American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 98 The United States becomes a joke to the whole world

"Supreme, please wait a moment."

In front of the luxury villa.

Serena, dressed in black and holding a parasol, suddenly spoke and stopped Rorschach who was about to enter.

"What's wrong Serena?"

Rorschach glanced at Serena next to him with a surprised look.

"Please let my people do the necessary checks first!"

Serena said to Rorschach with a serious face.

Although following Rorschach was not Serena's original intention, now that she has decided to follow Rorschach, Serena is still more conscientious.

"That's not necessary."

When Luo Xia heard this, he smiled and waved his hand. With his current super hearing, he could be sure that there was no ambush in the room.

If you scan it with a clairvoyant eye, you can also confirm that no bombs or bugs have been installed.

These are all expected things. After all, Rorschach doesn't have that many enemies. This is his first time moving to this place. How could he be targeted by others?

"Supreme, ensuring your safety is the top priority. Please let me do my job!" Serena was very insistent, "It won't take long."


Seeing Serena's stubborn look, Rorschach could only spread his hands.

It only took a few minutes, and it wasn't like he couldn't wait.

Serena didn't say any nonsense, and immediately nodded to several of her men, four of whom immediately hurried into the villa.

As for the remaining two, they stayed with Rorschach together with Serena.

It is worth mentioning that, except for Serena, who is a vampire, the others in the group are humans, loyal humans controlled by Serena's tribe.

This was specifically requested by Rorschach.

Otherwise, living with a group of vampires would always feel weird.


Serena is also a vampire?

Vampires and vampires are also different, right?

"Isn't that too exaggerated, Hank?"

Raven couldn't help but whisper to Hank on the side. It was the first time for her to have bodyguards accompanying her.

"Ahem, Ruiwen, let's talk after we go in."

Hank adjusted his glasses and whispered to Raven.

He was really not used to talking about others in front of others, especially those who were their bodyguards. He always felt weird.

Even now he still feels dizzy.

How could Rorschach become the supreme leader of that undead tribe so confusingly?

Also known as... Supreme!

Just exaggerate!

While Hank was thinking wildly, several vampires who went into the villa to check had returned and nodded to Serena.

Serena then respectfully made a gesture of invitation to Rorschach: "Supreme, you can go in now."

Rorschach then took Hank and Raven into the luxurious and spacious villa.

As for Serena and others, they automatically guarded and stood guard in various places.

He didn't bother Rorschach and the others.

They still know their position very well.

"Wow, Rorschach, is this our new home from now on?"

It was only then that Ruiwen screamed excitedly.

She looked at the luxurious decoration and felt excited.

"Ruiwen, this is Luo Xia's home, we are just staying here."

Hank was equally excited, but he was relatively restrained.

"No, Hank, this is our home."

Luo Xia smiled at the two of them and waved his hands to them, "Let's each choose a room."

Hank and Raven immediately ran away happily.

Luo Xia leisurely came to the balcony, looked out at the yard with flowers and plants, felt the sunshine coming in from the window, and felt very comfortable.

This is where Rorschach temporarily settled.

Here, Rorschach will start a new journey!

CIA headquarters.

meeting room.

The long conference room was filled with people. In addition to Director Hansen, there were also leaders from other relevant departments.

Among them are some familiar faces who have appeared at the round table of the Ministry of National Defense.

Surprisingly, he is also the boss of the room.

At this moment, all the big bosses' eyes were focused on the female agent sitting at the end.


"Mora, tell us, what happened in Cuba, and who sank the fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union?"

Director Hansen's eyes were like daggers, and he struck Maura in the face and asked in a deep voice.

"Cuba? Director, what do you mean? Have I been to Cuba? I'm sorry, I don't know why, but I don't remember what happened during this time."

However, Maura had a confused look on her face and said to Hansen very innocently.

"Don't remember? Maura, what are you talking about? Are you telling me that you have lost your memory?"

Director Hansen's brows suddenly wrinkled like old chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.

Big bosses from so many departments are here. Agent Mora, what kind of plane are you doing?

Isn't this a blatant slap in the face of me, the director?

"I think... I have indeed lost my memory."

But Maura nodded with a serious face, "I don't know what's wrong with my head, but my memory these days is blank."

Seeing the serious look on Maura's face, Director Hansen also realized that the other party did not seem to be lying.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through Director Hansen's mind.

He remembered that there was a guy in the mutant team who could control other people's minds!

Could it be that person who deleted Mora's memory?

Logically speaking, this kind of thing is still very possible. Director Hansen thought to himself that if he destroyed the US and Soviet fleets, he would naturally not leave any evidence.

An intelligence agent like Mora would have been killed ten thousand times.

However, Mora survived.

This means that the other party is sure that Mora will not pose any threat to them.

Mora's memory has been erased!

Director Hansen's face became ugly, and it seemed that this was probably the case.

So Director Hansen explained to the big guys about the mutant who could control other people's minds.

The big guys are not stupid, and they can naturally tell that this is indeed a logical inference, otherwise it is really unreasonable for Mora to still be alive.

"Yes, erasing memory, he can indeed do that, so what do you remember?"

Director Hansen did not hold much hope, and continued to ask Mora with no confidence.

"Just some fragments flashed occasionally."

Mora was recalling by himself, "For example... big trees, sunshine, a kiss..."


A group of big men almost cursed, what kind of shitty fragments are you flashing back?

It's completely useless!

A fucking kiss, is it appropriate for you to recall a kiss at this time?

A crazy woman!

There is no doubt.

The CIA's trip was in vain.

Before coming, the big men were full of hope, and each of them was ready to do a big job.

Even everyone had prepared some corresponding plans in their minds, and once it was confirmed that it was mutants who destroyed their fleet, they would immediately implement them.

But who could have thought.

It was a waste of effort.

Mutants are really good at tricks.

With Mora's amnesia, the truth of Cuba will be buried in the darkness forever, and no one will know how the fleets of the United States and the Soviet Union sank.

Not only that, the United States will become a joke of the world and be ridiculed by various countries!

"So... how do we explain the Cuban affairs to the people? For so many days, the whole country has been waiting for our explanation!"

After a moment of silence, a big man asked this very critical question.

"The truth!"

The military big man uttered such a sentence from his mouth, "We tell them the truth!"

The big men at the scene looked at each other, and no one raised any objections.

Everyone knows that this is the only way.

Everyone also knows what the "truth" in the mouth of the military big man refers to.

Except for mutants, no one can pay for the sinking of the Cuban fleet. The emotions of the people need to be vented, and this is the only way.

As for whether it was done by mutants, what happened in Cuba, is it still important now?

"The truth?"

Mora couldn't help but frowned, "Excuse me, sir, the truth you are talking about is that the so-called mutants destroyed our fleet? This has not been confirmed, how can it be called the truth!"

"Director Hansen, please take care of your own people."

The military leader was too lazy to pay attention to Mora, and just said to Director Hansen leisurely.

"Agent Mora, there is nothing for you here, you can leave."

Director Hansen immediately sent Mora away.

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