American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 351

"A private laboratory of our company." Su Sheng said casually. It was also his first time here. This is one of the laboratories prepared by Su Yueming, and it is also the laboratory with the highest security level.

"How did you bring us here? You, your ability should be able to defeat those Transformers, why don't you take action instead, and instead study mechas?" the baroness asked inexplicably.

Susan shrugged. "Why should I destroy the Transformers? I am only interested in the technology of the Transformers, not to mention that if I destroy them myself, who will I sell my mechs to? I also count on the world's outstanding scientists to develop better ones for me." Things. Well, I will stay here for the time being, you can stay or go to deal with your own private affairs."

Su Sheng took out the phone and first notified Su Yueming, then contacted Mikaela and told them that he was in the laboratory, and then began to study.

There are also many black technologies in the world of Transformers, such as the fire source that can give life to machines, for example, the leadership module that can restart or revive Transformers, and in Egypt, for example, the original energy that can destroy stars and absorb power to create a fire source Matrix or massive teleportation bridge, teleportation technology.

These black technologies are placed in DC, and some in the Marvel world are considered remarkable.

However, Su Sheng does not plan to study it for the time being. He still wants to study Transformers first. This kind of transformation mode is very important for the supplement of mechas. So far, apart from Transformers, Su Sheng has not seen too many transformable Machinery or armor, so come one by one. Su Sheng didn't bring too many this time, one was the noisy corpse and the other was the red spider.

Su Sheng first got out the noisy corpse and restored it to normal size, then began to study it with equipment.

After all, Su Sheng's knowledge in this area is no less than anyone else's, but he is too lazy to waste time researching by himself.

Su Sheng was immersed in research, and the battle of Transformers gradually came to an end. The fire source is gone and you still need to hit a hammer? Megatron led the Decepticons and left. Optimus Prime did not let the Autobots chase, but communicated with humans. As for the result, it remains to be studied, but the performance of the mecha has been fully verified in this war.

Ordinary soldiers have negligible lethality against Transformers. Although it is difficult for mechas to single out Transformers, they can fight normally, which greatly increases human combat capabilities. Singled out? What about two-on-one, three-on-one, ten-on-one? There may not be any of the human category, but there are definitely a lot of them!

On the one hand, the government temporarily controlled the Autobots such as Optimus Prime, and on the other hand, the Ministry of National Defense contacted Su Yueming to prepare for a large-scale purchase of mechas, and directly placed an order for hundreds of mechas.

Of course, this price is definitely not the original 50 million, otherwise, if there are hundreds of units, it will cost 5 billion US dollars, which is too huge. The final transaction price was US$3 billion, and the delivery was agreed to be in half a month. Su Yueming immediately came to the laboratory to ask Su Sheng after the talk.

"Understood, you should keep this money in the company and prepare to invest more. I want the best talents in the world to conduct research." Su Sheng said casually. "As for the goods, you start production according to the drawings, and I will be responsible for the neuron connection."

"it is good!"

Su Yueming nodded and turned to leave to get busy.

Laboratory, highest security level.

Su Sheng forgot to eat and sleep in it by himself, and the baroness was in charge of the safety of the laboratory. When Cover Girl, Snake Eyes, Redhead and Mikayla passed by, he had no chance to see Su Sheng. Except for Mikayla, the three members of the special forces Man also protected the safety of the laboratory according to the original plan, while guarding against the baroness.


The shock wave wormhole appeared in the unmanned laboratory, and Su Sheng came out with a bag and a woman. Putting down the bag containing the neurons casually, Su Sheng introduced the noisy situation and the success of his research during this time to Shao Liwen who brought it over. "This is Transformers, a kind of mechanical life. They can switch into various forms such as cars, airplanes, tanks, etc. After my research, they have something called deformation particles in their bodies, which are similar to human gene cells. things that allow them to change shape freely."

"What I want is to extract this deformation particle and apply it to the mecha system, which can achieve controllable and precise deformation requirements."

"Give me some time." Shao Liwen said in a deep voice.

"I'm already collecting talents from this world, and they will also invest in research. You don't need to have too much pressure, you just need a simple understanding. When you leave, I will let you take some of them back to study slowly. If there are any results here, I will let you know. There is enough food here, and I will send you back in about a week."

"Okay." Shao Liwen nodded and began to study.

Su Sheng came out of the laboratory.

After saying hello to the special forces and the baroness, and asking about Mikaela's situation, Su Yueming hurried over after a while.

"Then, this is the core neuron connection, just install it later." Su Sheng handed the bag to Su Yueming, Su Yueming was fine, but the expressions of the special forces and the red-haired woman were very strange.

If I remember correctly, Su Sheng hasn't gone out all this time, right?

Where did these neuronal connections come from? He... made it himself?

Chapter 401: One piece of clothing, one piece of information

Su Yueming is in charge of the company's affairs and is busy every day without touching the ground. The elevator girl who used to work with her has grown a lot now. Mikaela was temporarily handling his father's affairs at home because his father had been released from prison, and he didn't come over because he knew that Su Sheng had no special request. The baroness has already contacted the Cobra organization and is now a double agent who is responsible for the safety of Su Sheng, as are the three members of the special forces.

But the special forces are more anxious. The baroness has already established a deep relationship with Su Sheng. They need to hurry up and find a way to learn more information.

in the room.

Su Sheng came out wearing a bathrobe after taking a shower. In the spacious and luxurious living room, the cover girl and the red-haired girl had prepared food, and both of them changed into ordinary home attire. Su Sheng sat down and ate. The cover girl sat down beside him and asked pretendingly curiously: "What are you doing in the lab these days? Don't you need help?"

"Substitute." Su Sheng said suddenly.

The cover girl was stunned for a while before she could react, and she heard Su Sheng say: "Your way of finding out information is too straightforward, right? It's not technical, and aren't you in logistics? You should let her do this kind of thing, right?"

Su Sheng turned to look at the red-haired girl on the other side.

The red-haired woman said: "We are only responsible for your safety."

"Pull it up, even ghosts don't believe this. In fact, if you want to know the information, you can use another method." Su Sheng put down the bowl and chopsticks and leaned back slightly on the sofa, signaling the two to get up and stand in front of him. "Let's change the game, one piece of clothing, one piece of information, shall we play?"

"What do you mean?" the redhead asked.

"Literally, you take off one piece, and I'll tell you a piece of information, it's a good deal, right?" Su Sheng said with a smile.

The red-haired girl's first reaction was anger, and this kind of child's play was simply a kind of humiliation.

"Angry? If I'm not wrong, if you don't get the information, you will use beauty tricks in the end, right? It's okay to sacrifice yourself, but you get angry after taking off your clothes? If you don't want to play, forget it." Su Sheng curled his lips, the cover girl road. "Play, play!"

"it is good!"

Su Sheng smiled and clapped his hands and said: "The old rule is to pay first and then deliver."

The cover girl wears a dress, the redhead wears trousers and a suit shirt. Here, the cover girl simply reached out and took off her underwear, and the red-haired girl took off her suit.

"The Transformers are divided into two camps, the Autobots and the Decepticons. Because their planet is basically over, they fought before they came to Earth, and the Autobots lost. Therefore, the Autobots want to Treat the earth as your second home, they will protect the earth and human beings with all their heart, as long as your conditions are negotiated, they can help you deal with the Decepticons!"

They already know this information, but with what Su Sheng said, maybe they can trust the cooperation with the Autobots more.

The cover girl bent over and threw Xiaokuku aside. The red-haired girl took off her shirt, and there was a black sports underwear inside, which was not sexy at all.

"You caught that high school student, he seems to be called Sam, right? He is very important, his ancestors have been in contact with Megatron, and the glasses he left behind contain a lot of secrets about Transformers, not just the source of fire! "Su Sheng simply said. "Take it off."

The two women looked at each other.

The redhead takes off her trousers and is left with only her underwear, while the pinup girl, embarrassed, takes off her dress and has nothing left.

"Okay, the game is over." Su Sheng clapped his hands and smiled.


Only then did I get two pieces of information, and none of them were particularly important. Why, how could it end like this? Isn't this just letting Su Sheng take advantage of it?

"She has nothing to take off, what else is she playing with?"

"I, I still have more." The red-haired girl gritted her teeth. "I have two, as long as, as long as you tell me one more piece of information, I will take them off."

"Okay, let me think about it!" Su Sheng thought about it and laughed. "I'll tell you an important piece of information, which is very, very important, but two pieces are not enough."

"What do you want?" the red-haired girl asked through gritted teeth.

Su Sheng smiled without saying a word and pointed to the mouths of the red-haired girl and the cover girl, and then unbuttoned the bathrobe.

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