Night falls quietly.

A full moon hangs high in the sky.

If it were normal, the living room would definitely be very lively at this time. Many young mutants would chat and play here after dinner.

But now, the living room is quiet.

After all, the decisive battle is coming soon. After another day of training, everyone is very tired. It is time to recharge their batteries.

Hank did not rest, he just sat at the desk, looking at the syringe of medicine in his hand, a little absent-minded.

Through studying the blood samples Rorschach brought him last time, Hank discovered that the previous medicine had some fatal flaws.

Not only will that not curb the X gene in your body, but it will greatly enhance it!

If that's the case, not only will Hank be unable to cure his big, animal-like feet, but he will also develop animalistic characteristics in other parts of his body.

Hank couldn't help but feel scared when he thought about it.

But now, the potion is truly perfect and has no flaws anymore.

The only regret is that Hank excitedly wanted to share this potion with Raven to cure her blue skin, but was ruthlessly rejected by Raven.

This made Hank a little disappointed.

But it also made him more determined to inject the medicine!


After a while, Hank took a long breath, calmed down his mood, and then, with a touch of nervousness and excitement, injected the syringe into his body.

Then Hank stared at his unusually big feet without blinking, not daring to take a big breath.


Hank's big foot muscles began to "surge", and after a period of deformation that outsiders could not imagine, they returned to normal.

"Ha ha!"

Hank laughed out loud with joy.


He finally succeeded!

At this moment, Hank really wanted to share the good news with Rorschach.

Early the next morning.

The mutants got up early. Instead of training as usual, everyone gathered together at the first moment.

Everyone's expressions were very solemn, because what everyone has to do next is so important that it will even change the structure of the future world.

Even though they were given a beating by Charles yesterday, everyone still felt a sense of pressure as the departure was approaching.

"Everyone, we have been preparing for so long and training so hard for so long just for this moment!"

"To stop Xiao! To stop Xiao from destroying the world, to save the world!"

"Yes, we are going to save the world!"

"We'll make it!"

"I firmly believe this!"

"We will succeed!"

Facing everyone's gaze, Charles gave everyone another shot of chicken blood.

"Okay, let's start!"

Eric was relatively simple. He clapped his hands directly and said to everyone.

"Wait a moment."

Hank stood up at this time. He adjusted his glasses and said to everyone, "I have prepared some things for you. I think you might be able to use them."

Hank is a top scientist. Although the abilities of mutants are not very strong, his scientific research is really powerful.

Seeing Hank's mysterious appearance, everyone was really curious about what good things Hank had prepared for everyone.

But when Hank opened a big box that had been prepared for a long time, everyone couldn't help but cover their faces.

It turns out that Hank prepared a set of uniforms for everyone, and they were very ugly!

"Hank, you've been busy." Eric couldn't help but tease.

"Seriously, do we really have to wear this thing?" Siren looked embarrassed.

"Considering that we can neither withstand extreme gravity nor be bulletproof, I suggest that it is better for everyone to wear them."

Hank smiled at everyone.

"Well." Raven shrugged on the side, "I believe these are not problems for Rorschach."

Even a mutant mercenary couldn't penetrate Rorschach's abnormal body with a knife.

It's natural to be bulletproof, right?

"Well, except Rorschach." Hank added on the side.

But despite this, Rorschach did not refuse. Instead, he put on the first generation uniform of the X-Men together with everyone.

This is the first uniform from the first battle of the X-Men, and it is very commemorative.

Although Rorschach actually thinks this uniform is a bit ugly.

But it doesn't matter. We are going to fight, not to go on a blind date.

"Look at us. We even have uniforms. Shouldn't we give our team another name?"

Raven's addiction to naming came back again, and she even made a suggestion, "What do you think of X-Men?"

"X-Men? A group of warriors with X-genes? Not bad."

"Ruiwen, this is too vulgar."

The mutants joked casually, but no one took this name to heart.

No one could have imagined that this name that Ruiwen made up on a whim would become such an important team in the future.

"Is this how the X-Men were born?" Luo Xia thought with great interest.

He can be regarded as witnessing history.

"OK, let's go!"

After the group was ready, Charles clapped his hands happily and led everyone to a huge "warehouse".

Inside, a fighter plane that looked extremely cool and surpassed the current era in every aspect appeared in front of everyone.

"The first-generation Blackbird fighter jet is very memorable!"

Luo Xia looked at the slightly rough fighter plane and couldn't help but thought to himself.

Not to mention anything else, if he just took a photo, he believed that those ardent fans of the X-Men would definitely spend a lot of money to buy it.

"Charles, isn't this too exaggerated? You even have this thing, oh ho ho!" The siren shouted excitedly, even his eyes widened.

"We have to have some form of transportation."

Charles grinned and pretended to be a bit of a dick in front of everyone.

"Cool, very cool!"

Darwin was also a little surprised, "I never dared to imagine that one day I would get on such a cool plane."

"But...who will fly the plane? Eric? Maura?" The Destroyer asked a key question.

"Of course it is me."

The delicate and graceful Hank took a step forward.

"Sorry Hank, can you still fly a plane?"

The Destroyer looked at Hank a little suspiciously, the old man's span was a bit big.

"Of course, I built this plane!" Hank said calmly, pretending to be a medium-sized guy.

Naturally, there was no nonsense next. Everyone got on the plane, found a place to sit, and fastened their seat belts.

"Attention everyone, we are about to take off!"

Hank greeted everyone and performed a series of corresponding operations.


The plane shot directly into the sky and disappeared.

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