When Lin Jue saw Charles being pushed in a wheelchair, he was stunned.


"Oh, it's just some accidents..."

At this time, Charles was sitting in a wheelchair and looking at Lin Jue calmly.

"It seems that a lot of things happened while I was away..."

Lin Jue murmured, looking at the man wearing sunglasses pushing the wheelchair. The appearance of the radiant eyes made Lin Jue slightly stunned.

It seems a little earlier than expected...

The development of the story is always similar to reality, even if he changes a lot of things, some coincidences still happen.

"Lin, a lot of things happened while you were away. Maybe we can have a good chat about Raven..."

Charles' face was a little complicated, and his words were mixed with worry and doubt.


Lin Jue glanced at the surrounding mutant students. Apparently, they were all paying attention to the matter between his new mentor and the principal of the mutant academy.

His eyes focused on the confused Jean Grey, who was mixed in the crowd, and glanced at Charles with a meaningful look who didn't seem to want to talk about the conflict just now.

There is silence in the office

Both of them were sitting on chairs. Lin Jue looked at Charles calmly, waiting for his next words. In fact, he had probably guessed the conflict between Raven and Charles.

It's just a matter of attitude towards human beings

Sure enough, when Charles informed Lin Jue of the recent events in the mutant American society, he revealed that there was a completely different dispute between him and Eric.

This time it was not because he was stabbed by humans for defeating the Black Queen like before, but because Eric helped the Grand Duke of Evernight deal with terrorists last time.

That incident caused an uproar after Lin Jue left, and public opinion became one-sided under the arrangements of thoughtful people.

The mutant threat theory is rampant.

Under the guise of Eric's use of powerful powers in public society, human society's rejection of mutants has reached a certain peak. The worries of high-level officials and the power of mutants have become the catalyst for social unrest.

"So, since the last time Eric caused trouble on the national highway, the federal government has put him on a wanted list, leading to a breakdown in relations between him and the government?"

Lin Jue stared at Charles who looked suspicious. He also had some guesses about the development of the matter, but he did not expect that he would also become a factor in the dispute between the mutants and the American government!

This made Lin Jue feel a little uncomfortable. Using the news that he faked his own death to deal with mutants, wasn't it obvious that he was using him?

His eyes flickered slightly. Lin Jue decided that after going back, he would start to use some of his own methods to punish some unruly guys. Some people still need to be beaten.

As for the situation of mutants, Lin Jue doesn't care much. No matter which direction things develop, it will be beneficial to Yongye Company. If the government cracks down on mutants, it will be better for him to win over mutants.

"...Since that incident, Raven disappeared. I found her later, but she seemed unwilling to come back. She has the same opinion as Eric, and is full of malice toward humans!"

Charles' voice interrupted Lin Jue's thoughts.

"I think Raven did the right thing. It's obvious what's right and what's wrong, isn't it? Humanity's own grudge against mutants is like a thorn in their hearts, and they will never be relieved unless they pull it out. !”

Lin Jue put his hands on the seat and said calmly.

"But fighting blindly will only make the situation worse for both parties..."

His brows furrowed slightly. Although he had expected it, Charles still didn't expect Lin Jue's attitude to be the same.

"Well...if you need help, I can help you if I'm here!"

Lin Jue said nonchalantly that if conflicts continued later, he could also reap the benefits, especially a guy who could make mutants disappear. Lin Jue was also very curious about his abilities.

"You can stop this dispute! Lin, I'm not telling you this to ask you to help us in unforeseen circumstances later!"

Charles frowned tightly. He was unable to sense Lin Jue's psychological activities, which made him appear a little passive. However, there was nothing he could do about it. Lin Jue was one of the very few people who could resist his spiritual immunity. Even once his spirit invaded, he would definitely be destroyed. He was hit hard, and the pain of the past is still vivid in his mind!

"Charles, you want me to go against my girlfriend. Are you mistaken? It seems you still don't understand me a little!"

Lin Jue was a little helpless. As for the dispute between Charles and Eric, he didn't want to care about either of them, because both of them made sense. If he really had to choose a team, then he would definitely side with Eric. What can I say about him? Also has the identity of Eric's nominal brother.


His face darkened, knowing that he seemed unable to change the mind of the man in front of him, Charles said no more words.

"Compared to your random remarks, to be honest, I am more interested in your current mutant academy!"

Lin Jue was lying on the armchair, looking calmly at the window of the office. Through the window, he could see the mutant students playing and playing outside, but excluding their weird abilities, those guys playing looked normal. There is no difference between humans.

"Oh? Compared to you, they are not worth mentioning..."

Charles said weakly.

"Not worth mentioning? Charles, with your wisdom, you still want to play this trick on me?"

Lin Jue narrowed his eyes slightly. Although Lin Jue could not be sure whether Charles knew about Jean Grey's powerful strength, he knew that Charles knew more or less.

As for the battle between him and Jean Grey just now, the cunning guy in front of him must have known about it, but now he pretended to be indifferent.

Lin Jue simply thought about Charles's thoughts and knew them clearly.

"Lin, if you are really interested in these students, just go ahead and do it. You are their mentor, and you also have the ability to be called the god of mutants, which can enhance their abilities. I hope you can pay more attention to them."

Charles said calmly with an extremely calm face, not caring about Lin Jue's narrowed eyes at all.

"Okay! Since you said so, I will stay here for a few days."

Lin Jue stood up from the armchair. He had seen that Charles had lost interest in the next topic. In this case, he naturally had to leave.

After a simple chat, Lin Jue walked out of the office leisurely.

As soon as he saw the man standing at the door wearing some kind of sunglasses, he was slightly shocked.

What is this guy doing standing at the door? He scared me.

After patting the young man's shoulder heavily, Lin Jue left calmly with his hands in his pockets.

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