazy at this moment, because he met the most powerful enemy in his life.

The navy also met the most powerful enemy in history.

The lazy king Kizaru was very active, and immediately condensed a golden photon sword, and slashed it fiercely at Rorschach.

In the blink of an eye, it was slashed in front of Rorschach.

But Rorschach just stretched out his hand lightly and easily grasped Kizaru's photon sword in his hand.

So relaxed.

It seemed that the extremely dangerous photon sword was just a toy.

"General Kizaru, you jumped out again?"

"It seems that the lesson last time was not enough, right?"

Rorschach smiled lightly.


Two extremely blazing heat rays suddenly shot out from his eyes and shot directly at General Kizaru's head.


General Kizaru was shocked and had no time to react. His head exploded directly.


Admiral Kizaru's "headless body" just fell to the ground.

Following Akainu, another admiral was easily beaten into a dog.



The sound of ice condensing was heard, and Aokiji could no longer sit still at this time, and he activated his ability at the first time.

Endless cold air surged out and climbed onto Rorschach.

In just a moment, a thick layer of ice condensed on Rorschach's body.


But in a moment, the ice collapsed directly. This level of attack could not have any effect on Rorschach at all.

"Frozen time capsule!"

Aokiji was not surprised by Rorschach's performance, and launched a powerful attack on Rorschach again.


Rorschach also just waved his hand lightly.

Aokiji immediately followed Akainu's footsteps, and the man flew backwards like a cannonball.

"Admiral Aokiji!"

"Admiral Aokiji was also knocked away!"

"Who is it, who is it!"

Another shocking voice came from outside.

Admiral Akainu was knocked away together with Admiral Aokiji?

What a joke!

"How arrogant!"

Vice Admiral Garp couldn't sit still anymore. With a thought, his Armament Haki spread to his fist.

He punched towards Rorschach.

This is the fist of Iron Fist Garp!

The highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters.

Stronger than the three admirals and Sengoku.

"Iron Fist Garp?"

Rorschach's mouth curled up with a nonchalant smile again.

However, he didn't use telekinesis this time. Instead, he shook his shoulders and punched Garp's fist.

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