"Tell me specifically what's going on. Nick Fury shouldn't be so irritable and the people from SHIELD so ignorant of the rules?"

Nolin pressed down his hands, all the sounds disappeared, and then asked about the specific situation.

"During the time you were away, we continued to recruit other mutants according to the plan you made. All the mutants adopted by Eric in other places were also transferred here."

"Several outstanding seedlings appeared among them, such as these, Sunspot, which can absorb solar energy, store it and convert it into other abilities, and Bishop, who can absorb other forms of energy and then release it."

Speaking of Bishop, Charles and Eric looked unnatural for a moment.

Apparently they thought of the enemy they had faced before, the fourth-level mutant Black Emperor Xiao.

The other party was the culprit who caused Eric's mother to die..

His power was very powerful, and he was even ready to provoke a world war and rule the world. He was later killed by Charles and Eric together, but there is no doubt that the other party was very powerful, and even now he is stronger than ordinary X-cops. Ordinary mutants can't do anything about him~

"When we absorbed some mutants in the United States, we encountered some obstacles. Someone was preventing us from transporting mutants to the school, and there were more and more agents nearby."

"At first, those agents were just on the periphery, and everyone got along in peace."

"But starting some time ago, some agents couldn't hold themselves back and even tried to break into the academy to collect information."

"They also used some unfair means to try to get something from the academy"

"I asked Cyclops and the others to warn the other party, but it didn't seem to be of much use."

Charles said truthfully.

Nolin was a little strange after hearing this. Nick Fury has a strong desire for control, but knowing that the strength of the Use peaceful means to make Charles compromise.

But the current situation is not something Nick Fury can do.

Could it be Hydra?

"Professor, have you ever explored the minds of those people? I doubt they are from SHIELD."

Charles looked weird, and Eric looked very unhappy,"Say it quickly! What on earth do you know. Charles took a deep breath,"Those agents are from SHIELD, but they are not. I learned from the minds of several of them that they serve an organization called Hydra. I have tried to learn about Hydra." More information about snakes, but little they know"

"What you said before is right...S.H.I.E.L.D. is unreliable and has leaked internally. From now on, it appears that the organization called Hydra is not a good person. They are more corrosive and are like parasites residing within S.H.I.E.L.D., absorbing S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau's resource growth"

"It’s hard to imagine why such a situation would happen for such a huge official organization as SHIELD."

Speaking of this, Charles looked embarrassed, and Hank beside him was also very embarrassed. At first, they worked hard to promote the friendship between mutants and the United States, and took the initiative to report the course of action. Unexpectedly, there are bad people among the people!

I'm afraid they will do it every time Their actions were all informed by the other party.

They were actually quite complacent.

"hydra...I seem to have heard of it! They are the Nazi forces who once committed evil on the European continent and committed numerous crimes!"

Eric looked solemn as he thought about something.

During World War II, Hydra was a powerful assistant to the Nazis. He always thought that Hydra disappeared completely after the end of World War II, but now it suddenly appeared in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I seem to have heard about it. I remember that Captain America Steve fought against Hydra in the past? But I don't know much about them, I only know that they are an evil organization."

Logan also thought of something. He had experienced World War I and World War II and knew more about some situations than Charles and the others.

"In other words, the Hydra people are targeting us?"Nolin had expected it, so it's not surprising.

It's not surprising that the Hydra gang would do anything.

He even found traces of Hydra in his previous actions against Stryker.

Among them There are several Hydra members, and part of Stryker's funding source, Ophelia determined, is one of Hydra's white gloves.

Nolin is even sure that in the experiments on mutants around the world, Nine The head snake has intervened at least eight levels!

"So what should we do? Tell Nick Fury this?"

"No! Why tell them? Let them go dog eat dog."

Eric sneered. Isn't Nick Fury very arrogant? He once said that SHIELD is an elite organization that has gone through multiple selections. After a long time, it has become the Snake Shield Bureau. When you get slapped in the face later, you have to look at his face. It must be interesting.

Charles glanced at him extra, but he didn't expect this old guy to be so evil.

Nolin also had the same idea. You should handle your SHIELD troubles yourself. You want me to clean up the parasites for you. How is that possible? You are not mine.

And I don’t help Nick Fury by helping anyone. He is not a person who repays kindness.

If you help him, maybe he will think about how to control you and restrict you later.

"Give them another warning, this time there will be blood! Some people are just mean. If you don't be cruel, they will keep provoking you. Only when you hurt them will they bow down to you."

"Hahaha, let me go then! Anyway, I am a terrorist in their eyes."

Eric is gearing up. He hasn't really made a move in a while.

"Pay attention to your sense of propriety and just kill a few casually."

"You know, I will be very gentle."Eric waved his hand and took the saber-toothed tiger and the toad man out.

After Eric left, Charles talked about another thing,

"By the way, according to the plan you made before, there may be something you need to consider."

Charles took out a newspaper and Nolin took a look: Tony Stark, the richest man in the world, disappeared in Afghanistan. It has been three days since then.

"This is a great opportunity! Didn't you go find him?"

Nolin's expression moved slightly, and he glanced at Qin.

Qin, who had been looking at Nolin's side face, felt the gaze, and suddenly recalled the time when she and Nolin were walking on the streets of New York. At that time, Nolin said to her , you can use Tony Stark's influence. Now it seems that Nolin is right. Usually

Tony Stark may not even look at them, and may even be hostile to mutants, but what if it is a life-saving grace?

What if it is Before, Charles would not have thought of saving Tony Stark. The richest man was too far away for them.

But now after being reminded and reading books such as Mao Zedong, he deeply understood the importance of having many friends. With Tony Stark's influence, if you speak out to support them, the situation of mutants will be much better.

"I wanted to go rescue Tony Stark, but I couldn't make up my mind, and there were many agents around. I didn't trust them, so I didn't arrange anyone to go out."

"Is there a possibility that those people were partly there to prevent us from saving Tony Stark?"

Nolin's mind is open. They can all think of the truth. There is no reason why Nick Fury and Hydra can't think of it.

Charles's expression changed slightly, this may make sense!

"We need to act immediately. In this way, Ororo will lead the team, and Logan, John, Bobby, and Peter will rescue Tony Stark. Professor, you should have found the location of our playboy."

Nolin has never thought about taking action personally. He already has ready-made subordinates, so why should he do it himself?

"Found it, but his current condition is not good, and he may need help from a mutant who knows medical skills."

"Then let Hank go with us. By the way, Hank, is there any result for the X-F1 fighter?

Hank was shocked and replied reflexively:"Based on this period of hard work, I managed to create one X-F1 fighter, three sets of X-P1 individual power armor, and a matching virtual training bracelet." and servers. The main members of the X-Police have learned how to use the fighter armor. As for the X-A1 attack ship, they still have no clue. It is difficult to manufacture and some key technologies have not been broken."

"Not bad, much better than I expected."

Nolin is not too slow. Although there are ready-made manufacturing technical data, if you want to make it with an ordinary national-level team, it will take months or even years. In other words,

Hank is a super genius, otherwise Don’t even think about copying so many achievements in such a short period of time.

Copying and plagiarism is also a technical job in science and technology.

"In this case, bring these with you during this operation to ensure the smooth completion of the operation and avoid casualties."

Gang, Logan and Peter don't need protection. One can heal quickly, and the other can transform into steel defense. The other three are all high-attack fragile. With power armor, they are safe.

And Hank himself actually has Good healing ability, very good defense against bullets, normal attacks will kill him

"It’s time to show our strength to the outside world. Showing off our muscles occasionally can effectively reduce useless temptations."

"Okay, I'll take it out later."

Hank nodded excitedly. Although these equipments were not developed by him, they were also made by him. He also wanted to see the powerful capabilities of these equipments.

Actual combat has always been the best way to test the effectiveness of equipment. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, let’s take action! It's better to do this sooner rather than later."

Nolin told Ororo and the others something.

Tony is an arrogant person. It is obviously impossible to order someone to do something just because he saved the other party.

The art of speaking is an important skill all over the world.

This In this operation team, except for Ororo and Hank, everyone else could not speak.

Just don't do bad things with good intentions.

And outside,

Eric was flying in the sky, looking down at the agents.

Especially those who tried to sneak into the academy some time ago.

If it weren't for Charles, how could he have allowed these people to run wild?

Nolin was too fond of him. Although he was occasionally very"holy", he was also ruthless when he should be ruthless.

These people should be killed, let them be afraid, let them be frightened, they should cut off their heads if they reach out to cut them off!

"Magneto, what do you want to do! We are from SHIELD, and we protect the Mutant Academy according to the orders of our superiors. We have no intention of offending you."

"What about Charles? Do you want to arouse human hostility towards mutants?"

Under the gaze of Magneto, the captain of a field agent team named S.H.I.E.L.D., actually Hydra, said bravely.

"Don't count on Charles, you damn Hydras, I didn't expect you to survive until now, so let me eradicate you all!"

As soon as he heard the word Hydra, the team leader's expression changed drastically. He had previously thought that Magneto would not take action, and Charles would definitely stop him. After all, it would easily trigger social panic. But now, Magneto can't help but take action!

"Kill them! The mutants are ready to rebel!"[]

The squad leader waved his hand, pulled off the big hat, and then pressed the trigger first.

However, in front of Magneto, human thermal weapons that are not prepared in advance are useless.

The surrounding steel bars broke free from the ground and turned into sharp arrows, punching several holes in their bodies.

The toad man and the saber-toothed tiger also rushed forward and killed the few remaining soldiers.

The movement here attracted the attention of other places, and people were already gathering here.

But Magneto squeezed his hand, and the steel bars under his body turned into a cage, surrounding them.

The warning is obvious.

At the same time, a fighter jet took off from the Mutant Academy. Before it even rose, it blended into the surroundings. Its advanced optical stealth was enough to shield the naked eye and infrared detection. Even the radar of this era could not detect the X-F1 fighter. traces.

By controlling magnetism, Eric could detect the position of the fighter plane. He looked back at the empty sky, paused, and then took the two of them back.

He wanted to kill all these guys, but he also understood that this was unclearthe behavior of.

On the other side,

Nick Fury had learned about the actions of the Mutant Academy from his surveillance staff, and was immediately furious.

"What does Charles want to do? Who gave them the courage to attack us!"

The destruction of one team can already be called a war.

The other teams have also been sealed off, and the mutants are warning him!

Damn it, when has SHIELD ever been so humiliated?

He suppressed his anger, made a phone call, and slapped him in the face. A scolding

"Charles, you have to give me an explanation pill!".

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