What kind of move is this?

The strange scene in front of him could be said to have caught Rorschach off guard.

By the way, isn't Dracula a vampire? When did a vampire have such cheating skills?

But if you think about Dracula in Marvel, well, Rorschach can only say that Dracula in Marvel is indeed a bit unreasonable.

Unafraid of sunlight, super-speed regeneration, and immortality.

The immortal body here is truly immortal. Every time Dracula is killed, he will definitely be resurrected.

This kind of immortality is like the law of the universe. Even the death of one of the five creation gods of the universe cannot kill Dracula.

In addition, Dracula can also atomize, control wind and rain, summon lightning, transform into a bat, a werewolf, and can hypnotize...

Etc., etc.

Just cheat.

So it seems that such a cheating existence, spewing white gas from his mouth that can make people fall to the ground, is not a big deal.

I just don’t know what kind of white gas this is!

When those random thoughts flashed through his mind, the white aura that quickly filled the air came to the surroundings, drowning Rorschach's body.

But Rorschach was not an ordinary person after all. He closed his breathing immediately to avoid inhaling those dangerous gases.

Not only that, at this moment, Rorschach's useless mutant ability that had been sitting in the corner for a long time finally came into play.

He filters out the gases released by Dracula through his skin and directly absorbs the oxygen in the surrounding air.

In this way, Dracula's trick was perfectly solved.

"Hey, interesting."

A voice suddenly sounded.

But Dracula did not know when he appeared in front of Rorschach, and he stared at Rorschach quite unexpectedly.

I didn't expect that anyone could still be standing well at this time.

Rorschach noticed that Dracula's finger had already put on the ring that was originally placed in the display cabinet.

Rorschach had guessed well before, Dracula was indeed here for his ring.

"My hypnosis doesn't work on you. You are not an ordinary person."

Dracula looked directly at Rorschach, looking at Rorschach with great interest.

"Well... maybe I drank a little too much coffee before."

Rorschach calmly responded to Dracula while thinking secretly.

Looking at Dracula's current extraordinary performances, as well as this guy's immortality, no matter how you look at it, it is very stupid to fight against this kind of person.

And... that ring was not his in the first place.

Rorschach made a decision.

"Listen, no matter who you are or what you want to do, it has nothing to do with me, so if you're done with your business, why don't you just leave?"

Rorschach said to Dracula.

"You obviously wanted to get my ring before, and you already recognized who I am, right?"

A confident smile appeared on Dracula's lips.

Although he used interrogative words like "right", Dracula's tone was still very, very sure.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Just kidding, how could such a thing be admitted? Rorschach didn't even think about it and directly denied it decisively.

"You are dishonest."

"I don't like dishonest children."

Dracula shook his head, and then his body swayed, as if he turned into a gust of wind, and his whole body disappeared directly, sweeping towards Rorschach.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared directly in front of Luo Xia, stretched out his right hand and grabbed Luo Xia directly.

Although Rorschach was not willing to have any conflict with Dracula at the beginning, but now that people are knocking on his door, what else does Rorschach have to say?

He let out a cold snort and punched Dracula directly with the hammer.


A dull crash sounded, but Rorschach used his super speed to avoid Dracula's grasp, and at the same time punched Dracula hard on the chest.

Dracula flew backwards like a cannonball.

It hit the ground hard.

Rorschach's normal power now reaches almost a hundred tons, and when it explodes, it will be several times more powerful?

Even Dracula couldn't block such a terrifying punch.

Dracula in the comics can even kill Captain America, but he is not as strong as Rorschach imagined.

"Who are you?"

Dracula got up from the ground again, looking a little embarrassed, and his face was no longer calm, but showed a look of uncontrollable shock.

He has lived for so long, but this is the first time he has encountered such a terrifying person.

"People of the motherland!"

Rorschach spit out these three words from his mouth.

People from the motherland?

What the hell?

How could anyone be called this name!

Dracula couldn't help but feel a little angry. Is this kid playing a trick on him?

With a sway of his body, he suddenly transformed into a huge evil wolf and rushed towards Luo Xia.


There was also such a low growl coming from his mouth.



After another punch, the evil wolf fell over completely.

He fell to the ground like a dead dog, with a large dent in his chest.

I don’t even know how many of the sternum bones were broken by Rorschach.


Dracula then returned to human form, and his sunken chest was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This guy's self-healing ability is even better than Wolverine.

Rorschach's punch was terrible, but it did not cause any substantial damage to Dracula.

If you want to really hurt Dracula, you must use silver, garlic, or crosses, which are restraints of vampires.

That's right.

Even as the "second-generation ancestor" of vampires, Dracula himself still cannot jump out of these limitations of vampires.

"Very shocking power!"

Dracula's voice sounded, still containing surprise, but he soon sneered, "But what if you can't use your power at all?"


As Dracula said this, he suddenly turned into a group of bats and flew towards Rorschach.

If Rorschach was really just strong, it would be difficult to crack Dracula's move.

After all, you can't just punch those bats to death one by one, right?

But unfortunately, what Dracula didn't know was that Rorschach's ability was not limited to his fists.


Two heat rays suddenly burst out from Rorschach's eyes, and he shot them fiercely at the group of bats in the air.

After this period of training, Rorschach is now much more proficient in using heat rays than before.

Shooting that group of bats was simply easy and pleasant, effortless.



Amid the painful cries, bats began to fall one after another like rain.

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