Boom boom boom——

Like fire, like thunder, burning, stinging, and even erosion, when Lin Jue withstood the power of the Phoenix again, it was different from the horror the first time. He carefully felt the symbolism contained in it. Annihilated energy.

The outer layer of skin begins to twist and transform into unknown particulate matter, the cells of the body are decomposing, and molecules and substances are twisting and transforming.

The power of this power deeply shocked Lin Jue.

However, just like that, Lin Jue still did not use the ability of teleportation. He wanted to feel this terrifying power carefully so that his immortal body could exert its due effect!

"Shet, Lin! Run!"

Seeing such a situation in the field, Alex's eyes widened and he shouted repeatedly.

However, Lin Jue turned a deaf ear. Just when Alex thought that Lin Jue was controlled by Qin's power and could not escape, he mobilized the huge energy in his body and prepared to help Lin Jue share some of the pressure by attacking Qin. .

"Stop, Alex!"

The sound of Charles' words resounded in his mind, and the energy that had been mobilizing around him suddenly stopped. Alex looked at Charles with a stunned look on his face next to him.

"Professor! We can't go on like this, Lin's body is going to disappear!"

His eyes were somewhat panicked as he looked at Lin Jue, who was already suspended in mid-air and staring at Qin.

Unexpectedly, Qin lowered her head and fell into a strange state!

Alex could clearly see the surface clothes of Lin Jue's body dissipating, which meant that the mysterious power was invading the other party's body.

Alex, who was in agony just by touching a little bit of energy, knew how terrifying that kind of power was.

The moment his own flesh and blood disappeared, he felt an unprecedented horror that he could not completely shake off even now.

And now!

Lin Jue's upper body was covered in blood and flesh. The moment the skin disappeared, it was just fat and muscle. Alex was horrified by the sight of the flesh and blood turning into dust.

"Lin's power is stronger than I imagined!"

Charles said calmly, his eyes firmly locked on Lin Jue's body, his eyes full of surprise. He could only vaguely spy on Qin's spirit. Naturally, he knew that Lin Jue's body was enveloped in the power of the Phoenix at this time. He I didn't expect Lin to have such a powerful body!

Lin Jue's strength once again rose to a new level in Charles's heart.

As for the radiation-eyed Scott on the side, he had already collapsed to the ground, staring dumbly at the two people in the field who were bursting with energy shock.

Unlike Charles and Alex, for the first time, he truly felt the power that could destroy almost everything. Looking at Lin Jue again, he finally understood what Charles meant by the god of mutants.

Even his laser could be annihilated into nothingness, but it was unable to destroy the opponent's body. He began to doubt whether his laser could hurt Lin Jue.


With a low cry, Lin Jue stretched out his hand in front of him. The speed of his own erosion was getting slower and slower. Now he finally had the strength to use his own energy.

An invisible telekinetic shield enveloped his body, slowly forcing out the Phoenix Power.

The invisible energy tide seemed to turn into physical golden light and spread around along his energy passport.

Looking at this scene in amazement, Lin Jue looked at Qin, who was hanging his head and seemed to be in chaos. The other person's energy was still rising suddenly at an incomprehensible speed.


The originally stable telekinetic shield was crumbling again. Feeling the consumption of energy in his body, Lin Jue finally experienced the feeling of Apocalypse in the original series.

In the X-Men series, there are two versions of Jean Gray. Compared to the woman in the back who can be stabbed directly by Wolverine, the Jean Gray in front of her is obviously the version of Apocalypse, and her strength is far from that one. version is comparable.

Lin Jue estimated that if he was facing this person, no matter how strong Wolverine's self-healing ability was, he wouldn't be able to withstand it!

You know, Apocalypse swallowed a mutant with self-healing ability thousands of years ago. The self-healing ability is not weaker than that of Wolverine, coupled with the triple combination of powerful telekinesis passport and Vajra's indestructible body , but was still destroyed in the future by Jean Gray in front of him. How could such a power allow Wolverine to step forward and hit the vital point with a knife?


The telekinetic shield collapsed.

Huge power came suddenly, and feeling the pressure that suddenly multiplied geometrically, Lin Jue's eyes froze. The next moment, he no longer held back, and the abilities belonging to the mutant god and the fallen archangel quickly merged.

In an instant, bursts of dazzling white light appeared all over his body, and the endless power of telekinesis fused with the power of divine thought, and a huge aura instantly enveloped the area.

At the same time, Charles and others, who had sensed something was wrong, quickly fled towards the outside. All the flowers, plants and trees around them were cut down, the trees turned into dust, and dirt and sand rose from the sky. The scene before them simply overturned their expectations. Cognition.

Even Charles, who had already known Jean Gray's power, saw such a terrifying scene for the first time.

He couldn't help but use his mental power to try to persuade Lin Jue to prevent the situation from getting out of hand, but was shocked back to his consciousness by Lin Jue's mental body.

As a last resort, Charles could only shout loudly, trying to get Lin Jue to stop Qin who was caught in a riot.

At the same time, even Lin Jue's enhanced mutant god state was finally unable to withstand the vast and terrifying power of the Phoenix.


With a sharp shout, the endless power of the Phoenix hit his body again. In an instant, the skin that could adapt and barely resist the power of the Phoenix cracked again. Lin Jue once again felt that his cells were disappearing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No... How can this guy be so powerful?"

With doubts in his heart, the strong pain destroyed Lin Jue's will. At this moment, Lin Jue decisively gave up the telekinetic shield and no longer cared about the surrounding environment, which instantly doubled the range of destructive power. He concentrated all his strength on his body and endured it!

The muscle cells that were originally rapidly eroding were recovering rapidly. Lin Jue's body was flashing with strange light. The survival of the fittest and energy absorption allowed his body to stabilize again when it was about to collapse.

Looking at the scene of destruction around him, Lin Jue used the absorbed energy and waved a hand to Qin, who was standing not far away with his eyes down, as if releasing energy to his heart's content.

"Wake up!"

With a low shout, the vast spiritual power instantly rushed into Qin's brain.

"No... How come this guy's consciousness is so confused, and his mental power is so strong?"

Lin Jue's face finally changed, but at the same time, feeling his body gradually maintaining the two states of dissolution and reorganization, Lin Jue gritted his teeth.

The immortal body flashed with a strange light, and his figure disappeared on the spot. When he appeared again, he appeared directly beside Qin. The power of destruction made his figure blurry in an instant, and then reappeared again.


One hand instantly grabbed the other's head, and a huge mental shock swept away.

Feeling that the situation seemed to be out of control, the frightened Lin Jue no longer dared to let Qin release energy.

In just a moment, Qin's original face appeared with dazzling light marks. As Lin Jue pressed down with his palm, the fine light marks and cracks on her face suddenly dissipated, and the whole person collapsed in Lin Jue's arms.

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