Tap tap tap!

Tap tap tap!

Soon, a chaotic sound of footsteps came over.

In the courtyard in front of him, a group of people wearing black suits, sunglasses, and holding parasols walked quickly towards Rorschach.

The man in the lead had flowing shoulder-length hair, and a big middle part, just like Snape in Harry Potter.

It has to be said that ordinary people can't handle this hairstyle at all.

But the man in front of him matched this hairstyle perfectly, and this man's face...


Rorschach accidentally glanced and found that Snape was very familiar, and then he immediately realized Snape's identity.


The "administrator" of the vampire side in "Underworld" is responsible for taking care of the daily activities of the vampires when the vampire elders are asleep.

It seems that he is not a good person. He colluded with the werewolf leader Lucien, and was finally shot in the head by the vampire elder Marcus.

His death was not tragic.

Rorschach never expected that the undead tribe that Dracula asked him to take over was actually such a familiar tribe.

No wonder.

Rorschach felt so familiar with the story of the Hungarian Duke at that time.

Isn't that the ancestor of vampires and werewolves in the "Dark Night" series of movies?

When these thoughts flashed through his mind, Klein had already walked over with a large number of people.

He just stood by the iron fence of the gate, separated by several fences, and looked at Rorschach from a distance.

After staring at Rorschach for a few seconds, he picked up the ring and looked at Rorschach and asked: "Is this ring yours?"

"Of course." Rorschach said as a matter of course.

"Please wear it!"

Klein said to Rorschach again in a deep voice, and then handed the ring to Rorschach.

Rorschach shrugged, casually put the ring on his finger, and then spread his hands to Klein: "See?"

Klein's expression eased, and he casually told the people around him: "Open the door."


The two big iron doors were pushed open, and Klein made a gesture of invitation to Rorschach: "Please come in."

"Let's go."

Rorschach called out to Hank and Raven.

Raven and Hank looked at each other, and they felt a little uneasy when they saw so many vampires around, and even felt a little chilly.

But looking at the calm Rorschach, they felt a lot more at ease.

With Rorschach here, what are these vampires?

The group followed Rorschach and Klein and walked towards the castle.

"Don't know what to call you?"

Klein's voice sounded, and he asked Rorschach expressionlessly.

"Rorschach." Rorschach gave his name.

"Mr. Rorschach, I can only make a preliminary identification of the ancestor's ring based on the records, but to really confirm it, we need the elders of our tribe."

"So, I can't confirm your supreme identity for the time being."


Rorschach felt a little speechless. This title sounded a bit too childish.

But from Klein's words, he could draw a conclusion. It seems that the undead who were directly cursed by Dracula's ring should be the supreme among the undead.

And most of the undead in the world are mostly transformed from those supremes.

This may be why a "supreme" like him has such a high status among the undead.

Of course, these are all Rorschach's guesses, but Rorschach feels that his guesses are still very likely to be correct.

He didn't say much, just nodded lightly, indicating that he knew, that's all.

At this time, Rorschach naturally wouldn't ask such a stupid question as what is the supreme.

"I have sent someone to notify our elders. The elders will come in person in about thirty minutes."

"In the meantime, I can only ask Mr. Rorschach to stay quietly in the reception room and not to move around casually."

"Since you have found us, it means you know who we are. I believe you can understand, right?"

Klein continued to speak to Rorschach with a cold face.

Rorschach naturally did not take this to heart. He just asked curiously: "Which elder is in power in this century?"

According to the plot of the movie, this group of undead has three elders.

One of the elders is in power, and the other two elders are asleep, rotating every century.


Rorschach thought about it, looked at Klein tentatively and asked.

The timeline of "Dark Night" takes place in the 21st century. At that time, Emilia was in power, and the other two elders, Victor and Marcus, were both asleep.

Going forward, Emilia was probably in power at this time.

Klein couldn't help but look at Rorschach with surprise.

This person actually had such a deep understanding of their tribe, and some of his doubts about Rorschach were also dispelled.

Of course, only a little.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Rorschach is still not one of their undead.

Being politely led to the reception room by a group of vampires, Klein also specially ordered someone to bring a few cups of coffee to Rorschach and others.

But it must be said that the brewing method was quite rough.

"Sorry, we don't usually use these things. There are usually no guests here, you know, the ordinary guests."

"Even the coffee machine was bought by those ladies out of curiosity, so just make do with it."

"If there is anything, just tell Erica. Please excuse me."

After greeting a few people, Klein left in a hurry.

But he left a very revealing and sexy female vampire at the scene.

It made Raven and Hank uncomfortable.

As for the coffee in front of them, they dared not drink it anyway.

"They are really vampires...Have you seen their teeth, Hank?"

Raven whispered and put her head in front of Hank, saying to Hank with curiosity and a little excitement.

Hank quietly looked at the sexy female vampire not far away, and nodded with a hint of excitement: "Yes, each of them has that kind of teeth, and they have an indescribable smell on their bodies."

"Is there a smell? I didn't notice it, but they give people a very cold feeling."

"And their faces are very pale."

Seeing how excited these two guys are, Rorschach couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle.

"Elder, someone is inside."

After chatting with Raven and Hank for a while, Klein went back.

Beside him, there was a woman who looked full of aristocratic temperament.

There is no doubt that it was the vampire elder Emilia.

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