Nolin originally thought about what to do if the little black spider world of the ultimate universe still absorbs Gwen.

He has not yet mastered the ability to travel through the universe by locating Gwen.

In order to prepare for crises in advance, he called Gwen to"research" abilities whenever he had time. After unremitting efforts, Gwen finally mastered powerful power.

The ability is several times stronger than before, which is enough for Gwen to brutally torture third-rate villains such as Kingpin in the ultimate universe.

Gwen's strength is considered outstanding among the countless Spider-Man in the Spider-Man Parallel Universe.

Risks are minimized.

But who knew, this time it was not only Gwen who sensed it, but he also sensed something was wrong.

Could it be that he is regarded as one of the countless Spider-Men in the universe?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with saying that. He also has all the abilities of Gwen Spider, so it is not impossible to be misjudged.

However, he was not prepared to let"Uncle Ben" sacrifice himself.

If you want to use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty, how can you do that?

As soon as the thought flashed,

Universe 65 flashed with colorful light like garbled data, and the entire building was covered by the stream of light.

The next moment, a ripple in space suddenly appeared under the two people's feet. Gwen subconsciously popped out a spider thread to stick to the ceiling, but it was sticky. It was empty, and the whole room became a teleportation tool.

With Nolin deliberately not resisting, the two of them came to another universe as soon as they closed and opened their eyes.

1610 Spider-Man Universe.

Nolin and Gwen stepped into the new universe and looked at the Manhattan area that seemed familiar but very different around them, with different expressions.

Gwen expressed surprise. She could sense that this was no longer the world she was in before, but Nolin had already expected it.

"Did you know we would teleport into this world?"

Looking at Gwen's calm expression, Gwen couldn't help but ask.

Nolin nodded,"Of course, I also know what caused us to time travel."

"What is it?"Gwen asked

"The woman of the underground Dark Emperor in New York died. He and Doctor Octopus built a time shuttle to open other parallel universes and bring the Kingpin woman from another world. However, due to an accident caused by Spider-Man in this world, We were teleported."

Nolin spoke concisely, briefly describing the matter in two or three sentences, but looking at Gwen's expression that seemed to understand something, he told it in detail again.

After a few minutes,

Gwen, who understood the ins and outs of the matter, was a little confused.

"So what do we do now?"

"do what? Of course it’s just for fun, don’t worry, according to the time, we will be able to go back when it’s time."

Nolin never thought about showing off his power and causing a storm in the ultimate universe.

He also wanted to do an experiment. Although he left Universe 65, he found that he could return to the original universe at any time as long as he wanted.

But can he still do it? It is debatable to teleport here.

Just in case, it is better to wait until the incident is over and return to Universe 65 before trying to come to Universe 1610 alone.

Gwen was stunned for a moment, and did not expect this answer.

"Don't we make some preparations in advance? For example, let's explore Kingpin's base camp in advance and find out what kind of collider it is? Or go find the Spider-Man of this universe and discuss with him what to do together?"

"No, if you need to investigate in advance to deal with a Kingpin, how will you deal with more powerful enemies in the future?"

Nolin didn't take gold and gold seriously at all, and signaled Gwen to relax. After looking around, he turned over and found a backpack filled with gold.

He found a gold shop to sell it in exchange for millions of dollars.

Looking at Nolin With Lin's skillful movements, Gwen immediately understood how he bought the villa and building.

This ability is simply inhumane. I believe everyone will flock to it!

Gwen was even thinking about what he would do if he got Nolin's ability. What?

Then Gwen saw that Nolin seemed to be saying something to the manager. The other party was surprised at first, then strange, and then extremely enthusiastic. He took out his mobile phone to call the contact, and then got a bank card.

Some of the millions of dollars were transferred to the card, and some were converted into cash and put in the bag.

"What are you doing"Gwen felt that all this was contrary to our three views.

"Don’t we have no identity in this universe? I asked him to get an anonymous bank card, and then we only had to do one thing, play!"

"But is it really appropriate for us to do this?"

Gwen looked at the bank card and a bag of cash, feeling particularly confused.

She seemed to be living a life she hated.

"Have we done anything illegal or criminal? We're not robbing a bank."

Nolin doesn't care. He has done the same thing too many times, so he won't care, let alone that he didn't kill anyone or set fire to anything.

"This is faster than robbing a bank!"Gwen rolled his eyes. Gold is made casually. It is simply a business without capital. How can a bank make money so quickly? You only need to make gold casually, and you can easily become richer than the country!

"If you have the ability, you can naturally do whatever you want."

Nolin took out another bank card and said,"There is one million here, spend it as you like, come to me after you spend it."

"……"Gwen looked down at the still-warm bank card, unable to turn her head around.

Is it so easy to get one million? The first million in life!

She felt a little sad for the criminals she had arrested before. They were the same people, but there was such a big gap.

Nolin did not enlighten Gwen. In fact, he did not use these abilities to do evil or do good. He did not even need to take this step. One-handed telepathy was enough to make life smooth from now on.

It's like the Universal Pass or Devil's Passport in Doraemon. If an ordinary person can get this, guess what will happen?

Nolin wanted to be the master of power rather than its slave, so he had some principles in doing things, although not much. Regardless of whether

Gwen fully accepted it or not, the two of them started having the happiest time.

Gwen did not replace Spider-Man in this universe to execute justice, nor did she follow the original timeline and sneak into Brooklyn Vision Academy to contact the Little Black Spider. Instead, under the leadership of Nolin, Gwen bought, bought, bought!

I traveled around New York in a week and left footprints all over the city.

There were also figures of two people communicating in the ocean.

Seabed, sky, alleys, woods, luxury cars...

Gwen never thought she could be so crazy.

I never thought I would be so indulgent.

After a week of indulgence, Gwen realized she couldn't go on like this anymore and finally got down to business, well, actually the business was about to begin.

In fact, Nolin did nothing during this period.

Several times when Gwen fell into a deep sleep due to fatigue, Nolin directly learned the location of the abandoned underground construction site from Miles and took away the mutated spider that was killed by him.

There is also the number 42 written above the spider. The entire spider parallel universe is an accident caused by a strange combination of circumstances.

This spider was supposed to bite Peter in Universe 42, but because of the collider built by Kingpin, it came to this universe and bit Miles.

Miles, who was not supposed to be Spider-Man, was bitten, which led to the death of the original Peter Spider in that universe, because in the Spider-Man universe, there should only be one Spider-Man bitten by a spider in each universe.

Peter died because of Miles' appearance.

And Universe 42 has lost Spider-Man forever.

In that universe, Miles became the villain Prowler alongside his uncle. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nolin is actually not interested in the little black spider. He is a product of political correctness and has become the protagonist with various halo bonuses. He also stepped on other Spider-Man to rise to the top. Using it to suppress other spiders forcibly highlights Miles' specialness and power.

Then they forced Gwen and Miles together.

It also appears that Gwen Stacy of every universe will fall in love with Spider-Man.

But now he's Spider-Man too, so Miles stays put.

In addition to getting the spider, Nolin also secretly went to Kingpin's base camp and obtained all the data of the space-time collider without the knowledge of many villains and scientific research institutes.

The content of this black technology is not low, and it can barely open a channel between parallel universes.

When people further modify and improve it, maybe they can create a machine specifically used for time and space travel.

In Nolin's plan, this was a backup plan. He still valued the different-dimensional watches held by the Spider Alliance and even the various technologies owned by the entire alliance.

Compared with the collider, their space-time technology is more complete, more stable, and easy to carry and use.

Even if it can only be used in the Marvel Universe, it is still a very powerful technology.

If used well, the strength will increase more quickly.

As time passes, Nolin and Gwen finally wait for the day to come - the death of Spider-Man!

This day is a very special day.

Also starting from this day, the Spider-Man universe entered the multiverse.

Nolin did not overly intervene in the plot at this time point. It has nothing to do with him whether Peter dies or not. Miles has to appear, which has already determined this outcome.

After Peter died, Nolin took Gwen and knocked on Aunt May's door that night....


At the same time,

Universe 928, Spider Alliance.

A huge base with a strong sense of technology

"The boss, the extradimensional being named Nolin, appears again! We detected that he entered the center of the 1610 cosmic web-weaving event, the home of Peter Spider!"

A virtual little girl clicked the operation, looked at the complex data stream flashing on the computer screen, and spoke fluently.

"'Where's Gwen?"

Standing in the center of all the big screens, there was a burly and powerful Spider-Man, looking at the separate screens, frowning.

Part of the screen above was Gwen and Nolin's experience together, but part of it was garbled. There are no specific pictures.

After he discovered the web-weaving incident some time ago, he started to establish the Spider Alliance. Currently, he has attracted dozens of Spider-Man. Although there is still a long way to go before the peak period when hundreds of Spider-Man will join, it seems that It has become a behemoth.

Every additional Spider-Man means that there is a cosmic connection. The Spider Alliance, which spans dozens of universes, is definitely a multiverse organization with great potential. The

Golden Collider failed, and the multiverse The universe is in chaos, and many lives have fled to other universes due to space turmoil. He calls them extradimensional entities, which are cosmic variables. He needs to capture them back to the Alliance, and then use mechanical spiders to send them back to the original universe through the genes of their universe.

This is a huge job, and he must constantly call on more Spider-Man to join this task, all for the safety of the universe!

But while busy with a series of tasks, he accidentally discovered the existence of Nolin, this guy and other people from different dimensions Due to his different body, he arrived in Universe 65 many days in advance, and quickly developed a relationship with Spider-Gwen, and then developed into a relationship.[]

He also recruited George Stacey, who was about to be promoted to senior police inspector, as his subordinate, indirectly changing the future.

However, he did not affect the first absolute event point, Peter's death.

This is a dangerous guy!

At present, they only know that Nolin has mastered the Phoenix Power, and it is more troublesome than the Phoenix Power owners he knows.

He is able to use Phoenix perfectly without being affected, and can even create a barrier that blocks their surveillance.

More than half of the day is spent in isolation, and everyone knows what they did during this time.

If Nolin (Zhao Qian's) was just a small, low-risk character like Doctor Octopus, Kingpin, and Vulture, they would have captured him long ago.

However, at present, they are not sure of capturing the other party, so they might as well alert the enemy and have not taken the risk. Take action.

Be prepared to wait until more people are recruited before taking action.

Of course, part of the reason is that Nolin also became Spider-Man! And it did not cause the web incident to collapse!

He is an anomaly! More alien than Myers Spider! Miguel even noticed that Nolin seemed to know about their existence and the web-weaving incident.

So he didn't take action immediately.

But today, he couldn't sit still.

Everything before was all speculation. No one knows what Nolin will do in the 1610 universe. Will it have an irreversible impact on the universe and even the entire multiverse?

"Gwen was also with him and they were talking to Aunt May. They also dealt with 90214 Shadow Spider-Man, 14512 Penny Spider-Man, and 1 Spider-Pig...."

"Miguel, are we going to take action? This is a big guy!"

Miguel's assistant, Spider-Woman Jessica, asked softly.

Miguel hesitated for a while,"Contact all current Spider-Man and ask them to return to the base to stand by. If he does anything that may affect the web-weaving incident, Carry out an arrest immediately!"

"Please inform me that this time our opponent is at a very high level of danger, and we must be prepared to sacrifice. That is the perfect host of the Phoenix Force, and it may even know of our existence!"

Jessica was extremely solemn when she heard this. She glanced at the screen before leaving. Nolin's face that made women unable to extricate themselves, with a charming smile.

"Pity...If he could join us, he would be the most handsome Spider-Man, and all the Spider-women would be crazy about it!".

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