American comics: The savior starting from the vampires

Chapter 375: Eternal Night's Help

"Oh my god, Uncle Lin, do you know? Your appearance hasn't changed at all. You really didn't come back from the dead?"

Tony Stark stared at Lin Jue's handsome face. His appearance a few years ago was still vivid in his mind. It hadn't changed at all. This was incredible!

Lin Jue looked at Tony Stark who was shouting and couldn't help but show a look of emotion.

"I didn't die in the first place, so how could I come back from the dead? I believe your father must have talked to you about me. The long years are just a sleep for me.

However, I didn't expect that this "sleep" would last so long. Sometimes the passage of time is always inadvertent, but it's just a process after all!"

Lin Jue looked at Tony Stark who was still looking at him with a look of surprise and doubt.

"Tony, now that I'm back, as your father's friend and your good uncle, I should help you no matter what, both emotionally and rationally!"

"Eternal Night's help..."

Tony Stark's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt like he had seen the sun rise after the clouds had cleared. How could he, as smart as he was, not know what Lin Jue's words meant?

He has not forgotten what his mysterious uncle means to Eternal Night?

When it was learned that Lin Jue was killed in a terrorist attack, the first thing the big news newspapers reported was the severity of the incident and Lin Jue's own condition. When the incident fermented, new information about Eternal Night Company immediately rushed to the headlines of major newspapers.

The equity of Eternal Night Capital is in doubt.

Except for the suspected heir, Count Eve, who enjoys 1% of the shares of Eternal Night's main company, Yongye Capital, the remaining 99% of the shares all belong to Lin Jue.

At that time, there were various opinions on the ownership of Eternal Night Capital. For almost a whole year, they were exploring the issue of Eternal Night Company's shares, but to their surprise, all their guesses were in vain.

The executives of Evernight not only did not deal with the equity structure of Evernight Capital, but also did not move the equity of their respective branches.

The share structure before the Grand Duke of Evernight was always maintained, which puzzled everyone.

Now, Tony Stark finally understood why Evernight Company would do this. As the only controller of Evernight Capital, he was not dead at all!

In the past, Evernight Capital has been madly impacting the American capital market in a low-key way with a completely different upward trend.

When everyone reacted, some well-known companies were more or less standing with their figures. To give the simplest example, at present, the Osborn Group, the largest biopharmaceutical company in the United States, is the second largest shareholder of Evernight Group, and even surpasses Norman Osborn's equity.

What is the origin of Osborn Group? Although Tony Stark and the other party are not in a competitive relationship, they are both leaders in their respective fields, and they have more or less heard of each other's origins.

The biggest giant in the field of biopharmaceuticals is similar to Stark Industries in the field of arms.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of Evernight Capital.

Evernight Capital has become a real giant in the United States. With its amazing investment direction, emerging companies and even giant companies have sprung up one after another.

Even Stark Industries, Evernight Capital has the second largest share after him. If Evernight is willing to help him, it will be easy for him to solve the current dilemma.

Suppressing his thoughts, Tony Stark looked solemnly at the man in front of him who looked much younger than him.

"Uncle Lin, I want to take back Stark Industries with my own efforts. Just like Uncle Obadiah said, maybe it's time for me to take a break and think about my own affairs... Is what I'm doing right?"

Looking at Tony Stark, who looked melancholy and seemed to be feeling something, Lin Jue's face became serious: "Tony, although I don't want to say it, I still want to remind you that sometimes the people around you are not trustworthy, of course, the beautiful lady next to you is another matter!"

? ?

"Uncle Lin, what are you talking about? Why do I not understand what you mean?"

Tony Stark was stunned. He did not expect Lin Jue to suddenly say this.

"Do you really think Obadiah is trustworthy? You know, once you get into trouble, he will be the biggest beneficiary. He even took advantage of the opportunity to pull you down from the position of chairman. His behavior is unusual."

Lin Jue reminded meaningfully.

"Uncle Lin, although I don't know what misunderstanding there is between you and my uncle, I think you have wronged him. He is my father's friend and a mentor who has watched me grow up. I think your words just now are a bit offensive!"

Tony Stark was a little angry and excited. You know, Obadiah is his only remaining "relative". How can he allow others to insult him? Even if this person is also his uncle!


Seeing that his advice was useless, Lin Jue just patted Tony Stark's shoulder lightly, chatted briefly for a few words, and left leisurely.

Watching his back as he left, Boz, who had been observing the two silently, looked at Tony Stark, who still had a hint of anger on his face.

"Tony, your uncle is also thinking about you..."

"But he shouldn't put the contradiction on Obadiah! Does he really understand him? Does he understand him as well as I do?"


Boz was silent. She could see that Tony Stark seemed to be angry now. No matter what she said, the stubborn boy in front of him would not change his mind.

At dusk, Tony Stark, who returned to his mansion, took off his clothes, quickly came to his laboratory, and motioned for Botz behind him to come in with him.

When people's attention is redirected to another thing, it is easy to forget the unpleasantness of the past, and Tony Stark is in this state now.

His eyes were full of pride as he looked at an oval metal plate emitting blue-white light placed on the experimental stand.

"What's this?"

Poz asked in surprise. Suddenly she thought of something and looked at Tony Stark's chest.

As the jacket was taken off, a faint blue-white light seemed to shine through from the underwear.

"That's right, it's my life-saving thing!"

Noticing Botz's gaze, Tony Stark casually took off his shirt, directly revealing the miniature energy reactor embedded in his chest.

"Poz, I need you to do me a favor!"

Tony Stark's face was extremely solemn, and he looked at the woman he trusted in front of him with an extremely serious expression.

"You're not asking me to help you install this, are you?"

Botz felt a little distressed and carefully tapped the micro-reactor on Tony Stark's chest.

"Well, without you, I guess it would be difficult to complete the replacement of the machine with 100% certainty. The metal particles in my heart may make me weak when this instrument is removed. When the time comes to install a new reactor, it will probably be a problem. A very laborious matter!”

Although he was telling a weak thing, Tony Stark had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be worried about what happened next.

"All right……"

Boz looked extremely serious.

As the disassembly of the instrument was completed, Tony Stark lay weakly on the armchair as expected. It was not until Boz embedded the new reactor in his chest that he took a few heavy breaths and cheered up.

After moving all the joints on his body, Tony Stark showed a satisfied look.

"How to deal with this thing?"

Boz on the side held the old reactor and said at a loss.

"Give it to you! I'm not a person who misses old things!"

A new reactor was replaced, Tony Stark said with a relaxed expression.

Seeing that the other party was not joking, Boz hesitated for a moment before taking the micro-reactor into his arms.

"I'm going back!"

"Um...wait, thank you Boz!"

Looking at the woman who was about to leave, with Lin Jue's words flowing in his mind, Tony Stark stopped Boz and said a word of thanks with a solemn expression.


The woman left anyway, and Tony Stark sat quietly in the room alone, looking blankly at the laboratory in front of him.

A few days later, it was a sunny morning.

A man in a black uniform with the Eternal Night chest emblem knocked on the door of Tony Stark's mansion.


"My lord ordered me to send this to you. He said that these documents might be of some help to you!"

After leaving these words calmly, the man handed the document in his hand to Tony Stark with both hands.

"Uncle Lin?"

With a hint of surprise in his eyes, Tony Stark still held the document in his hand and watched the other party leave quickly, with an unpleasant thought in his mind.

While disassembling the files, he walked towards his bedroom.

When a sales bill from Stark Industries came into view, Tony Stark's face suddenly sank.

There was only one file in the folder, and this file directly told him the biggest doubt in his heart... How did his weapons get into the hands of terrorists?

It was really someone from Stark Industries who sold them the weapons!

Looking at the clear bill in his hand and the transportation path of the weapons, Tony Stark felt the anger rising in his heart.

He thought of the last words before his death, his friend Ethan who had shared weal and woe, and thought that it was his weapons that had caused the enemy's homeland to be invaded.

The original idea of ​​spending a leisurely time in his mind came to an abrupt end. Tony Stark read the entire document carefully and found a small font in the corner of the last page.

"If you want to know what all this is about, maybe you could use your computer and check out Stark Industries' recent projects!"


Lin Jue's last words echoed in his mind, and Obadiah's face flashed through Tony Stark's mind.

No... maybe it's just a misunderstanding!

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