"The Mutant Registration Act was strongly resisted by mutants. The Watsonton Incident resulted in thousands of casualties and tens of billions of property losses. How should the mutant problem be solved?"

"The antidote incident ended without any problem, President Watson declared bankruptcy, and they have lost the most critical raw material. Should mutants stand up and give the public an answer?"

"Mutants have the right to choose themselves, not to be forced!"

"Hank, the director of the Mutant Department, said that this operation ended perfectly. We executed a Skrull disguised as a senior member of Watsonton Company on the spot. The only drawback is that the senior members behind it are still at large...."

"We have evidence that there is a behemoth hidden behind certain organizations. They are starting a war. The sentry robots and the antidote are all related to them, and this organization has an evil name-Hydra!"

"The Skrulls and Hydra will become a stumbling block to world peace. We will continue to shine and contribute to world peace...."

During this period of time, both sides of the propaganda channel have been working hard at the same time. Although most media are controlled by certain people, they can almost be regarded as one word.

But mutants are not ordinary people, so they naturally have many ways to break this line of defense.

The media from both sides continued to accuse each other and the fight was heated.

In order to confuse the audience, Nolin dropped another bomb, Hydra!

This is another name that can shock countless people after the Skrulls.

The former is an alien, and the latter is related to the Nazis. They once caused a bloody storm on the earth and can be called a nightmare for a generation.

When some evidence was presented, some of those who controlled the propaganda channels immediately defected and began to cover the mutants' efforts to put pressure on the higher-ups.

There is no way, no one wants to experience the disasters of those years again.

It's just a few dead people, what's that big deal? Altogether, their lives are not worth anything.

In the face of your own life, you have to stand aside regardless of political correctness or humanistic concerns!

Nolin was afraid that those people would not understand the horror of Hydra, so he thoughtfully explained to them the origins and sins of Hydra.

At once, it successfully diverted most people's attention.

But these operations also succeeded in making Alexander Pierce so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"check! Check it hard for me! Where did those mutants get the idea that we were meddling in these things?"

"Who told the secret?"

"Contact those idiots, I need a plan for mutants, I'm going to kill them!"

Pierce issued orders ferociously to all parties. He was frightened and angry by this series of operations.

Although the mutants had known about their existence for a long time, it was obvious that the other party had never revealed them. He also wanted to kill the mutants as soon as possible so that Those who know about it should shut up.

Unexpectedly, what should have been a perfect plan caused the mutants to resist at the very beginning, killing thousands of people to calm the matter. They also fought a public opinion war with them and used Hydra and the threat of the Nazis, making those bastards speak out for them.

These things have seriously affected Hydra's future plans.

Many people will become wary of Hydra again. If they want to act, they must be cautious and dare not Acting rashly.

Especially those mutants, they dare not move at will until they are absolutely sure. After all, Charles has powerful telepathy. If he joins forces with Nick Fury, then his plan will really be over.

What he relies on , is nothing more than the SHIELD card. Without it, his status and ambition will be in vain.

The phone rang, and at a glance, Nick Fury called.

Pierce's eyes were cold, and he waited for a while before answering the phone. ,"Hello..." no problem...Did I guess wrong?

Pierce is the former director of SHIELD and the president of the Security Council. If he has problems, then others will have bigger problems.

He would rather believe that he is a member of Hydra than believe that Pierce is. if true...That would really become a joke, and it would be impossible for the United States to remain peaceful until now. so...Who exactly is Hydra?

In the SHIELD building, Nick Fury, who had just hung up the phone, was deep in thought.

Just before, he called Charles, but the other party didn't say much.

It just revealed that Hydra does exist.

He also sought out investors behind Watson and the head of Sentinel Robotics.

But the other party seemed to have known about their actions for a long time, and immediately erased their traces. Their methods were so skillful and accurate that people had to suspect that there was something wrong within them.

Pierce was not the first person he suspected, nor was he the last. He eliminated them one by one, but failed to find the target.

This made him even suspect that Hydra might not be within SHIELD, but within a certain company or group outside.

And the other party has certain influence in military and political affairs.

Otherwise it would be impossible to hide it so deeply.

Maybe in the FBI and CIA departments?

"Hill, let Coulson come over.."

Whether it is or not, we need to self-examine again and investigate other institutions.

Hydra is more of a threat than mutants.

The latter is still a human being, but the former is really not a human being! Let them develop and World War III is just around the corner.

And the Skrulls!

Nick Fury contacted Talos again to find out about the Skrulls.

After a period of psychological changes, Talos chose to confess honestly.

"Nick Fury, I didn't do anything behind your back, but some of my people started not to believe you."

"Nearly twenty years have passed since you last promised to help us find a new home, but there is still no news."

"Some people have strong opinions on this, and some of them are radicals who are ready to use their own methods to find a new home...."


Nick Fury frowned, and he immediately understood what the other party meant.

"You promised me last time that the Skrulls would not invade Earth as long as you were in the Council for one day!"

"But...I have been kicked out of the parliament by them..."The Path of Talos


"Why did you say it now?!"Nick Fury's eyebrows jumped wildly.

"Because I just received the notification, just before you called me..."

Watching the news about the Skrulls being broadcast on TV, Talos was helpless.

The Skrulls, who had been developing in secret, were pushed into the spotlight by the mutants. Senator Kelly was even more powerful, forcing them to take action to protect themselves.

If they don't move, humans will come and imprison them.

They will not leave their fate in the hands of humans. From human history, we can see that this is a race that is very repellent to outsiders and is ruthless to its own race!

The Skrulls, who have experienced war, simply do not believe in humans who can compete with the Kree.

Therefore, he was directly kicked out of the parliament by the group of parliament members and lost his leadership position.

There may be a war between the Skrulls and humans!

Talos slowly closed his eyes. He could not see the future of the Skrulls.

Nick Fury signaled Coulson to stop with his eyes, and his expression became even more ugly when he thought of what happened recently.

He always thought that the Skrulls were qualified tool men, but in the end, they did so many horrific things without his knowledge.

They were present in several actions, even more so than Hydra.

"We need to meet, and besides, Carol is coming back and I hope you guys are rat tail juice."

Nick Fury didn't say any more. He felt pain in his balls when he mentioned Carol.

It was Carol who had obviously promised to find a new home for the Skrulls, but he took the blame.

He couldn't run away. Wandering in the universe, he could only find a deserted place on the earth to settle some Skrulls.

Now he has become a treacherous person.

The Skrulls have also begun to be dishonest.

Hydra, mutants, and Skrulls again. Not one of the Kurus, nor the Asgardian gods, is worried or tired.

"Coulson, there's one thing only you can do"

"Sir, actually..."Coulson's heart skipped a beat after hearing this, and he wanted to refuse, but Nick Fury didn't give him a chance.

"You go to Xavier Academy for Young Geniuses and ask them to find out the information about Hydra and the Skrulls. This matter is related to the safety of mankind, and it must be you!"

Colson's face fell. This job is not easy to accept. The mutants were making a big fuss just now, and he doesn't have a good impression of SHIELD. The two have also had conflicts. How can he go to them and ask them? Ah.

Moreover, where is Charles's name, and with the murderous Magneto, who is not afraid?

He also has a secret, wouldn't it be a social death if Charles knew it?

"Sir, maybe we can hire an ordinary person. I know too many secrets to talk to them, right?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I have a suggestion, why not find some civilians or newbies who are about to join the job? They are more suitable for this great task."

"I don't care about other things, I just need answers. Coulson, your task is very heavy!"

Nick Fury said seriously,"Remember, you must be careful during this operation. Don't let others know about it. You know what I mean."


Coulson touched the dangerous hairline and sighed lightly. Maybe he should buy the highest-end personal accident insurance....

"Jean Grey, I want to practice with you!"

In the mutant school,

Hela looked at the confused Qin with high fighting spirit.

Although her strength was far from its peak, her condition was much better than when she first left the sealed land.

She was bound to win the position of Queen of Heaven. No! It should be the position of the God King!

Hela secretly spat, but was led astray by Nolin.

Her eyes were always on the king, not the queen.

"I don't want to fight with you."Qin shook her head and refused.

"Why? Your potential is very good, don’t you want to develop it? The environment for mutants is not a good one"[]

Hela was unwilling to let Qin go, and Nolin's performance was so mediocre that she began to doubt her own strength.

Before finding Qin, she first went to find Katie, the phantom cat, and then she discovered that her methods could not pose a threat to Katie, even if she used magic.

Moreover, Katie's ability to be permanently in molecular mimicry simply violates the rules of magic!

What about energy? Mutants don't follow the conservation of power anymore?

In the end, the two of them ended up tied. You can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to you.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Hela approached Qin.

Qin Tiantian smiled and said:"With Aaron here, the school will be fine. I believe he can solve all the troubles.""


Qin's smile gradually faded and became sad."My power is very scary. I'm worried that I will kill you directly!" The corner of Hela's mouth twitched slightly. Well, the Zhongtuan people of this generation are all brave, but she is Goddess of Death! Give me some face!

"You are looking down on me, I am not as fragile as you think! Qin's tone was apologetic,"

I'm sorry, I didn't say you were fragile. The main thing is that"it" is really scary!" I can't control it like Nolin can""

So, you mean you are strong?

Hela was quite unhappy (Wang De). At this time, the little naughty boy jumped by and she turned her eyes and said,"Wait Anna, let's practice!""

"Eh? me?"

The little naughty pointed at herself in surprise, and then her figure began to change, and she actually entered molecular mimicry.


Hela turned around expressionlessly and approached Nolin.

"Come and conquer me! No pity! I want to be stronger!!!"

The last sentence was almost shouted.

Hela naturally discovered that Hela and Nolin could improve genes, enhance abilities, and increase in strength visibly.

She had never thought it was important before, but successive blows made her understand that if she continued There is no way to improve his strength or return to Asgard. Not to mention the position of God King, even the position of Queen of Heaven has to be shared with many people. Maybe he is not qualified!

Nolin, who is studying his abilities, has not yet come to his senses. , Hela pounced directly and turned into a knight to charge.

"Odin, it's all your fault!!"


Without the help of Asgardian energy to help recover, Hela's combat effectiveness is not even as good as Kara.

After a long conquest, she surrendered

"Don't go, I can still do it!"

"You'd better rest for a while first, some things can't be rushed."

After saying that, Nolin turned and left. He could understand Hela's urgency, but if he tried to become stronger in one day, he would just sleep.

Nolin went straight to Shangqin and strengthened a wave of Phoenix power, probably due to He nourished her for a long time, and the Dark Phoenix in Qin's mind became much more submissive, and her negative emotions calmed down a bit.

However, it was still a time bomb. Qin had a long way to go if she wanted to truly exert her full power.

On this day, Eric Come in a hurry

"Nolin, there is news about the person you asked us to find before!".

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