And Eddie's report had a bigger impact than Peter imagined.

The popularity of this news about Batman was not even expected by Eddie himself.

People are already curious about the mysterious new investors in Hell's Kitchen.

And now the conspiracy theories about this mysterious man plus the already popular characters such as Batman and Catwoman have appeared in reality, and then superimposed on the previous "traffic star" Ghost Spider-Man into the camera, a violent chemical reaction directly occurred.

One breaking point after another aroused the curiosity of the public, directly raising this small news that should have been just nonsense gossip directly to a height that should not be.

Journalists who noticed the new heat focus also rushed to investigate the new Batman, and reports about him naturally continued to appear, adding another fire to his popularity.

Even in the window TV, Peter saw D· Company C issued a statement that the Batman movie has been established.

Even elements about Batman began to appear on the streets.

However, Peter also noticed that one of the elements of this news explosion was also because he "chosen" the right role.

For these people living at the bottom, they also long for the emergence of a hero in such a dark life with no hope and no future.

And in Hell's Kitchen, which is similar to Gotham, Batman's appearance is undoubtedly more in line with their expectations.

Huh, hero...

Peter scoffed as he watched a close-up of himself wearing a helmet on the big screen in Times Square and walked toward his "Batcave" in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Inside the safe house, Eric is still preparing for this decisive battle about the fate and future of the family, writing and drawing on some drawings, and occasionally taking his mobile phone to send a few messages or make and receive calls. However, his voice was

very soft, and his tone was as light as a feather, as if he was afraid that his voice would destroy some fragile items.

And just as Peter wanted to say hello, the middle-aged man who was very kind stared at him angrily, making Peter reflexively swallow the words back.

And Peter soon discovered why.

Her employer, the future heir of the Bernano family, Miss Diane, who holds countless dazzling titles and distinguished status, is sleeping on the table they use to work and discuss plans.

Although this young lady has always been very mature, and even has a faint momentum of a high-ranking person, her sleeping face looks very childish at this time.

Her expression at this time was peaceful and peaceful, with a small smile on the corner of her mouth, and the fly in the ointment was that a strand of her chestnut hair was being held in her mouth and savored carefully.

The girl muttered from time to time as if she disliked the taste of her hair, but soon her expression expanded again.

But probably Peter's vision was too dazzling, the girl twisted her body uneasily, and after a sudden and violent trembling, her closed eyes were first closed, and her beautiful eyebrows were wrinkled together, and then slowly opened, but although the eyes had opened, there was still a dazed light floating inside.

She raised her hands above her head and stretched out with a yawn, only to realize where she was amid Eric's slight cough.

"Hmm... Yes!

Diane hurriedly straightened up and looked around before spotting Peter standing in the doorway.

"Ahhh... You're back..." The

girl grabbed a pen like a child who had been caught doing something bad, trying to pretend that she was still working, thinking that she was pretending perfectly.

"I won't accuse you."

Peter didn't hide the big smile on his face, and Diane gave him a vicious look, then turned his attention to the bag he was carrying.

Peter didn't bother to cover up, and directly placed the items in the bag on the table one by one.

And Diane seems to have just shown a detrimental appearance, so she hurriedly wants to remedy it at this time.

She watched intently as Peter took out the item, wanting to make a constructive suggestion, but abandoned the idea when she saw Peter take a bat helmet out of the bag.

Diane clapped her left hand on her forehead, and with a helpless face, she almost sighed and said:

"How much do you like Batman? I can't tell if you like gold more or Batman more.

Last time I thought it was just a coincidence that you chose that mask, but now it seems that your choice to crash into that comic store must have been premeditated, right?

And the items Peter took out next stimulated Diane's desire to complain.

Next up is the board game props in Diane's mouth, another antique revolver full of the atmosphere of the era, the famous Remington 1875, even the number of bullets is the same as last time, and even the spare number is not considered for five rounds.

But Eric clearly understood Peter's reasons for his choice, and he even nodded appreciatively when he saw Remington in 1875.

It's just that when he saw Peter take out the square bag, both Diane and Eric's eyes became very subtle.

Diane stared at Peter deadly, and the sparkle in her eyes clearly expressed a message.

"Don't say anything, if you dare to say a word, I will definitely kill you!"

Peter pulled his mouth from left to right in understanding, expressing that he knew the other person very well.

Only Eric looked at Peter first, then at Diane, and then at the ceiling in silence, as if thinking about something.

And Diane then took the initiative to break the silence.

"Seriously, it's not Valentine's Day, if you dare to pull out half a chocolate or a gold necklace, I swear that I will build you a chocolate river like Charlie's chocolate factory in the future, and then tie you up to it for two hours a day with a gold chain!" However, the

biggest reaction to Diane's words was not Peter, but Eric, Diane's eyes just said Eric's eyes burst into a dangerous light, he looked at the very rough gold necklace on Diane's neck, and the expression on his face was a little broken.

But Peter innocently poured out all the contents of the bag, only to see that there was only a newspaper titled Batman and scattered gadgets inside.

Diane's eyes also glowed dangerously green, and she asked almost word for word:

"So... What about food?!

Peter's heart jumped, he was almost concerned about the report about Batman all the way, forgetting about the food problem, but fortunately someone saved him in time this time.

Just as Peter realized what and quickly put on his helmet...


The door of the safe room was violently kicked open, and I saw Gwen carrying a bag with half a burger in his mouth, and asked happily:

"Guys, do you miss me today?"

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