According to Nolin's memory, it was after Diana rescued the pilot that she decided to leave the island in order to deal with Ares, the culprit who started the war.

However, according to Bruce's investigation, the pilot was killed on the spot, so naturally Diana would not leave the island.

Although it is a pity, Nolin is even more moved. Isn’t the goddess in his hand even more fragrant? but...In this case, Ares, the God of War, is not dead either?

After the wave of World War II, Ares's strength will definitely recover a lot.

He may not be able to return to the level he was before fighting Zeus and other gods, but he can still be considered a boss.

You know, during the War of the Ancients, Ares was a ruthless man who was almost chopped down by Darkseid with an axe!

Darkseid's subordinate Steppenwolf can fight Diana, Cyborg, Batman, The Flash, and Aquaman all by himself without losing.

Only Black Chao, who has returned from hell and has improved his strength, can stabilize Steppenwolf.

From this, you can imagine how powerful Darkseid himself is.

As long as he fights Ares, Darkseid's strength can be determined to a certain extent.

However, it is just a reference. Darkseid was defeated by the Alliance of Gods, and according to the setting, he was only eight years old.

Now that thousands of years have passed, Darkseid's strength must have made a qualitative leap, while Ares lost a lot of strength in the civil war. Not to mention being stronger than during the War of the Ancients, it would be good if he was not weaker than in the War of the Ancients. Got it

"What's wrong? Trouble again?"

Bruce has transformed into a micro-expression insight master. His years of practical experience in catching criminals and interrogating them has made him very good at observing micro-29 expressions.

This is even better than the old Bruce. After all, the latter said that he has not been Batman for many years.

"You are looking for a man, Sir Patrick Morgan, who was supposed to be a British officer during World War II."

Nolin is not sure about the real direction of the world, but since the other Justice League veterans are here, there is no reason for Diana not to be there.

As long as he confirms Ares's traces, he will have peace of mind.

The only question is whether Ares is still there. Disguised as Patrick, in the setting, he has multiple disguised identities, maybe another identity is walking around

"Patrick Morgan...Let me see..."

Intuition told Bruce that this name might have a rich origin.

Even if it was for the sake of the agreement, it was also for his own sake. No effort was spared in the investigation.

In order to speed up the investigation, he secretly asked Ah Fu to search together

"Got it!"

"Sir Patrick, a senior British military officer, served as the spokesman of the Imperial War Cabinet. He advocated using force to suppress the Nazis, actively promoted World War II, and led the Allied forces to the final victory in the war!"

"But not long after, he died in a murder. Some people believed that this was the revenge of the Nazi remnants."

"Later, Sir Patrick's son Antonio joined the U.S. Army as the son of a hero. He is now a hawkish general who has published the theory of Eastern threats and actively promoted force sanctions."

Hearing this, Nolin already had a guess in his mind.

Patrick must be Ares!

His son Antonio is also him!

After instigating World War II, he began to instigate World War III with a new identity.

And he secretly controlled the United States. Initiate large and small battles.

He is the god of war. The more intense the war and the larger the scale, the stronger his strength will be. Once the world is at peace, his power will continue to weaken.

This is why in the War of the Ancients In , Ares was able to injure Darkseid with an axe. That was a battle that affected the entire earth and Apokolips. His strength reached its peak.

Having tasted the sweetness of war, he was bound to continue to provoke war.

However, the British at that time After the war, he lost his position as the eldest brother and declined rapidly. The keen Ares immediately abandoned his old identity and became a general of the United States.

"Damn it, don’t say there’s something wrong with Antonio?!"

Bruce looked at the information, his face slightly condensed.

Just looking at the information casually, he can confirm that Antonio and Patrick are both fanatical war elements.

The latter provoked World War II.

According to the information, there was also a vague shadow of the other party in World War I.

And now, his son Antonio is active everywhere again, provoking many wars, and now he is beginning to encourage armed crusade against Da Mao and the ancient Eastern Kingdom. He has even spoken in public many times about using nuclear bombs to wipe out all potential potential in one fell swoop. Enemy.

If this plan wasn't so crazy, he might have succeeded.

"You spread the news that Ares, the God of War, has come out. It's best not to reveal that you are the one who spread it. Otherwise, when I come next time, I will see you in the cemetery."

Bruce twitched the corner of his mouth.

Good guy, it's so dangerous to spread a message, tell me you're kidding!

"Mars...Ares! Is the enemy this time God? Antonio is Ares?"

Bruce turned around to confirm his identity, but when he looked, Nolin was nowhere to be seen.

Leaving now? Damn it, the Riddler, get out of Gotham!!

Nolin was walking slowly on the streets of Gotham, Experience the real customs and customs of Gotham City

"Damn Fuck! That bastard Jack actually dared to have sex with my woman. Just wait for me, I will have sex with you too!"

"Ouchette! That handsome guy is so handsome. If he can be captured and brought into the alley, the sisters will be able to enjoy it. After they have tasted enough, they can sell it to Sister Fish, and maybe they can gain the friendship of the Falnec family...."

"Damn Batman, he sabotaged another operation and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. If he continues like this, he won't be able to deal with the Penguin...."


What a Gotham with simple folk customs!

The people here are so qualified!

Nolin couldn't help but sigh, and raised his hand to push away several women dressed in coquettish clothes.

Unknowingly, he arrived at the landmark building of Gotham City, Arkham Asylum funded by the Wayne family! (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When you come to Gotham, if you don’t enter Arkham Asylum once, you won’t have the confidence to apply for jobs in other cities in the future!

No matter what, I have to give a qualified self-introduction: I graduated from Arkham, where there are many talented people. I am located in Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs. I have no sense of existence or significance there, so I hope to change to a city where I can become A qualified talent.

Look, doesn’t the portion come out?

I’ve never been to Arkham, how dare I say I came from Gotham?

Nolin was still looking at Arkham, and was thinking about entering to take a look, when a scent of fragrance appeared next to him.[]

"Hello, do you need any help?"

Nolin looked over, and what caught his eye was a beauty wearing a white coat, black-rimmed glasses, and long curly blond hair hanging casually around her waist.

Nolin called out her name without looking at the ID card on her chest.

"Harley Quinn?"

"You said it wrong, my name is Harley Quinzel! I'm also a doctor at Arkham Asylum. If you have anything to ask, you can ask me."

Looking at the smile on the corner of Nolin's mouth, Harley Quinzel also gradually smiled.

After graduating from Gotham University in psychology some time ago, she hadn't seen such a confident smile for a long time.

This is simply unbelievable in Gotham. existence.

Here, all the smiles are false, and everyone is wearing a mask, like a bad clown, just like the mental patient she is about to take over.

But that patient is the biggest clown, and the others People are actors.

However, Nolin is different. He exudes a special aura and feels incompatible with Gotham.

These qualities combined make people particularly curious.

"There are no questions. You have answered all my questions for me."

Having become accustomed to telepathy, Nolin subconsciously fell in love with this simple and straightforward method of obtaining information.

"Have it? What did I answer you?"Harley Quinzel frowned slightly.

"All of you!"

"Your way of striking up a conversation is very strange. Are you going to perform a magic 817 next?"Harley Quinzel crossed her arms to indicate that you should continue.

"What about mind reading? Are you thinking that I will prepare a playing card and use psychology to show magic in front of you, and you are also going to use the psychological magic you have learned to expose my magic? Oh, you’re not going to reveal it, but you want to cooperate with me to complete the magic trick? You're quite a weird person"

"Don't think about it, I'm reading minds right now, try it? Then let's go have a cup of coffee? How about that one?"

Nolin pointed to a cafe, and Harley Quinzel had already fallen into a sluggish state.

Read the mind...He really knows magic!

But is this thing really magic? Neither psychological suggestions nor any auxiliary props were used, so she could be sure that she was not hypnotized.

How could she say exactly what she was thinking?

"Um? Your measurements are..."

"etc! do not talk! I believe you! Let's go and have coffee!"

Harley Quinzel quickly pulled Nolin and ran away. If she went down, she would really be killed.

When passing by the cafe, Harley Quinzel's hand accidentally knocked off an ornamental green plant next to it.

However, Nolin, who has a keen eye, noticed that there are special hormones on the plant.

This is not secreted by the plant, but more like some kind of synthetic secretion, and its more function is to mark.

Once it sticks, it may not be completely completed for several days. Clean it up.

Ophelia told him this

"It can't be such a coincidence, Poison Ivy?"

A green figure popped up in Nolin's mind, and he looked at Harley who didn't know it. He raised his hand to erase the mark on Harley, and then put the green plant back in place.

At the same time, along the The meridians at the bottom of the green plant progressed. In a flower shop somewhere in Gotham, a woman seemed to notice something and frowned slightly.

Orr relaxed again.

There was even a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then he continued to hum, carefully giving each A tray of plants is watered..

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