
After a series of blows, Clark finally became serious.

The enemy this time was indeed very strong. No wonder he was able to defeat another guy who was suspected of being a god in the video.

But Clark still would not admit defeat. There was no word"admit defeat" in his dictionary.

"No matter how powerful you are, I will never allow you to mess around on Earth!"

Clark clenched his fists and rushed towards Nolin again. After the first sonic boom of less than a second, the speed quickly rose to dozens of Mach, which has surpassed the flight speed of all missiles in the world.

Nolin was unhurried. , his super reaction speed allowed him to catch Clark's trajectory, and he rushed up to him immediately. Under Clark's shocked eyes, he accurately and powerfully grabbed his right hand and threw him to the right.

Clark was thrown ten meters away. Then he stabilized his body and continued to attack.

"It's useless. My strength is not inferior to yours, but my skills can crush you. You can't even hit me with just brute force."

Nolin said calmly while blocking Clark's attack.Give him a hard slap on the face.

In this level of battle, when strength is not enough to crush, then skill is an important means to break the deadlock.

Obviously, Clark has never received systematic training, and when he fought Zod, it was because he had been exposed to the sun for decades more that he could crush him with strength.

Even if Superman has a super brain and strong learning ability, at the beginning of the battle, it is obviously impossible to reach Nolin's level.

"Clark, Kryptonian blood only gives you physical strength. If you want to become stronger, you need to work hard on your own. Otherwise, one day, you will lose due to lack of skills."

In less than a minute, Clark had already received dozens of punches, but Nolin was intact. However, it was also obvious that Clark's fighting level was improving rapidly.

Realizing that strength and skills could not win, Clark directly released two attacks The high-temperature heat vision, the scorching light instantly spanned dozens of meters, and became more powerful as the speed increased and the distance increased.

But to Clark's surprise, Nolin also released the exact same heat vision.

And two The thermal sight has the same power, there is no difference in strength!

"impossible! How come you have these abilities!"

Clark was a little confused. He also felt the same biological stance.

Super strength, flight, heat vision, biological stance, and even super reactions....Thinking about him too much

"Are you a Kryptonian too?!"Clark was shocked by his guess. Wasn't he the only Kryptonian left after Zod and the others died?

Why are there other Kryptonians?

"Let’s just say that, I also have the power of a Kryptonian. I can do everything you can, and I can also do what you can’t."

Nolin copied Kara's power. Speaking of which, it has been more than 20 days since the last time he found Kara? He still didn't feel the feeling of power disappearing, but became stronger and stronger.

Nolin had a hunch, could it be that with the After the last improvement and upgrade, has he been able to permanently obtain Kara's blood and power through the ability to experience copying?

If true, that would be great!

When Clark heard this, his heart was shocked, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, Of course, he also had the idea that he was not alone at last.

He didn't expect that the world was so small, and Zod and the others would still be able to meet their tribesmen in the future.

However, this tribesman was too ridiculously strong, and they also had a little problem with their thinking.

Clark stopped his movements for a moment, looking like a senior teaching a junior, and said sincerely

"Nolin, I can understand your feelings. The Kryptonian bloodline gives us incredible abilities, but this ability does not mean that we have to do whatever we want. We need to abide by the laws of this world and protect this world. Krypton is over, and our people are in the past. Now we have to look to the future. Perhaps, the earth can become the second home we protect."

"In this way, you come with me, and I will teach you how to get along normally with humans on earth."

Nolin rolled his eyes, how to get along? I haven't seen how well Clark gets along with ordinary people. If something happens to Louise or Martha, he will become a native of the motherland in minutes.

"Okay, you don’t need to teach me how to get along. I have more experience than you."

As a member of the original ordinary people, how could Clark, who is an alien, really teach?

Nondescript, not everyone is a superman, most people are more likely to be from the motherland.

"Nolin! Getting along with humans is not as simple as you think. You know, your previous behavior has attracted the attention of humans. They are very dissatisfied with your destruction of Gotham. Come with me, I will handle this matter."

Clark took two steps forward, but Bruce got a handful of long hair from nowhere and stood in front of the two of them.

"Clark, or Superman, you are not responsible for Gotham's affairs. Remember, this is the place I protect, and it belongs to humans! If you want to impose your will on Gotham, look no further than the wrath of humanity!"

That is...Kryptonite Spear!

Nolin looked at the spear glowing with a strange blue light. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like the thing in Superman vs. Batman.

Sure enough, Bruce had already prepared measures to deal with Superman, maybe to restrain himself?

But Norin didn't panic. As a qualified Kryptonian, it would be reasonable to be exempted from Kryptonite.

Clark didn't take it seriously. He only had eyes for Nolin, who was also a Kryptonian, and he didn't take Batman seriously.

"Get out of the way, you can't interfere in this matter!"

Clark didn't know the dangers of kryptonite, so he strode forward and tried to confront Nolin.

This behavior undoubtedly aroused Bruce. He raised his hand and shot several times.

Clark blocked it with his chest, and the bullet hit him. It was no more powerful than a rubber bullet hitting an ordinary person.

But after a strange bullet penetrated his arm, Clark didn't think so.

Bright red blood flowed down, and Clark looked at his left arm in surprise. He was injured.!

Even though Nolin's punches just now didn't cause much damage to him, a random shot from Batman can make him really bleed!

"Kryptonians are not invincible! Gods can also bleed and even die!"

Bruce put away the gun and went straight to Clark.

The latter wanted to do something, but he couldn't exert any strength. He felt that the terrifying power in his body was passing away quickly. His inexhaustible strength was taken away, and he became No different from ordinary people, even weaker!

No! This is impossible!

"This is kryptonite, a specialty of Krypton. According to my research, it can inhibit the superpowers of Kryptonians. Without special powers, how can you dominate the earth?"

"Put away your arrogance, humans are not as miserable as you think!"

Bruce said coldly. He could adjust the power of the pistol so that the kryptonite bullet would not penetrate Superman's arm after it penetrated it. The kryptonite powder would remain in the body and continue to inhibit his ability!

However, the amount of kryptonite powder is very small. , can't be suppressed for long, but he also has kryptonite powder spray, and a real killer weapon, a kryptonite spear!

This thing is the god-killing weapon that can give Superman death!

Nolin also walked up, completely ignoring it Kryptonite Spear

"Um!"Bruce was particularly surprised when he looked at Nolin, who was standing next to him and seemed completely unaffected by the Kryptonite spear.

"Aren't you afraid of kryptonite hair?"

"Why be afraid? Nolin asked back

"Well...Bruce couldn't answer for a moment. This is kryptonite. Norin also has Kryptonian blood and strength. How can he be exempt from kryptonite?

Such a large amount of kryptonite is enough to be effective just by being around it. Why does Nolin seem to have no feeling at all?

Nolin picked up Clark's injured arm. The latter still wanted to resist, but how could a mortal body break free?

"The effect of the kryptonite powder is dissipating, and it will no longer take effect in about ten minutes. Well, it seems to be affecting the gene level. Did you add a little powder to the warhead?"

Bruce nodded. He also got a few bullets with powder inside. As long as they hit and are blocked by the Man of Steel, they will be emitted. It will still have the same effect.

Combined with the spray and spear in his hand, even Superman can You have to drink hatred!

Not enough...Nolin seems to be fine!

Bruce hesitated for a moment and took two steps forward, but it still had no effect. strangeness!

As the spear came closer, Clark felt even more uncomfortable, and the suppressive effect seemed to be stronger!

"Why are you okay? Are you lying to me? You are not a Kryptonian at all!

"Clark was confused. He wanted to figure out the reason. This feeling of powerlessness was uncomfortable.....

"Kryptonite is useful to me, but my power is more than that. Do you understand full development?"

Nolin explained casually. Of course he was also restrained, but even without the Kryptonian power, the Phoenix power is not weak, and there is also the newly arrived power of Ares. He is still the extremely tough man.!

Bruce was even more afraid of Nolin, but he didn't show it: the kryptonite control plan was passed and changed to plan B, the specific plan...Tentatively,

Clark's face looked a little ugly. After suddenly losing his strength, he gradually became irritated:"What on earth do you want to do? You actually conducted a very strict investigation on me."

"It’s not what we want to do, it’s what you want to do."

Nolin smiled playfully:"To be honest, we stayed in Gotham well, and then you came to cause trouble for no reason and broke into my home...."

"It's my home."Bruce interjected

"It's all the same, let's do it. Nolin waved his hand and continued:"Wouldn't it be better for you to just stay in the metropolis?" A piece of news can make you come all the way to Gotham? To be honest, I don't believe it unless..."

"Someone asked you to come here on purpose!"

"What do you mean? I don't understand, I'm here just to warn you, nothing else. Clark frowned.

"Really? Bruce, I remember that you suppressed all relevant media, didn't you? All nearby surveillance videos have been confiscated, but why is there a backup of those data in the metropolis where our Mr. Incredible lives? Coincidentally, only metropolitan areas in the United States have a special report."

Nolin's words made Bruce wary. He smelled the smell of conspiracy.

There is no doubt about the strength of Wayne Group's control over Gotham. Both the pros and cons are mixed. They want to suppress certain aspects of Gotham's news. Almost It's impossible to leak it, unless someone pays a big price to buy it.

And even Gotham didn't report it, so how come Metropolis was the only one who received these videos?

Someone is doing something secretly!

And it's probably just to stimulate Superman and then fight them!

Bruce is very smart. With just a little hint, he realized that a third party was involved.

"give me sometime.

He gave Alfred a look and said,"Afu, I'm sorry to bother you.""

The latter nodded knowingly and turned to contact people to find out who was behind the scenes.

During this period, Bruce also took out kryptonite spray and gave Clark a touch of it. Nolin also smelled some. His body was indeed weakened by 5.8, but It's not a big problem.

In comparison, Clark has become a soft-footed shrimp. The continuous dissipation of power makes him very uncomfortable. His pure strength is not even as good as ordinary people.

"There is news, Master. It is the work of Lex Technology Group. He obtained the video backup from some people at a high price, and contacted several mainstream media to ask them to spread the story widely. We also obtained a backup."

Alfred was very efficient and figured out the ins and outs very quickly.

"Lex Luthor? What does he want to do."

Bruce immediately thought of a certain man. He was a very smart man who had mastered many high-tech technologies and had close relations with government departments.

In terms of business, he also had some connections or even conflicts with the Wayne Group.

But they were both in Gotham, one is in the metropolis, and they are not in conflict with each other.

How could they suddenly do such a thing? Just for the sake of freedom of speech? Impossible! That kind of smart person should not do such a thing.

Then there is only one possibility Now, Lex Luthor wants to provoke a confrontation between Superman and Nolin!

"Master, there is one more thing..."

Alfred remembered an piece of information and hesitated:"We got a piece of news while collecting intelligence. Lex Luthor applied to enter the Kryptonian warship and conduct research on Zod's body...."

"Um?"Nolin looked slightly condensed.

"What's wrong?"Bruce asked quickly

"I think you are in trouble. There is an ancient biotechnology in the Kryptonian warship, which will create a powerful biological weapon. We call it - the Day of Destruction!".

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