American comics: The savior starting from the vampires

Chapter 398 Special Regeneration Potion

"Shouldn't a werewolf's self-healing ability cause the pieces of flesh separated from itself to react like this?"

As a giant biological company, Norman Osborne's biological knowledge is not bad. He looked at the pieces of meat in the container with some surprise. The slowly growing meat membrane that could be seen with the naked eye gave him a strong feeling. Creepy feeling.

"Yes! Mr. Osborne, if only the self-healing ability of the werewolf is not enough to achieve such an appalling level! But through our cooperation with Yong Ye, we tried to mix the genes of biological creatures with self-healing ability in nature. Through somatic cell cloning technology, the werewolf's cell nucleus was taken out and put into the lizard's enucleated oocytes. Although no new individuals were produced, this amazing discovery was made!"


"Dr. Connors, you don't want to use this drug to treat my pseudocytosis, do you? This is too unstable!"

Looking at the spontaneously growing pieces of meat in the glass vessel, Norman Osborne was filled with reluctance. If it were just a werewolf creature, he would even be impatient. After all, he learned from Yong Ye that there is no reproductive isolation between werewolves and humans. ! In a sense, the two races are equivalent to the same race.

But lizards are another story!

"No, no, no! Mr. Norman Osborne, this cell regeneration technology is not suitable for your disease. I think it can be used for another problem that troubles soldiers!"


Looking at Norman Osborne's confused look, Connors smiled slightly. He took Norman Osborne to the simulation booth in the laboratory, where 3D projection technology created a human structure out of thin air.

As Connors operated, reagents containing regenerative agents were injected into the human model in mid-air, and its originally severed limbs began to heal on their own and slowly grew...

"This is the great contribution of this technology. It can be used on the battlefield to give soldiers who have lost limbs due to war a new lease of life!"

Looking at the simulated information in the 3D screen, Dr. Connors's eyes flashed with pride. Once this technology is widely used, he who proposed this theory will more or less be the father of human regeneration!

"This is so crazy..."

Unlike Dr. Connors, Norman Osborn pursed his lips. He was not interested in the so-called human regeneration technology. Maybe it would add a lot to his already wealthy assets, but he had no life. What do you need so much money for?

His eyes glanced at Dr. Connors' severed arm, with a look of understanding in his eyes.

As an outstanding biologist of the Osborne Group, Dr. Connors had participated in the war before and lost his arm. Regardless of emotional factors or the desire to restore the limb, he has always conducted research in the field of limb regeneration. So fanatical.

"Dr. Connors, no matter how enthusiastic you are about limb regeneration technology? Please make sure you have the true goal of your experiment!"

"Yes, sir, I have not forgotten the original purpose of our experiment. Please follow me!"

Connors smiled slightly, and led Norman Osborne, who looked a little excited, to a certain plasma separator. Pipes of dark green liquid came into view.

"Green? Isn't this the medicine I injected before?"

His brows instantly furrowed, and Norman Osborne looked a little unsightly.

"Yes, Mr. Osborne, after our research, we have successfully deprived the werewolf serum of unstable factors, thereby developing a special potion that can perfectly enhance various physical qualities of the human body!"

"Increase physical fitness?"

Norman Osborne's eyes narrowed slightly. He had been disgusted with his weak body for a long time.

"Yes, after our experimental judgment, this experiment can already be used for relevant human experiments, but Yongye doesn't seem to be interested in it... He asked us to develop another one without the werewolf. Human enhancement potion, or even a combination of the two? It makes me a little confused..."

"Can I try it?"

"No! Mr. Osborne, I understand your inner urgency, but this is an experimental drug after all. Even after experiments by us and Yongye, it has a relatively stable pharmacological effect, but it still cannot be ruled out that it has hidden effects on the human body. Influence!"

"Complete this experiment as soon as possible, and if possible, I will arrange relevant volunteers!"

Norman Osborne said impatiently.

"Okay, sir!"

With a hint of relief in his expression, Connors handed over the reagent he had prepared earlier to Norman Osborne.

After receiving the potion, Norman Osborne had no intention of staying, and quickly drove towards the Osborne Group Building in his car.

This special research base is not entirely owned by the Osborne Group. In terms of equity share, the Osborne Group only accounts for 40%, and this does not include the peripheral militarized bases, which are completely 100% controlled by Yongye!

Most of their Osborne Group's research is still in the Osborne Building, so excluding werewolves, he is more interested in the various researches of this company, because those researches will be completely used to develop the Osborne Group.

Osborne Group Building, Norman Osborne met an Osborne Group executive as soon as he entered the building.

"David? Have you recently invited some schools to visit and study the Osborne Building?"

Seeing each other, Norman Osborne suddenly thought of the Midtown Science High School where his son attended!

"Yes, Chairman! Master Harry's school is also on our invitation list this time..."

The man responded quickly. He was one of the main managers in charge of this event. He was mainly bringing students from those schools to visit the Osborn Group, and also to attract some students who are interested in biotechnology.

Especially Midtown Science High School, some of the students in this school are even interns of the Osborn Group, and have quite good biological knowledge!

"Well! If it's them, you can take them to a higher level biological research area!"

Norman Osborn thought about it and said that because he had been busy with the matter of curing his family's genetic disease, he had neglected to communicate with Harry during this period. He hoped to use this event to bring the two closer to each other. After all, Harry is his only son, and he will be the one who inherits the Osborn Group!

"Okay, sir!"

Nodding, Norman Osborn continued to walk into the building, but soon, he saw some people with a hint of doubt in his eyes, and followed them without stopping.

"Need to study a certain spider?"


Osborn, who happened to be walking, was slightly stunned when he heard this.

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