As the foundation of the Tepu family, the Tepu Building has always been the pride of all family members, and Ivanlin is no exception.

Since she was a child, she was taught by Donna Tepu to focus on the family's reputation and interests. Whether in school or outside of school, her words and deeds represent the Tepu family.

As Donna Tepu's proudest daughter, Ivanlin can be said to have been trained to be a perfect socialite in all aspects. Even in a school full of children of nobles and wealthy businessmen, Ivanlin is still the most eye-catching one.

With a tall figure and a beautiful face under golden hair, it can be said that Ivanlin has gained countless admiration at a young age.

In any place, such a dazzling girl would have played with those rich businessmen's children long ago, but Ivanlin was not like that. During school, she was strictly taught by Donna Tepu and did not dare to mess around.

This also led to her becoming a "white lotus" in the mouths of those noble and wealthy daughters in the aristocratic colleges with corrupt customs. For this reason, although Ivanlin did not show it, she actually complained in her heart.

Later, she grew up and understood a lot of truths.

It was also because of Tangnat Park's teachings that Ivanlin's inner pride grew stronger and stronger, which led to the fact that she rarely had anyone she could look up to now.

Until she met Lin Jue, the most powerful and powerful nobleman in the United States who was rumored to be the deepest hidden!

After learning about Lin Jue's deeds and witnessing Lin Jue's influence, Ivanlin had a kind of expectation that only he could meet my inner expectations.

Especially at the Evernight Banquet, Lin Jue's rescue made Ivanlin throb, and even her Tangnat Park, who had always been "very mean in her feelings", showed a completely different attitude from before.

Compared with any other rich boy, Tangnat Park even personally told her that he hoped she could get close to the Duke of Evernight.

All of this gave Ivanlin a novel experience, that is, how outstanding and excellent the man in front of her was, with some intimate actions between her and Lin Jue.

Ivanlin's face looked calm, but in fact, the first time she was "like this" with a person of the opposite sex had already made her heart pounding.

After all, she has just come of age.

In fact, Ivanlin has an urgent thought in her heart, which prompted her to make such an "open" move directly.

That is the Tepu Group!

Although she has always been the proudest daughter of Donna Tepu, her shares in the Tepu Group are very low, which is destined to make it impossible for her to become the real head of the Tepu Group.

This situation is particularly painful for Ivanlin, who has always been proud in her heart. She has always wanted to break through her current situation. She even thought of starting a business with her pocket money that she had accumulated for a long time, but unfortunately, repeated failures made her realize that she is not a business genius, or that the assets she has are not enough for her to break away from the Tepu Group and start her own business.

If she can get together with Lin Jue, Ivanlin dare not imagine how much help she will get.

Just like Monica, an originally unknown little actor has become the hottest actor in Hollywood just because of her relationship with Lin Jue.

You have to know that Monica is not even an American. She just came here. All the film and television companies in Hollywood have extended olive branches to her. The price offered can even make Ivanlin feel dumbfounded.

How can Ivanlin not be jealous of the fate of "good girlfriends".

With a bright light in her eyes, Ivanlin's eyes were fixed on Lin Jue. She gently picked up the signature dish of the Waldorf Hotel and sent it directly to Lin Jue's mouth.

Lin Jue was naturally not polite when being fed by a beautiful woman. He bit it directly.


Lin Jue's eyes lit up and he chewed it carefully.

The delicate egg yolk exuded a different fragrance in his mouth. This was the first time he had eaten this special egg.

In addition to the egg yolk itself, he also tasted some other flavors, one of which was ham.

"What kind of dish is this? The taste is a bit unexpected!"

Lin Jue took the initiative to pick up a piece and took another bite.

Seeing the other party's satisfied look, Ivanlin explained: "This is the famous Benedict Eggs of the Waldorf Hotel. It is made of ham and soft-boiled eggs, with some Finnish juice and maybe some muffins, so the taste is delicate and unique! I'm glad you like it!"

"It seems that you also have unique insights into food, which is really surprising!"

Lin Jue looked at Ivanlin sitting next to him with some surprise. He didn't flatter her too much.

He only tasted the taste of ham and eggs...

"Maybe it's because I often come here to eat!"

Ivanlin's face showed an elegant smile, and her eyes flickered slightly when she looked at Monica who was enjoying the food at the moment.

She wanted to get rid of her "good girlfriend".

Lin Jue didn't know what the girl next to him was thinking. He was ready to experience today's dinner after his taste buds were opened by the food.

In addition to the so-called Benny eggs, Lin Jue also aimed at a vegetable and meat salad. He left aside the apples and dried apples that he didn't like very much, and stuffed the celery and salad with chicken breast, beef and other various ingredients into his mouth.


Well, it turns out that we should not have too high expectations for foreign food.

Swallowing it reluctantly, Lin Jue began to eat the food belonging to China.

Under his leadership, Monica and Ivanlin also tasted it.

"Hmm... so delicious!"

After eating a large piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, Monica's eyes widened as if she had discovered some kind of surprise. Her hands moved very quickly and she ate three large pieces in a short while.

Compared with Monica, Ivanlin was much more dignified. She still chewed slowly and praised while eating. Although it was flattering words, it made Lin Jue feel like a spring breeze.

As the three of them enjoyed the dinner, Ivanlin tried to pull Lin Jue's "unconscious" hand under the table to her legs.

Feeling the amazing touch and looking at the blonde beauty who seemed to be leaning on him, Lin Jue was "painful and happy".

During the two people's little movements, Lin Jue always felt a sense of trepidation, but every time he looked at Monica, he always found that this girl had a very good appetite, tasting a variety of dishes, and seemed to pay no attention to their situation.

This situation continued until Monica was a little bit unable to eat, and when Lin Jue noticed her averted eyes, his heart was shaken wildly.

Monica knew it all!

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