Jingle bell bell bell…

The long and crisp alarm bell summoned the students back to the classroom one by one.

Bella sat in her seat, but her eyes did not stay on the books in front of her, but kept staring at the classroom door.

Until Lin Jue's figure appeared, she subconsciously stood up and walked directly over. But just when she was about to meet Lin Jue head-on, she was pulled back.

Turning her head in astonishment, Bella looked at the boy with a somewhat strange look at a loss.

She found out that the other boy was the boy who helped her yesterday. When she saw Lin Jue walking to the other side of the classroom, he was immediately surrounded by a group of girls. Bella was anxious inside. She tried to break away from Edward's restraint, but was pulled away by him. Arriving at the seat next to him.

"What on earth are you going to do? Why are you holding me back?"

Seeing that there were already people sitting around Lin Jue, Bella turned her head and looked at Edward angrily. At the same time, she subconsciously leaned outside. She was not familiar with Edward!

With a somewhat gloomy look on his face, Edward lowered his head and did not look in Lin Jue's direction, and even subconsciously kept himself away from Bella.

"I'm helping you and giving you a piece of advice. Stay away from that guy. He is much scarier than you think!"


Bella looked at Edward who was covering his nose and frowning. She smelled herself subconsciously, but she didn't smell any special smell.

Not understanding why Edward would react like this, Bella asked doubtfully: "Why? Do you know anything about him?"

Bella doesn't want to care about Edward's reaction now, she is only curious about Lin Jue.

Edward did not directly reply to Bella's doubts, but turned his head and said in a low voice: "My name is Edward, and what's yours."


"Bella, I need you to stay away from that person as much as possible. He is not any existence you imagined. He may bring you unprecedented danger!"

With an extremely solemn expression, Edward looked out the window, and his whole behavior was extremely strange in front of Bella.

? ? ?

As the class progressed, Bella had to put an end to her doubts. The moment the teacher stepped out the door, she couldn't wait to turn in Edward's direction.


Standing up from his seat, Edward walked past Bella with a calm expression on his face, without even the slightest intention of staying with Bella for a while.

Seeing the other party's inexplicable behavior, Bella felt a little uncomfortable inside, her brows raised slightly, and she couldn't help but smell herself. Edward's reaction just now made her mistakenly think that she had some kind of peculiar smell on her body.

"Bella, please don't mind. Edward is famous in our school. He doesn't belong to any girl!"

A girl's voice came from behind her. Bella turned around and found out that it was a friend she had just met yesterday. Maybe because her attention was all on Lin Jue and Edward beside her before, she ignored the person behind her. .

"Is there any relationship between Edward and Lin?"

On a whim, Bella asked the girl directly.

Facing her question, the blond girl smiled and shook her head: "No, no, no! They don't know each other at all. Bella, didn't you see that one of them is Asian and the other is white? And Howard's family Others are just like him, withdrawn and rarely interact with outsiders! "

"Edward's family?"

On the way home, Bella frowned. She had not found a chance to talk to Lin Jue all day today, and the more so, the more curious she became about Lin Jue.

But it’s not all without gain…

In Bella's mind, she recalled Edward's secret glance at Lin Jue. Although it was only fleeting, she still noticed it.

She read a hint of fear in Edward's eyes.

Bella thought of Lin Jue's incredible speed and his exaggerated and terrifying behavior of resisting a speeding vehicle with his human body.

What secret does he have...

With all kinds of miscellaneous thoughts in mind, Bella walked alone in the dark streets. She didn't notice that not far in front of her, there was a group of students talking and joking with each other.

Among them was a black man from before and another white boy who teased her.

Soon, Bella who was distracted was stopped by several people.

"MY girl! Why are you here? Is it because you miss me?"

The black student behaved as usual, but compared to his previous good friend, he was much more cautious. He looked behind Bella and didn't notice Lin Jue's figure before he started to act!


At this time, Bella's face tightened as she finally reacted. She looked around in a panic, only to realize that she had unknowingly walked between these male students. No, or rather, they had surrounded her!

"What are you doing? I don't want to have anything to do with you!"

Panicking to avoid the black man's claws that had nowhere to rest, Bella looked a little pale. After saying these words, she tried to rush out of the crowd and leave this place.

But it was obvious that her actions not only failed to make these students restrain themselves, but even made them come over to her openly.

"Hehehe! Yesterday was just a misunderstanding. We are classmates after all. It's not safe for you to walk on the road alone. Why not let us give you a ride! Haha!"

The black student couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pulled Bella back.

"You know what? You are so beautiful!"

All the words on his mouth were praise, and the black man's hands were not honest at all.

"That's right, why do you go home so early? Why don't you play with us?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more subtle, even the white students who had some sense before couldn't help but come forward, as if it was a signal, the students around came over one by one.

This scene instantly scared Bella, she pushed the boy next to her hard, but she couldn't push him away at all.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Bella finally couldn't help screaming, but the American high school youths at night were excited like wild wolves, and didn't care about Bella's thoughts at all.


The long brake sound spread in this street, attracting everyone's attention one by one, and they noticed that a silver car was speeding over.

Soon, they scattered in panic, because they found that the car was actually hitting them straight, and it didn't seem to slow down.


"This guy is a lunatic!"

As for Bella, who was originally standing in the crowd, she was even more scared and stood there.

When the car was about four or five meters away from Bella, it suddenly turned sideways and stopped steadily in front of Bella.

A familiar figure rushed out of the cab.

"Hurry up and get in the car, Bella! Quick!"

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