American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 76 Missile crisis is imminent (first order required)

"Eric, Rorschach, let's go!"

When they heard that the president's speech was about to begin, several people immediately cheered up.

Charles greeted his two friends directly and quickly returned to the house.

During this period of time, the situation between the United States and the Soviet Union has reached an extreme point, which can even be said to be freezing point.

It was even said that a big war broke out directly next, and no one found it strange.

The future destiny of this country is in an uncertain situation.

Everyone is waiting for the country to give them an answer.

Therefore, it can be said that this presidential speech is of national concern, and these mutants are no exception.

Especially when everyone knew that Xiao was behind the situation and they failed to stop it.

Not only Charles and Eric, but Mora also notified the other mutants in training at the same time.

Everyone paid close attention to this matter and immediately gathered in the living room.

"I hope this speech can bring us some good news."

The Siren stood behind the sofa, folding his arms, staring at the TV set on the stool in front of him, and praying weakly.

"Man, I don't know why, I always have a bad feeling."

The ravaged person uttered such a sentence leisurely.

"Why do you think so?" Darwin couldn't help but glance at the ravager.

"Because this world is full of bad things and nothing good ever happens!"

The ravager said matter-of-factly, "Isn't everything we've experienced been like this?"

"Alex, at this time, it won't help if you say dejected words!" Raven said to the ravager a little helplessly.

"Hush, be quiet, it's starting!"

Maura shouted from the side, interrupting everyone.

Everyone cheered up, closed their mouths, and focused their attention on the small TV in front of them.

"From a national policy perspective, any act that crosses the embargo line on Cuba will be regarded as an attack by the Big Bear Country against the Beautiful Country."

"In this regard, the beautiful country will definitely fight back with all its strength and show no mercy!"

On the screen, a guy who would become famous on the Internet with his smile in the future was giving a serious speech.

This made the atmosphere in the hall suddenly become dull.

The situation seems to be heading towards the step that everyone least wants to see.

Although everyone had expected this for a long time, when everyone confirmed this in person, few people were able to remain calm.

"I knew it had always been like this." The ravager said in an old-fashioned tone.

"Xiao must be there!"

Eric said in a very affirmative tone.

"How do you know?" The Destroyer looked at Eric a little strangely.

"Two superpowers are facing off there, and Shaw wants to start World War III! He won't miss this opportunity."

Charles answered on Eric's behalf.

His brows could be said to be deeply wrinkled, like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

Charles was more unwilling to see this kind of thing than others.

"Let's stop the diplomatic talk, we have to prepare for tomorrow's action!"

Eric spoke again, his face resolute and full of ruthlessness.

After saying these decisive words, he turned around and walked out.

"Get ready? Eric, what do you mean?"

Siren was a little confused and didn't react for a while. He asked Eric in a loud voice from behind.

"Sean, why have we been training for so long?"

Hank adjusted his glasses, and there was determination on his handsome face, "We have to stop him!"

"That means...tomorrow? We are going to Cuba?" Siren's eyes widened.

Naturally, he had already made preparations to deal with Xiao, but the fact that he was suddenly going to a foreign country without any warning caught the Siren off guard.

"Yeah, we're going to Cuba."

Charles said seriously at this time. He glanced at the mutants in the room, "This is our only chance!"

Everyone felt a heavy burden being placed on their shoulders.

They fought against the Black Emperor twice, but each time they were defeated miserably.

Needless to say, the first time, almost everyone except Rorschach was scared to death by the Black Emperor, but what about the second time?

The Black Emperor people didn't even show up, so they almost got them all in one fell swoop.

With these two shadows, everyone is actually quite stressed about the upcoming third confrontation with the Black Emperor.

Although everyone's strength has made a qualitative leap.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. What do you have to worry about?"

Seeing that everyone at the scene was not too confident, Charles smiled and pointed to Rorschach on the side, "We have Rorschach here!"

That’s right!


The somewhat sluggish morale of the crowd was slightly boosted.

Their two battles with the Black Emperor were complete defeats, but there was one exception.

In both fights, Rorschach hit the Black Emperor hard in the face!

Especially in the second time, Rorschach single-handedly defeated the Black Emperor's conspiracy.

It can be said that Rorschach is their source of confidence.

"Yes, with Rorschach here, what are we afraid of?"

Raven said with a smile, she had inexplicable confidence in Rorschach.

"I can assure you that Xiao will lose this time!"

Facing the eyes of the crowd, Rorschach said in a tone of affirmation that was almost decisive.

This was not Rorschach showing off or anything, after all, he knew the plot in advance.

Xiao would die tragically at the hands of Eric in the end.


Rorschach then thought again, the war between mutants and Xiao had changed a lot because of his rebirth.

Apart from anything else, the people who participated in the war on Xiao's side, the rapids and the red devils had been killed by Rorschach a long time ago, and the angels did not betray.

So this time everyone has to face a brand new "Black Emperor Camp".

But even so, Rorschach has enough confidence.

The reason is that Rorschach is really strong now.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is no rival among mutants.

Of course, mutants at this stage.

Except for the Black Emperor, who Rorschach could not kill, Rorschach believed that he could easily kill any mutant sent by Xiao.

And the Black Emperor?

Rorschach also knew his fatal weakness. As long as the opponent's helmet was taken off, the Black Emperor would be a younger brother.

There was really nothing to worry about.

"You heard it, Rorschach said so." Charles spread his hands to the young mutants.

Sure enough, after getting Rorschach's personal guarantee, everyone's spirit was immediately greatly improved.

The low morale was greatly encouraged.

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