American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 87 Missiles are sweeping the ground, mutants must be eliminated!

The United States Department of Defense.

The round table, which symbolizes the highest power, is filled with bigwigs from various departments, including the military, the CIA, the Central Bureau of Investigation, and so on.

Each of them is a big shot who can shake the whole country three times with a stomp of his feet.

Just now, these big shots held an emergency meeting and reached a consensus.

"The Great Bear Country agrees with our idea. Let's launch a joint attack on the mutants, so that we can end this threat forever!"

The Minister of Defense announced the conclusion of the meeting to everyone.

No one expected that the US-Soviet dispute, which everyone was worried about, would suddenly appear a group of people with various terrible abilities: mutants.

Things of the level of nuclear submarines can be controlled by a single person.

This is simply terrible.

Even more than that.

According to the intelligence from the front, those people can fly, can launch powerful shock waves, can control waves, hurricanes, and so on.

Faced with these mutants who are beyond common sense and incredibly powerful, everyone is afraid.


Their weapons will no longer be useful in front of such a group, and their powerful ships and guns will also appear so fragile.

The existence of such a group is beyond their control!

For such an uncontrollable dangerous group, it is natural to get rid of it directly to feel at ease.

At this moment.

The two superpowers, which were originally in a hostile relationship, reached a tacit agreement.

"I have another agent there."

The CIA director next to the Minister of Defense whispered to the Minister of Defense at this time.

"It's just an agent."

"She is one of our very good agents."

"She is just collateral damage!"


Eric's words made the atmosphere on the scene suddenly become depressed and heavy.

Before this, what everyone considered and paid attention to was just dealing with Xiao, that's all, and they didn't think so much.

But now, Eric put this cruel fact in front of them.

The mutants subconsciously looked at the fleet on the sea, and actually saw that the warships were moving their barrels towards them!

Everyone's face was extremely ugly.

At the same time, it was very uncomfortable.

These people were willing to risk being killed by the Black Emperor to rush over, for what?

Isn't it to save the world!

To protect these people from the Black Emperor's murderous hands!

In the end, the people they protected turned against them?

Nothing is more unacceptable than this.

"Charles, tell me I'm wrong!"

Eric's voice sounded, and he said to Charles on the side.

Charles put his hand on his temple and sensed everyone on the two fleets.

His face also became extremely ugly.

Because what Eric said was true.

There was not even a bit of exaggeration!

The highest commanders of the two countries received orders from the upper levels of both sides to join hands and eliminate all mutants!


Charles immediately shouted to Mora on the side.

Mora understood, she was the only "official figure" in this operation, and no one else could negotiate with the upper level except her.

Mora didn't say anything and immediately ran into the Blackbird fighter and contacted the upper level: "Fleet Commander, this is Team XB70, please answer!"

"The beach is safe, request to cancel the attack!"

"Please answer if you hear me, request to cancel the attack!"


No one responded in the receiver, and the other party directly interrupted the communication.

Mora showed a look of despair.


When Mora turned back, everyone's eyes were all on Mora.

How much everyone hoped that Mora could bring them good news.

However, Mora shook his head in despair.


The hearts of all the mutants at the scene sank.

The people they were trying to protect at the cost of their lives actually planned to kill them!



At this moment, the highest commanders of the two fleets issued attack orders to their respective fleets almost at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Missiles were fired at the mutants on the beach one after another.

There were so many missiles, so dense that they almost covered the sky and even the sky above them.

All the mutants' pupils shrank, and they were extremely nervous, and their hearts almost jumped out.

With such dense missiles, they couldn't survive even if they had great abilities.

Only Rorschach was still calm. He had Magneto on his side, so what was there to be afraid of?

Did these mutants ignore the fact that Magneto could control metal because of their great nervousness!

And which of the missile warheads that almost covered the sky didn't have metal?

In fact, Rorschach was really a little curious. He felt that no matter who gave the highest order to attack, he felt that the other party's brain might be a little abnormal.

Eric raised the nuclear submarine with one hand, and the noise was so loud that Rorschach didn't believe that the people on the fleet didn't see it.

Rorschach didn't believe that the people on the fleet didn't know that there was metal in the missile.

Then, combining these two situations, wouldn't it be tantamount to seeking death to launch missiles at Eric?

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As the missiles approached, the dull sound of breaking through the air became louder and louder, making people more and more depressed.

The warheads also continued to enlarge in the pupils of the crowd.

Finally, they came to their heads.

However, at this critical moment, Eric calmly stretched out his hand to the warheads.

The ability was activated.

All the nuclear warheads seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, and they were all frozen in the air.


The mutants couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


"How is it possible!"

The people on the two fleets saw this scene, and they almost stared out their eyes, shocked to the extreme.

Is this something that humans can do?

The worldview and cognitive system they had built for a long time collapsed in an instant.

That's not all.

After Eric had fixed the missiles, he did not sit idle. He just twisted his fist slightly.

All the missile warheads suspended in the air turned around!

Pointed at the fleet on the sea!

"Eric, don't!"

Charles' face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but yell at Eric.

But Eric seemed not to hear it, and continued to control the warheads and attack the fleet.

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