Next, Xavier Academy for the Gifted was closed for one day, which lasted until the weekend, with no classes scheduled.

A person with enhanced hearing mutation said that when he passed by the conference room, he seemed to hear the sound of a quarrel inside.

But because the sound insulation effect was so good, he didn’t dare to get too close, so he didn’t know what was going on inside.

Everyone is speculating that something bad may have happened recently.

It can actually make professors and teachers discuss it endlessly.

However, as the perpetrator, Nolin lived a pretty cool life.

On the same day, I asked Ophelia to deliver a beach chair. I lay on it and fell asleep, indulging in the pleasure of increasing my strength.

Katie and Clarice followed suit, sitting or lying beside Nolin.

I didn’t realize it, but Clarice was also a top student. She would read books when she had nothing to do.

Seeing that Clarice was still young, Katie didn’t regard her as a threat. The two even became familiar with each other and chatted about some interesting things.

At night, Katie would come running in the dark. After learning about the taste of the marrow last time, Katie fell in love with this feeling.

Although every time after it was over, Katie would lie down until about three o’clock in the morning or even at noon before she could barely get up.

But still enjoying it.

Her spirit was no longer depressed, but instead she became more radiant, prompting Clarice to ask her what the secret was. Every time she asked, Katie was extremely embarrassed. She couldn’t say it was Queen.

Moreover, Katie also discovered that her abilities became more and more proficient without deliberate practice, and even some strange changes occurred.

How do you say it, like what Charles said last time, secondary mutation?

But isn’t the chance of secondary mutation very small? And it requires some kind of very special conditioned stimulus to induce it. She hasn’t done anything recently, except that

Katie looks weird. Can that thing also stimulate secondary mutations and strengthen mutant abilities?

However, she also heard from other female mutants that there was no such thing.

Is she too special, or is Nolin special?

Thinking of this, Katie ran and found Nolin who was sunbathing regardless of her physical weakness.

When we got here, there were already many sexy bitches sitting around.

Everyone at Xavier School who is over 10 years old, regardless of whether they have a boyfriend or not, comes.

It is said to be for sunbathing and reading, but in fact it is just for feasting your eyes.

Because Nolin only wore a pair of underpants in order to get better exposure to the sun.

Even the beach chairs are made of special glass material, which is expensive to make. It is said to be a new material specially researched by Hydra and is not currently available on the market.

Just like this, Nolin’s golden-proportioned figure is almost perfectly displayed.

The perfect eight-pack abs, toned muscles, flowing hairstyle, and those melancholy eyes all make women crazy.

Any movement can cause a burst of discussion, and the sound of taking pictures never stops.

Fortunately, this is a school, with only mutant students and not many girls of the right age. Otherwise, Katie can’t imagine what kind of exaggerated effect it would have if it were left outside.。

“Nolin! It seems that I am about to start a s

econd mutation! I can feel the cells all over my body being active. ”

Under the jealous gazes of many girls, Katie walked directly through them and came to Nolin’s side, asking for credit in a low voice. She

also glanced at Clarice, seeing that she seemed to be addicted to the world of books, and quickly whispered: “Wait a minute. After I mutated for the second time during this period, please remember to come two more times and you will also gain new abilities. ”

Nolin nodded lazily, without much expression.

Seeing this, Katie looked quite excited, and she realized that her guess was right.。

“Did you do it? Having sex with you can enhance your mutant abilities! Nolin

admitted directly, but did not forget to tell him: “You know this and I know it, so don’t tell it.” ”

But he secretly added in his heart: Kara knows, Batman knows, Ophelia knows…

Katie nodded quickly, “I’ve always been tight-lipped. You know, I will never tell anyone.”

At the end, she asked in a low voice, “Clarice doesn’t know, either?”

Nolin asked He gave her a look that said nothing. Although he didn’t say anything, he said everything.

Katie held her head high as if she had won a battle, and she was so happy.

When the women outside saw Katie’s proud look, they couldn’t help but feel jealous. Why were they not the ones sitting on Nolin?

With Nolin’s strong body in his arms, he must be happier than flying in that position!

Sensing the envious gazes of those seductive bitches, Katie was even more proud and whispered: “Let’s just take the trail tonight, I haven’t tried it yet….I wonder if this can also speed up mutation? ”

Nolin also got excited after hearing this. With a scientific and rigorous attitude, he can indeed try it.


“can you? “Nolin glanced at Katie, who was walking unsteadily. Don’t get killed!

Katie’s face suddenly collapsed. Why is this different from what she found? Isn’t it said that women are the best in this regard? How come it’s the turn? As for her, the opposite happened?

It was another embarrassing day. She didn’t even dare to talk about it with other girls, otherwise she would definitely be laughed to death. In

her mind, she had to explain that Nolin was different and too strong.

Katie rubbed She rubbed her thighs and cursed secretly for not living up to expectations, but once she said it, she couldn’t take it back, even if it didn’t work, she had to stand up for it.

She was about to say something, but Nolin seemed to have discovered something, and said: “Okay, If it really doesn’t work, I’ll just take a rest tonight. I remembered that I have something to do. Please lie down first.。”

“Well, go and get busy! ”

In front of Nolin, Katie was better behaved than a dog, nodding her head repeatedly.

She didn’t even ask Nolin what he was going to do.

Nolin got up, put on his clothes, and walked out of the school under the reluctant eyes of other girls.

And in Where others didn’t see it,

there were a few inconspicuous bugs sitting quietly on a tree not far away.

If you use very accurate infrared heat rays, you can see a “forest” above.

Arriving outside the school gate ,

on the road not far away, there was a Chevrolet parked.

The door opened at this moment, and a long leg came out first.

Then, a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes in a green leather jacket stepped out of the car.。

“My dear, I finally see you again, I want to…”

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