American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 89 Charles Eric and Rorschach's Split

"No, Rorschach, they are our enemies, they must be our enemies!"

"Doesn't what happened today teach you a lesson? The two parties that were originally hostile to each other, after seeing our abilities, they all joined hands! Doesn't this explain the problem? When the world sees our abilities, what do you think they will do?"

"Eric, they are just scared! Besides, people making foolish decisions at the moment does not mean they will do so for the rest of their lives!"

Charles, Eric and Rorschach each expressed their own opinions.

At this moment, the differences in their philosophies were fully revealed.

Charles was too idealistic and had unrealistic and beautiful fantasies about everything.

Eric seemed a little extreme, always speculating on everything with the worst malice.

Rorschach, as for him, just neutralized these two people.

"Charles, just keep holding on to your unrealistic fantasy."

Eric was too lazy to say anything more to Charles. He spoke to the mutants at the scene, "Charles' circle is not suitable for me, so I want to form my own circle."

"A circle that truly protects and unites our mutant brothers and sisters! Who will join me?"

The mutants at the scene were in a dilemma.

They looked at each other, each of them was overwhelmed and even a little at a loss.

How did things develop to this point?

How did the big family in Xavier Manor begin to split?

Especially Charles, his mouth twitched uncontrollably, because of the great pain.

From the day he rescued Eric, he and Eric fought side by side, supported each other, grew up together, and had already formed a very deep friendship.

Although he was extremely sad about Eric's missile launch, he was still greatly shocked when Eric really "cut off his friendship" with him.

But Charles did not speak to keep Eric.

Like Eric, he knew that the two sides had very different ideas and neither could convince the other.

Before, Charles could deliberately ignore these problems, but now?

With such a big thing happening, Charles could no longer do it.

Although he was unwilling and heartbroken, Charles had to recognize the fact that he and Eric were destined to part ways.

"Charles, I'm sorry, but I have to leave too."

Rorschach also spoke at this time and said to Charles.

The most important reason why he stayed in Xavier Manor was to be able to do some tasks and improve his strength.

But now the early Boss Shaw has been killed, and the Vietnam War is coming. The mutants will be forced to go to the battlefield, and Professor X will usher in a period of decline.

Until Wolverine from the future came through.

In this case, it is obviously inappropriate to continue staying in Xavier Manor.

And Rorschach's current strength can be regarded as a foothold in this world, and he can't be confined to such a small circle as the X-Men for his whole life.

It's time to leave.

The corners of Charles' mouth twitched again. Eric is leaving, and Rorschach is leaving now?

Three brothers and comrades who used to fight together closely, are now going to go their separate ways?

It is impossible for Charles to say that he is not sad.

But just as Charles knows Eric, Charles also knows Rorschach.

He knows that once Rorschach makes a decision, he will not change it.


Rorschach helped Eric kill so many people, and Charles didn't know how to face Rorschach in the future.

So Charles still didn't say much.

"Rorschach, are you leaving too?"

The Siren looked at Rorschach a little at a loss and shouted.

Eric and Rorschach are gone, and the original big family has completely fallen apart.

"Charles, Eric, everyone, the time I spent with you is a wonderful memory for me, and I will never forget it."

"But all good things must come to an end. I have to go, but this does not mean that I am done with you all."

"If I have a chance in the future, I will come to see you."

Rorschach said to everyone with a smile, "Of course, if any of you are willing to leave with me, I welcome you."

The mutants at the scene were in a dilemma, which meant that they would face three choices next: follow Eric, follow Rorschach, or stay and continue to follow Charles.

The atmosphere at the scene began to become a little subtle.

The mutants looked at each other and began to think about this issue carefully.

The first to make a choice were the Eagle Wing Man and the Braid Man.

They were Xiao's confidants, and Eric's style of doing things was very similar to Xiao's, and even the words just now showed that his ideas were highly consistent with Xiao's.

As for strength.

Not to mention, Xiao's death is the best explanation.

This is a person worthy of their following.

The two walked towards Eric first.

None of the mutants on Charles' side stopped Hawkwing and the others. The grudge between them had long ceased to exist with Xiao's death.

Not to mention, the X-Men were facing a big split now, so who would care about Hawkwing and the others?

Everyone was thinking about whether to stay or go.

"Rorschach, I'll go with you!"

Soon, a voice sounded, and it was Hank who stood up firmly and stated his position.

Rorschach's face showed a very relieved smile.

Hank usually doesn't talk much, except for doing scientific research, he is a complete scientific research geek.

But Rorschach actually thinks highly of Hank, who is a rare talent in the Marvel world.

Rorschach even thinks that to some extent he is no worse than Tony Stark, not to mention the Blackbird fighter brain wave enhancer, Hank is definitely far better than Iron Man in biomedicine.

"Sorry, Charles."

Hank turned his head and said to Charles with a hint of apology.

"No, you don't have to, Hank." Charles shook his head.

"Raven, don't hide yourself!"

Eric shouted to Raven at this time, and stretched out his hand to Raven, inviting Raven.

Raven's face flashed with a struggle, but in the end, she faced Charles and said sorry to him as well.

Charles was even more heartbroken.

Raven was completely different from other mutants. This was the family that Charles had grown up with!

Unexpectedly, even this family member was going to leave him now.

"Raven, I know you will leave. That's what you want." Charles said to Raven with a complicated expression.

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