After a brief hesitation, the hive did not hesitate, and immediately turned into parasites all over the sky and flew away in all directions.

At the same time, part of it flew towards Nolin, and it was ready to escape and attack at the same time.

As long as he can escape, he can strengthen himself by controlling and devouring other people.

The large number of Inhumans on Penglai Island is the best place to lurk.

As long as he can escape, he can lurk as the other party until the Kree Empire army arrives, then he is still the Lord of the Earth!.

“I have known for a long time that you are dishonest, why do you think you can play tricks in front of me?”

Norin shook his head. The superpower that came from the Inhuman Crystal and controlled the elements of the atmosphere was activated. The surrounding air turned into a cage under his control and squeezed inward. In the blink of an eye, he crushed all the parasites in the surrounding air to death!

The Hive is indeed immune to many Inhuman abilities, but the reason is that their abilities are too weak!

Black Bolt, with full firepower, and the ability of the crystal after the power is enhanced, can deal a fatal blow to it in a wide range.

Nolin from He didn’t take the hive too seriously, and he couldn’t covet its abilities.

He didn’t want to transform his body into a disgusting parasite just to control some weak aliens.

Telepathy, the super-steel body can do it What arrives will only be better than the hive!

As the hive dies,

“”397” Black Bolt, Karnak, Tritan, and Petrified Eyes, who were controlled by parasites, all recovered and realized that their mission had failed. Black Bolt had a dark face and wanted to find a hole to get in.

But this is a steel island. , let alone holes, even if he uses onomatopoeia, he can’t create a hole in the ground.

“Sorry, my mission failed!”

Black Bolt lowered his head apologetically. The ability-suppressing collar around his neck had been turned on at some point.

“Go in and stay for a few more days.”

Nolin waved his hand, without talking nonsense, and motioned to his men to bring them in.

He had already given the other party a chance, but the other party failed to live up to his expectations and did not know how to seize the opportunity.

A mere hive caused Black Bolt to fail and was even killed. Its control.

Black Bolt is too confident and arrogant in his own abilities. If he outputs all his strength from the moment he comes up, how can he have such a dark history?

Following Black Bolt, Petrified Eyes was also taken down. Nolin was not impressed by his abilities. I don’t dare to be interested. An ability that can be reversed can also be used to abuse food.

The psychic ability is stronger than it, so there is no need to spend energy specifically for pseudo-petrification. At this time, a fighter plane returned with the petrified Gorgon.

It is the advanced version of the X-F1 fighter. The X-F2 fighter has made huge breakthroughs in terms of power and construction materials.

Now it can be completely called an interstellar fighter, and its firepower system and defense system have greatly improved. Improved.

It can also fly in space over a certain distance, and can perform combat missions stationed near planets. Its combat effectiveness near planets is no worse than that of small combat spaceships.

In terms of its overall combat effectiveness, it has surpassed all the stars in the current Marvel universe. Imperial starfighters, and even warships.

If not for their size and energy limitations, they are destined to be unable to carry powerful firepower, otherwise they would be enough to deal with those mainstream battleships!

In terms of armor strength alone, it is even more terrifying than those battleships!

Nolin took a look Gorgon, in just a few breaths, he could decipher its principle and use the power of the Phoenix to de-petrify it.

Then he would be taken down.

“Master, I have collected all the data for this battle. Do you want to send it to your optical brain now?”

Queen Bai’s illusory figure suddenly appeared,

“Well, you can also try to analyze the data of this battle, which can also reduce some workload for Bard and the others.”

Nolin looked at the data and said casually.

He didn’t want the White Queen and the Red Queen to become rigid intelligences, so he lifted some of the restrictions on the two intelligences. Of course, it was impossible to completely lift the restrictions.

If If he really does this, the Red Queen and the White Queen may stage an omnic disaster for him.

Infinite Ultron is a trivial matter, but if he really gets the computation element, that will be the real trouble.

This time the X-P2 Power Armor He was quite satisfied with the soldier’s performance.

This kind of power was only stronger than the original Kryptonian armor.

The X metal played a major role in it.

The various special properties given by various metals gave it a better defense. Significant improvement.

Hundreds of soldiers combined can even defeat Black Bolt.

This is also thanks to the energy-absorbing properties of vibranium.

Of course, if fighting alone, the power armor has a storage limit, and the final result is very likely It exploded due to excessive energy.

But in the face of sheer numbers, this powered armor unit perfectly restrained people with large-scale AOE abilities like Black Bolt.

Everyone absorbed part of the energy, making the armor itself more defensive. And it also indirectly provides more energy to the armor, which can sustain long-term operations without worrying about damage to internal parts.

After the Red Queen and White Queen estimate, not only Black Bolt, but also Hulk and without Storm Ax Thor, the god of thunder, this army can fight against them.

Not to mention winning, at least they can remain undefeated.

If you want to defeat them, you can only use super explosive attacks to destroy them instantly, or use harder weapons to tear apart the armor.

But obviously, no matter which one of these two meets the standard, they are at least first-class superheroes, and some gods cannot do it.

“Red Queen, you have been taking the time to prepare recently. The Kree fleet is coming. Try to wipe them all out!”

“As you wish, my master!”

The confident voice of the Red Queen echoed.

As the supervisor of Penglai Island’s external network, the Red Queen is responsible for the peripheral firepower of Penglai Island, including many armaments deployed in space.

The White Queen is only responsible for the internal military power of Penglai Island, including major factories. and countless underground artillery fires.

Generally speaking, only after the enemy destroys the external fire front and breaks into Penglai Island, it is the White Queen’s turn to take action.

However, this time facing the Kerry fleet, the Red Queen alone may not be able to annihilate it.

No. Lin has prepared a surprise gift package for the other party. I believe that the other party will be very satisfied when he comes….

The boundless space is a jump network transfer station.

A medium-sized fleet composed of two hundred Dark Stars gradually exited the jump state, and on a Dark Star main ship in the middle, a purebred Kree with blue skin approached another one with a figure similar to Ronan. Warframe’s Kree report:

“Report Chief Rudolph, we have lost Aubrey’s signal!”

“What about the rest of Team Aubrey?”

“Their signal disappeared some time ago, and just now, we were completely unable to contact Captain Aubrey!”

“Oh, have they been discovered by people on Earth? With the backward technology of the people on earth, they can actually kill an entire team, either the traitor or the mutants!”

The new leader of the Accusers, Rudolph, was thoughtful.

As the temporary controller of the Accusers after Ronan, Rudolph has always wanted to surpass Ronan.

In the Kree Empire, Ronan’s reputation is extremely high. If it weren’t for him Stupidly leading his men to disobey the Prime Minister’s orders and privately judge the group of accusers, it is not his turn to take this position.

This is a stupid move. If Ronan endures the humiliation, he may become the new Prime Minister of the Kree in the future. , led the great Kree Empire to conquer all directions, but he disobeyed the orders of the Kree Emperor because of his principles and his father’s hatred0…..

As a former adjutant, Rudolph respected Ronan very much, but he also had his own ambitions and demands.

Now, he needs to think about his future. He has to do something that even Ronan has never done to gain the support and trust of his compatriots.

He wants to remove the word”temporary”, completely control the group of accusers, and eliminate Ronan’s influence.

Ronan is the hero of the Kree Empire, but he is not invincible. At least Rudolph knows that Ronan suffered a loss on Earth and was defeated by the traitor Carol.

Now, he, Rudolf, is coming with a larger fleet!

Not only does he want to kill the Kree traitors, he also wants to expand the territory for the empire and occupy the earth.

And offer the most precious space gem in the universe to their emperor!

By the way, we took down the biological achievements left over from the past – the Inhumans.

At the same time, all the Skrulls, the old enemies of the Kree, must be wiped out!

Rudolph was fortunate that he only had to go to a backward planet and be able to complete four glorious missions that would go down in history in one go.

He doesn’t even need to start a war with the earth’s native life. As long as the fleet uses full firepower and directly destroys the earth, he can complete four tasks in one go!

This must be the result of the blessing of supreme wisdom. Rudolph will definitely become a Kree hero surpassing Ronan!

In the future, he will successfully become a marshal and even prime minister, and will be solemnly received by Emperor Kerry and the Supreme Wisdom!

Of course, although Rudolph is confident that he can win, this operation must be taken seriously.

Otherwise, the Kree Empire would not have dispatched as many as two hundred Accusers to join the battle.

You know, according to the firepower settings of the Dark Star, only a standard team of six battleships can clean the surface of a planet the size of the Earth.

Ronan was defeated at that time because he only had one small fleet, but now he has two hundred ships….

This shows that the Kree Empire attaches great importance to the earth, especially the person who needs to be vigilant most in the intelligence, the King of Mutants Nolin, who is a ruthless character who easily defeated Carol.

According to rumors, he is suspected of possessing the power of a cosmic god.

Have to pay attention!

“However, in front of the Kree Empire, even if you are a 0.8 universe god, you must lie down!”

“I hope you’d better be wiser, otherwise…”

Rudolph looked down at the green dots on the screen. This was his fearless fleet!

“Let’s all set off and aim for the Earth! For the sake of the empire, conquer her!”

Two hundred battleships entered the jump almost at the same time. With the jump network built by the Kree Empire, they can easily reach the distant Earth across tens of thousands of light-years!

Earth, here we come!

Three hours later, the solar system is only a few meters away from the Earth. In the starry sky hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the Dark Stars appeared almost simultaneously.

On the scale of the universe measured in light years, hundreds of thousands of kilometers are almost negligible.

This is a dangerous distance, and the Earth is facing Therefore, emergency defense measures have also been taken, but at present, the earth’s defense satellites used to defend against outer space are very few, and it is impossible to counterattack the huge fleet.

Looking at the earth’s weak defense line,

Rudolf scorned A smile,

“What a bunch of savages!”

“All fire units are ready, lock on the target earth, and wait for my order!”

“Contact the mutants on the planet and ask them to hand over the Skrulls and Inhumans immediately, otherwise we will destroy the earth!”.

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