"If they are really vampires... that seems to explain what I saw!"

Bella stared at the dark road outside, and her mind kept filtering the images of Lin Jue.

From the fleeting figure at the beginning, to the casual palm that slapped away a strong black man with a height of 1.8 meters, that ghost-like and strong physical fitness, plus Edward's warning at the end.

These amazing discoveries combined with Edward's singularity and the legendary vampire are surprisingly similar, but Bella, who realized this, was not afraid.

"With Lin's strength and speed, if he really wanted to hurt me, then I would be a lamb to be slaughtered, not to mention that he saved me... As the rumors say, I am just blood food in their mouths, but everything is not like this."

Thinking of the amazing similarities between the two, they seemed to reject her actions, Bella's eyes lit up, and she suddenly felt that maybe she had misunderstood before!

The first thing Bella did when she returned to school was to rush to the seat where Lin Jue had sat the day before, waiting happily. She wanted to confirm her guess.

As the bell rang, Lin Jue walked into the classroom as if on time, and a group of girls gathered around him.

Seeing this situation, Bella had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

It was obviously me who started it first...

On the other side, Lin Jue saw Bella at a glance. There was no way, adhering to the preconceived concept, Kristen Stewart's appearance was too conspicuous!

Seeing that the other party was staring at him intently, Lin Jue felt a little puzzled, and subconsciously looked at Edward who was sitting on the other side, avoiding his eyes and not daring to look at him.


At this moment, he only wanted to experience life and obviously did not realize the change in the situation.

After running to another seat and sitting down, Lin Jue happily chatted with the enthusiastic American high school girls in front of him, feeling the customs and customs of this world, and did not care about Bella who seemed to be waiting for him.


Watching this scene, Bella looked a little gloomy. She put aside some of her guesses. Lin Jue's happy conversation with other female students made her realize that his previous deliberate alienation from her did not seem to be to avoid hurting her...

Time passed bit by bit.

Unconsciously, Lin Jue leaned on the chair and fell asleep. The bright sunshine hit his cheek until a shadow covered his body.

Suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of scarlet flashed.


"What are you doing?"

Lin Jue stared, looking at Bella, whose face was less than a fist away from him, in astonishment.

It was not that his perception ability decreased, but that he deliberately relaxed himself. Lin Jue did not think that there was anyone or anything in the world that could hurt him, but he did not expect that some curious people would approach him.

"I'm just a little curious..."

With a hint of restraint on her face, Bella seemed to notice a hint of unhappiness on Lin Jue's face. She pursed her lips subconsciously. She felt that she seemed to be hated.

Bella pulled open the seat next to Lin Jue and sat on it. She folded her hands and placed them on the table. She tried to make her voice sound calm: "Lin, did I do something wrong? Why do I feel that you have been alienating me? We don't seem to have met before?"

Looking at Bella, whose eyes were covered with a layer of mist but pretended not to care, Lin Jue's heart softened. No one would be indifferent to seeing a beautiful woman sitting next to you and feeling sad. What's more, Lin Jue himself was a loyal fan of Twilight.

It can be said that the vampires in Twilight are the most perfect existence in Lin Jue's heart, and Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, has won the hearts of countless vampire fans, and Lin Jue is no exception.

Is my tone and behavior too hurtful before?

Subconsciously, Lin Jue actually began to reflect on whether he had done something wrong before?

Bella lowered her head and waited for a reply. She felt her heart getting more and more sour. She shook the corners of her lips gently, and she stood up, not wanting to disturb Lin Jue again.

"Bella... maybe my previous behavior made you misunderstand, but I have to say that I don't mean to hate you at all!"

! !

Bella's eyes lit up instantly, she looked at Lin Jue with surprise, and the whole person subconsciously leaned towards him.

"Really? I saw you chatting happily with other people, but you would choose to stay away from me, so I thought you hated me..."

"No, just like every male student here, I am also a normal man. I have a natural liking for beautiful girls, not to mention you. To be honest, as an Asian, your appearance completely meets my aesthetic standards!"

Lin Jue said with a smile, but soon, his heart couldn't help but jump, because he noticed that after his compliment, Bella's eyes dodged.

What's going on?

Anyone who has been in love knows that when the other person likes you, it is very normal to subconsciously avoid looking at each other.

His heartbeat slowed down a beat. Lin Jue never thought that even if he did nothing, the direction of the story seemed to be completely different from what he had expected!

Gently pulling her hair to the ends, Bella's gloomy face seemed to brighten up all of a sudden.

She began to talk about why she came to this town, and asked Lin Jue in a roundabout way why he came here.

"My coming here can be regarded as an accident. However, I will definitely come to this world, but the time has been advanced a lot!"

After thinking for a moment, Lin Jue found an answer that he thought was reasonable and sincere.


The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Somehow, Bella thought of what happened to her and her father just before they came to this town, and she thought of that fleeting figure.

"Can I ask you a question? Lin!"

With a trace of hesitation on her face, Bella looked at Lin Jue with some anxiety. The reason why she had such a mentality was that she was worried that the next question would make her look presumptuous.

"Just ask!"

Lin Jue said nonchalantly.

To be honest, even if he told the girl in front of him everything, he didn't feel anything wrong. It was all because he now had the power to completely subvert the world.

Not to mention the vampire family in the Twilight world, even if the entire vampire family besieges him alone, he is sure to annihilate them in an instant!

"That night was the first night I came to this town. My father and I saw a figure on the road. That figure looked very much like you!"

Staring at Lin Jue closely, Bella's heartbeat began to accelerate.

Nodding, without any hesitation, Lin Jue said calmly: "That's right! That's me!"

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