Chapter 134: Wonderful Racing Race!!

Two world-famous billionaires, the backbone of two giant companies.

In full view of everyone, he drove away the two racers and got into a dangerous car!

“Be careful! Mr. Yan, if you are unwell, you can apply for help over there! ”

I this car and some of its data are. Anyway, have fun!

The racer told Yan Tianxin about the basic configuration and precautions of his vehicle.

Being driven off by Yan Tianxin, instead of complaining, he willingly explained to Yan Tianxin.

After all, he was just an ordinary racer who didn’t even think about results.

Yan Tianxin bought his place, and as soon as he made a sale, it was two million dollars, and this business could not be done in vain, but also a wave of fame.

It’s about the same with Tony Stark.

After understanding the basic data of the car, the two put on protective clothing and helmets and waited for the start of the race on the field.

“Hey, is that person Tony Stark? How did he become a racing driver? ”

The entire Monaco Grand Prix is broadcast live.

There are hundreds of camera positions, in 207 different perspectives, shooting everything for people to watch.

So, at a certain angle, many people saw Tony who had changed his clothes but was not wearing a helmet.

I watched him get into the car.

“Doesn’t it look like it, how do you think Tony Stark won’t come to participate… Fark!

Look over there, it’s actually Yan Tianxin!

Make no mistake!

What do these top rich people think, don’t they care about their lives at all? To participate in such a dangerous sport? ”

When Yan Tianxin’s face appeared in the camera, everyone couldn’t sit still.

That means that the Stark I saw before is real!

But what are two top rich people trying to do when they participate in such a dangerous competition?

Don’t they understand what such a move means?

The two are the backbone of the two big Mac companies!

But if something happens, the stock price of which company immediately falls!

Because without these two people’s Tianxin Intelligence or Stark Industries, they are just an ordinary technology company!

Compared to Izzy’s puffing, Pepper was frightened and afraid. (acdc。

“Hey, organizers? I’m the new CEO of Stark Industries, why did you put Tony Stark in a competition like this?

What he forced? Can’t you stop him!”

He is an ordinary entrepreneur, where can he drive a racing car!

What, it’s too late now? The race will start soon!

Fark! ”

She hurried to the organizers and wanted to withdraw Tony.

But to her despair, it was too late and the game was about to officially begin.

She could only pray silently in her heart, and then watch the game go on.


This motor race, in which two of the richest people personally participate, attracts particular attention.

Whether you love racing cars or not, you will focus your attention on the high-definition display.

In the picture, Stark wears a blue racing suit and drives a blue race car.

Behind him, Yan Tianxin was wearing a pink racing suit, and the car was printed with pink checkers.

“Yes, ladies and gentlemen! Everyone has also seen that this time our competition has welcomed two players with very special status!

In that case, let’s have a fun quiz!

Do you think that Mr. Stark will arrive at the finish line first, or will Mr. Yan Tianxin go to the finish line first? ”

The commentator’s face was full of smiles, saying his own words.

Originally, the commentary of the racing race was very boring, and the work sometimes made him boring.

But when two top rich people joined in, he suddenly had a lot of ideas and had fun at work.

In addition to explaining.

There are also some local special agencies and organizations that have begun to make guesses.

The guessing table is: Yan Tianxin and Tony Stark, who will reach the finish line the most?

In the curious eyes of everyone, the competition officially began!

As the last signal light flashes, all 4WD vehicles start like arrows off the string, shooting out of the runway at great speed!

Twenty seconds later, the innings on the track were apparent.

The favourites to win the title remain at the forefront, with the average player slightly behind them.

At the back are two very conspicuous cars.

One blue, one pink!

It is already obvious who their drivers are.

Tony’s driving skills are obviously slightly better than Yan Tianxin’s, and his blue car is now ahead of Yan Tianxin’s pink car.

According to the current situation, he is ranked second to last, and Yan Tianxin is the first to be the first!


Yan Tianxin is just one parking space behind Tony!

As he became more familiar with the vehicle, he overtook Tony in a corner, and gloriously became the second largest downside!

But Tony didn’t admit defeat and overtook it back at the next corner!

The two pecked each other in a wave of rookies, surpassing each other, and fighting for the penultimate position.

Soon, the vehicles in the front had already pelleted them a lap!

“Well, the current situation, for the time being, Mr. Stark is one parking space ahead!”

But Mr. Yan Tianxin is obviously not far behind, just a little short of surpassing Mr. Stark!

We set our sights on the next corner, and whoever takes advantage of this wave of opportunities wins the game!

Wait, what kind of god is that, how did someone break into the arena?

The narrator was explaining, but suddenly shouted in surprise.

Everyone’s eyes all looked over there.

I saw a tall and strong man, with a toothpick in his mouth, wearing the clothes of the staff, slowly walking to the middle of the arena.

“What are you doing! This will affect the players’ game! Get out! ”

A grumpy old brother scolded.

“Get out of here, the car will kill you!”

There are also kind viewers who remind him.

But none of the words seemed to have entered the ears of the big man.

He didn’t think about it, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Just stand on the track with your hands outstretched.

Two long replicates that seemed to be made of metal slipped down his sleeves!

As he gradually walked around the track, the staff uniform on his body began to burn!

Soon a rudimentary set of armor covering his skin was revealed!

In the position of his chest one by one is the center of the armor.

A power furnace almost identical to Stark’s Mark armor!

As the power of the power furnace increased, some jumping arcs spread from this power furnace to the two long whips in his hand!

By the end, the two long distances have begun to shine with electric light!

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