American comics: The savior starting from the vampires

Chapter 458: Flattery from the Prosecutor


While humming an unknown tune, Ivanlin and her good sister Monica were on the phone.

When you drink water, you should remember the well digger. Since Monica helped her so wholeheartedly, she would not treat her little sister badly.

Originally, Ivanlin looked down on people like Monica. She felt that she was in a completely different class from those poor civilians. In her daily life, she would not even pay attention to her eyes or thoughts.

But now, she sincerely regarded Monica as her good sister. She was grateful for giving her such a "huge gift".

"Monica? Is Mr. Duke still with you?"

Ivanlin looked at the beautiful face on the screen and asked with some envy. She often communicated with Monica through video to get closer to her, and she was very clear about the status of her good sister.

Her face was slightly red, obviously after doing something indescribable.

Sure enough, Monica smiled and turned the camera, and Lin Jue leaned against the bed and controlled the tablet.

"Hi!" X2

The two of them greeted each other almost in unison.

The moment she saw Lin Jue, Ivanlin's eyes suddenly brightened. She was chatting with Monica while quietly retreating, pretending to be cooking and chatting with them.

However, her real intention was obviously more than that.

Looking at the blonde beauty in the video wearing a super low hip skirt showing her slim figure and slender thighs, Lin Jue's heart skipped a beat.

Different from the teasing look of ordinary women, Ivanlin seemed to be making breakfast normally, but her every move revealed a different kind of style and elegance, which made you feel that you were being teased, but you felt that the other person was not vulgar at all.

"It's Ivanlin! Such charm..."

A little brother had already raised his head, and Lin Jue quickly retracted his gaze and dared not look any more, letting the two good sisters continue chatting, but his teasing anger was never suppressed, and he quietly signaled Monica to hang up the phone.

Then, she pounced on Monica's exclamation. Even the best quality bed board could not withstand the unimaginable violent shaking.

After hanging up the phone with a sense of unsatisfaction, Ivanlin pulled down the skirt that she had quietly tucked up again. After a brief silence, she threw the burnt eggs in the pan into the trash can.

She began to cook breakfast slowly again.

After about 20 minutes, she skillfully placed the prepared sandwich on the table. A trace of loneliness flashed in Ivanlin's eyes. In a trance, she seemed to see Lin Jue, who was wearing British aristocratic clothes, sitting opposite her and smiling.

She subconsciously reached out her hand and tried to catch the other person's figure.

Ding Dong~ Ding Dong~ Ding...

The pleasant doorbell interrupted Ivanlin's thoughts. She tied her loose hair into a high ponytail and then walked towards the door at an unhurried pace.

With a hint of curiosity on her face, Ivanlin didn't know who would come to see her at this time. According to her previous experience, there seemed to be no other people around except some wealthy businessmen and high-ranking officials in New York.

Those guys have never come to see her.

Turning on the monitor next to her and seeing the picture outside the door, Ivanlin's eyes lit up.

The serious-looking Yongye security guard was stopping a gray-haired old man. The other party had a respectful look on his face and seemed to be saying something to Yongye security, while a security guard was responsible for ringing the doorbell.

"Is it him?"

With a hint of surprise in her eyes, Ivanlin recognized the old man. She hurriedly wanted to rush out to greet him, but her pace slowed down halfway.

The flattered look stopped abruptly. Ivanlin put her mood in order and walked out with an elegant pace.

As soon as she left the yard, Ivanlin saw an old man with a happy look.

When Ivanlin came to the door, the Yongye security guards hurriedly made way for the blocked door, but the old man was still stopped by them one meter outside the door.

"Hello, Ms. Ivanlin, I am Chasos who lives next door to you!"

The old man looked excited. While introducing himself, he hurriedly took out the postcard from his shirt and wanted to hand it to Ivanlin, but found that the distance was not enough.

Seeing this scene, Ivanlin suppressed her inner joy and waved calmly. The security guard who originally blocked the old man quickly retreated, and the old man also stepped forward and handed it over respectfully with both hands.

"Miss Ivanlin, I was busy with official business before, so I forgot to say hello to you. Look at my memory. I only took the time now. Please forgive me!"

The old man was far more shrewd than his age. His eyes swept over the Yongye security guards, and he explained to Ivanlin excitedly.

"It's okay, Mr. Chasos. I should have visited your home first, but you know that I am too pressed for time with my current status."

"Yes, yes, Miss Ivanlin must be busy with the affairs of Evernight. This is the pillar of our America, and the business involved is countless in all aspects. How can she have time to visit an old man like me!"

Before explaining anything, the other party directly took all the responsibilities on himself. This unprecedented treatment made Ivanlin's mouth curl up.

Take care of the old man, take the postcard handed over with both hands, on which there is a circle of gilded fonts "New York Attorney General of the Federal Police Department-Chasos!"

The Attorney General is an official in charge of legal supervision and various criminal investigations. He is a guy that all wealthy businessmen and even the military dare not offend.

Such a person is someone that Ivanlin once wanted to contact, but she had no chance to contact.

Before, Ivanlin bought a villa here, and she also had this consideration. She even took the initiative to visit, but was shirked by the old man in front of her on the grounds that she was busy with work.

Unexpectedly, the situation is reversed now. The guy who once looked down on her now greets her with a flattering face?

Facing the old man's awe-inspiring eyes, Ivanlin did not dare to be too arrogant. She welcomed the old man into her home with a smile.

Two Eternal Night security guards followed behind them. Chasos was secretly shocked by such behavior, while Ivanlin ignored her actions.

She just wanted to use her status as an executive of Eternal Night to win over this prosecutor!

When the two came to the courtyard and sat down, Chasos looked at Ivanlin's house in amazement.

"I've heard that my neighbor is a noble lady. I didn't expect that your courtyard is decorated to match your status!"

Looking at the other party's unconditional praise, Ivanlin glanced at her decoration, which seemed to have no outstanding features, and nodded directly to the other party.

Since the other party was so enthusiastic, she was naturally willing to take it.

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