"What... is this?"

Tony Stark's original desire to modify the mecha was extinguished, and he stared at the transparent cube container in front of him with his eyes wide open.

Under the light, the transparent container reflected strange starlight. Just a preliminary observation, Tony Stark realized that the object in this glass bottle was unusual.

Of course... he didn't see anything.

A drop of red blood-like object was suspended in the glass container, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it.

But how could this bottle keep an object suspended?

Tony Stark stared, he observed for a long time, but didn't find out what special material the container in front of him was.

"Jarvis, scan the object in front of me to see if it is made of earth material?"


In less than a second, Jarvis gave his response: "Boss, this substance is mainly composed of silicon dioxide, and has the same crystal structure and optical properties as crystal. It is initially determined to be an artificial crystal!"


Tony Stark was silent.

If Lin Jue knew that Tony Stark was making a fuss just because he left a divine thought to keep the drop of blood suspended, then Lin Jue would not think anything of it.

This is just some small tricks, the key point is to highlight the importance of the drop of blood.

Gently holding the container in his hand and shaking it casually, Tony Stark looked at the liquid in the cup that was always suspended in the center of the crystal container in amazement.

Could it be that this strange liquid can offset the gravity of the earth? No, even if that is the case, he should not always maintain a distance from the container at the same point!

"Boss, maybe you should look at the note on the table!"

Jarvis, as an artificial intelligence, couldn't help but remind his smart boss.

"... Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Unable to help but complain softly, Tony Stark quickly picked up the note on the table.

"A drop of divine blood swallowed into my stomach, my life is my own!"

"I didn't expect Uncle Lin to do these nonsense things."

A strange taste flashed across his face, and Stark stared at the crystal container in his hand in a daze. After he knew that this was actually a drop of blood, he couldn't help but feel a resistance in his heart.

"I'm so healthy, even if I need someone to give me an IV, it shouldn't be this drop, right? Divine blood? Are you sure it's not alien blood?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but mutter softly. Although he said he disliked it, he still solemnly took the crystal glass container to his bedroom and placed it in a more hidden safe.

In any case, this is a biological gift from Lin Jue, and it seems to have some magical benefits.

Tony Stark was still a little touched.

When he returned to the laboratory again, he started to optimize the Mark II armor without stopping.

As time passed, at midnight, the communication system in the villa was heard again.

"Boss, Miss Potts just came over!"

"...Why did you notify me now? Jarvis!"

Putting down the instrument in his hand, Tony Stark couldn't help complaining.

"It was Miss Potts' request. She guessed that you must be doing important work now, so she asked me not to inform you!"

"So is she the master or am I the master?"

"Of course it's you, my boss, but out of consideration for you, I made the most correct response."

Without discussing this with Jarvis, Tony Stark asked for the specific reason.

"Miss Potts sent you a gift!"

Looking slightly stunned, Tony Stark hurried to the living room and looked at the square gift box on it. A mysterious smile appeared on his face. Unlike Lin Jue's gift, he was obviously more looking forward to his secretary's gift.

As the gift was opened, a familiar object in the same square glass container came into view.

Looking at the note on it, Tony Stark felt warm in his heart.

"Happy birthday, this is evidence that Tony Stark has a warm heart!"

"Thank you..."

Whispering softly, Tony Stark brought the old micro reactor back to his laboratory and placed it in the display cabinet on the platform!

"Boss! Happy birthday!"

Jarvis' voice echoed in the silent laboratory, and Tony Stark's face rekindled a knowing smile.


Eternal Night Building.

Lin Jue stood on the top floor and looked down at the steel jungle below. The huge office was dark. It used to be his office area. It seemed that it had remained the same after he left.

Even if the lights were not on, Lin Jue didn't care. The focus of this return was not on the eternal night.


A faint whistling sound of the wind sounded behind him.

Lin Jue's originally empty eyes focused instantly, and a bright smile rose on his face. He turned slowly, and a slender figure instantly fell into his arms.

"Ha, Eve, how is it? Is it a bit tiring to manage such a big company?"

Lin Jue looked at the person who hugged him tightly and smiled faintly.

Lin Jue was not surprised that the other party noticed his arrival instantly.

In the years since he was away, Eve, whose power was second only to that of the original vampire and the original werewolf, had deservedly become the number one figure in Eternal Night. Many blood descendants had expressed their loyalty to her, and it was normal for some blood descendants who were closer to Eve to "tip off" her.

"You are finally back..."

The girl's murmur echoed in his ears. Feeling the wet touch on his neck, Lin Jue gently rubbed the other's head.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

The next moment, a slight tingling sensation came from his neck. However, Lin Jue did not mean to resist at all. Instead, he hugged Eve and leaned on his chair, letting her lie on his body and suck blood!

It took about a minute for Eve to move her head away from Lin Jue's neck.

Under the faint light, shocking bloodstains were drawn across her fair and delicate face, and the remaining blood dripped down the corners of her red lips.

"How about it, are you satisfied with this compensation?"

Lin Jue showed a helpless look.

Unlike other blood descendants, even unlike the simple ancestors like Harley Quinn, Eve's power is much stronger and her potential is amazing. She can absorb the power in Lin Jue's blood almost perfectly, greatly improving herself and allowing her abilities to continue to improve slowly!

Obviously, Lin Jue was away for a long time this time, and the blood he had stored had been sucked up by Eve.

Looking at the intoxicated face and blurred eyes, Lin Jue knew that the girl in front of him had reached an addiction to this morbid blood-sucking.

Although he had persuaded Eve before, the girl in front of him was very stubborn, and there were no side effects to such behavior, so Lin Jue let her be obsessed with her own blood.

Anyway, it would not affect him at all.

"I miss you so much!"

The girl's voice fell in the empty office. Looking at her blurred eyes, the suspenders that had slipped off at some point, and her fair skin under the sparse moonlight had a thrilling beauty.

Such a tempting scene, even Lin Jue couldn't help but speed up his heartbeat.

Especially when the girl in front of him began to take off her already thin clothes and treated her naked, Lin Jue could no longer restrain himself.

Until the bright sunlight shone through the huge French windows into the messy office, Lin Jue opened his eyes and looked at the stunningly beautiful body in his arms. His heart skipped a beat and his anger surged again, and his reaction quickly attracted the girl's attention.

Opening her hazy eyes, Eve stared at Lin Jue with her bright big eyes, and a happy smile rose on her face. The user was very satisfied with Lin Jue's reaction. She pushed Lin Jue, who was about to get up, to the ground again and sat on him skillfully and naturally.

Feeling some amazing touch, Lin Jue took a breath.

Under the shining of the bright sunlight, the two perfect figures intertwined with each other, until the sunlight originally shining on the office area withdrew to the French windows, and the two of them sparsely put on their clothes.

Looking at a white T-shirt stained red on the ground, Lin Jue's heart skipped a beat, and before he could react, the girl next to him hurriedly grabbed the clothes and stuffed them into her bag.



"Where are your parents?"

Looking at the silent girl leaning in his arms, Lin Jue couldn't help but speak first. The breeze blew on their faces. At this time, they were sitting in a convertible coupe.

"They are helping refugees in Afghanistan!"

"...Didn't they think of coming back to see you?"

Lin Jue tried to find some topics. He found helplessly that it seemed that during the time he was away, Eve not only did not get rid of her dependence on him, but even this emotion had risen to a certain level of fanaticism. He vaguely regretted meeting Eve...

In any case, taking her out would inevitably attract the attention of some people with ulterior motives. Eve's current identity has made her the most popular woman in America.

No need to guess, Lin Jue knew the sensation that would be caused if he took Eve to travel in major hotels.

So this time he chose to drive Eve to a villa in the suburbs.

Not using superpowers is to let Eve feel real life more truly and sincerely, and avoid the sense of deviation caused by the huge increase in power.

"They came back last year, stayed for more than a month and then left again!"

Looking at the indifferent look on the face of the girl in his arms, Lin Jue couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Ding Dong~

Suddenly, the sound of information communication came from the mobile phone in Eve's arms. Lin Jue glanced at it in surprise, and quickly retracted his gaze.

Eve didn't even glance at it and directly smashed the phone with one hand and threw it out of the window casually.

"...Aren't you curious about who sent you the message?"

Lin Jue's mouth twitched, and he regretted his promise to Eve to relax.

"No one can disturb my life with you!"

The scarlet in her eyes flashed, and Eve stared at Lin Jue with a scorching gaze.

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