American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 268

mother box!


Tu La yelled, rushed over and punched her, and the other party leaned back slightly with a sneering disdain on his ferocious face, and punched her directly in the abdomen.


A huge force that Tula had never experienced was transmitted in an instant. At that moment, she felt as if her body was penetrated. The huge force made her fly out like a cannonball and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I don't know how long she flew, her body gradually slowed down.


She levitated and twitched and slowly spread her limbs and sank slowly.


In just one circle, Tu La was seriously injured and passed out directly.

The sea water around the treasure house violently rolled up and retreated to form a huge water barrier. The water in the barrier flows quickly. You can write and imagine the power of the high-pressure water gun.

Suddenly, the barrier slowly parted.

With both feet on the ground of the treasure house, Su Sheng walked out slowly.

"Steppenwolf!" Su Sheng looked at the Steppenwolf and shook his head slightly. It is cruel to look closely at an ugly person. So Su Sheng just glanced at it and didn't look carefully. He can only say that he is uglier than the one in the movie.

"Surrender or die." Steppenwolf didn't know Su Sheng's 'kindness', he thought Su Sheng was afraid of himself and didn't dare to look at it.

"Kneel down!"

He shouted arrogantly.

Su Sheng walked over with a chuckle and glanced at the mother box that was already held by Steppenwolf. "Your first goal is Atlantis? Where do you go next?"

"This is the second one." Steppenwolf said in a deep voice.

"So you've been to Amazon?" Su Sheng frowned slightly, wondering how sad Diana would be when she heard the news.

Shaking his head slightly, Su Sheng looked directly at Steppenwolf. "What did you just say? Kneel down, right?"

"Kneel down."

Who kneels? Steppenwolf was stunned for a moment before reacting.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you, and after I kill you, I will slaughter all the Atlanteans!" The Steppenwolf roared ferociously, and swung a huge ax to attack Su Sheng.


Ps: The big boss of the Steppenwolf movie Justice League, a member of the new protoss, Darkseid's uncle and pawn.

Chapter 298 Master of the Rainbow Legion, your master!

Steppenwolf's ax is called an electric axe. It sounds ordinary and even a bit low, but it is actually a sharp and powerful axe.

As the military commander of Apocalypse, Darkseid's uncle, and the leader of the demon-like army, how could Steppenwolf's weapons be ordinary? Before the ax was cut, the sharp and cold aura was already coming. The ax was powerful and heavy, and it was already in front of Su Sheng in the blink of an eye.


The Speed ​​Force was activated suddenly, time seemed to stand still at this moment, Steppenwolf's movements became extremely slow.

The ax approached very slowly, Su Sheng dodged sideways and grabbed the ax slowly, and at the same time punched Steppenwolf with a punch.


Steppenwolf only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the ax that he was supposed to win was missed, and then he felt a sharp pain on his face, which made him subconsciously let go of the ax and flew out obliquely. His body smashed through the water barrier, and the powerful water pressure directly shattered the armor on his body. His hands firmly grasped the mother box, and his mind went blank!


He was a little stunned!

boom! boom! boom!

The impact sounded one after another, and the angle of the oblique flight caused the Steppenwolf to hit an unknown number of buildings and rocks, and then gradually upwards. Even so, his speed didn't seem to slow down at all, and he flew all the way out of the bottom of the sea and towards the surface of the sea in the blink of an eye.


The waves splashed, and Wasteland Blue's huge body rushed into the air before falling down.

There was a loud bang.

Steppenwolf made a hole in the ground, and a few unlucky Atlanteans were crushed into meatloaf under him.

The sudden change caused the two sides in the battle to stop instantly, each looking at each other in amazement.

"Who is this?"

"Landman or Atlantean?"

"Who beat him up?"

The two sides were guessing separately, but suddenly saw a burst of the same light appearing above the person, like a teleportation array that distorts space, with a loud and piercing sound.

The light shone on him, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Afterwards, the light disappeared and returned to calm.


Another sound came from the direction of the sea, and a person broke through the sea with an ax in his hand and flew over in an instant.

"Run away?" Glancing at the Steppenwolf whose deep pit on the ground had disappeared, Su Sheng pouted and looked around. "Go ahead, Diana, I have something to tell you."

Diana was stunned and fell to Su Sheng's side. Su Sheng turned around and walked away with an ax in one hand and Diana's shoulder in the other.


What the hell is this?

This is a war, a war between sea and land, please be serious, okay? You thought it was filming, so you can get stuck if you talk about it, please respect us, okay?

"The man just now was Steppenwolf." Su Sheng said softly.

"She's the Steppenwolf?" Diana was taken aback, not expecting that he was the Steppenwolf.

Su Sheng and his mother Hippolyta have talked about the Steppenwolf many times. At the beginning, Hippolyta asked her to stay on the Disciple with Su Sheng in order to become stronger and be able to cope with the wasteland that will appear in the future. Wolf.


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