American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 375


Is it to snatch the shards of the Spear of Destiny?

Apart from this point, Stargirl can't think of any other reasons. After all, from the way she is dressed, she is obviously not from this era. She also knows her true identity and has such abilities...His target can only be fragments of the Spear of Destiny !

Thinking of this, Stargirl turned around and ran towards the door, while calling out to the guards outside.

Open your mouth.

She found that she couldn't make a sound.

turn around.

She found that she couldn't move forward, she yelled in horror, her face turned red but still no sound came out, all the muscles in her body jumped up, but her feet seemed to grow to the ground As if motionless.

Su Sheng lifted the star wand and hooked it around the neck of Star Girl Chasing Star, and then Star Girl fell down involuntarily in the direction of Su Sheng.


His knees slammed on the ground and he landed on all fours.

"You are as helpless as an ant in front of me, and you still want to ask the guards outside for help? Are you planning to kill them?" Su Sheng originally planned to squat down, but after thinking about it, it seemed a bit unreasonable. After thinking about it, he casually leveled the Star Wars.

The star battle was suspended in mid-air, Su Sheng sat down slowly and then continued with a chuckle: "I already know where the fragments of the Spear of Destiny are, so the question only about you!"

Chapter 431: Blackened Stargirl

"Do you still want to stay in this backward era? Huntlip asked you to protect the fragments of the Spear of Destiny and send you to different eras in the past and future. Protect the Spear of Destiny? Hehe, it actually sounds great mission, but the Justice Society has been disbanded, and a few of your teammates are not going well. Has he...has he told you when this mission will end? Has he told you how to arrange you after it is over? "

Looking at the star girl kneeling on the ground with her head up, Su Sheng smiled lightly to himself. "I guess he must have said that if the mission ends, you will be sent back to the original era, right? Do you believe it? Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to travel through a time point twice in a row, which can easily cause the collapse of time. Of course, sometimes you may be forced to do this, but judging from Huntlip's personality, even if you complete the task, you will not be able to return to the original era."

"Moreover, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the news, Huntrip deleted the memory of the Spear of Destiny. In other words, he will never come to you and tell you that the mission has been completed. Two outcomes."

"Either guard the fragments of the Spear of Destiny until you die, or be found and snatched away by others, and you will be killed!"

"Simply put, this is a mission that cannot be completed until death."

Stargirl's body trembled faintly, her eyes changed from anger and panic to suspicion, from suspicion to grayness, and finally to anger, and then her expression involuntarily dimmed.

Su Sheng got up, and the star battleship suddenly flew over the head of Stargirl, and Stargirl's body got up slowly uncontrollably, bent down and grabbed the star battleship with both hands. She hurriedly wanted to control the star battle, but suddenly found that the star battle did not respond at all, and she could only bend down and hold the star battle, unable to move.

Su Sheng's body swayed slightly, it seemed that he just shook his shoulders normally, but Stargirl opened her eyes wide in horror.

There was one more thing in Su Sheng's hand.

It is one of the fragments of Spear of Destiny.

"The task of protecting the Spear of Destiny is over." Su Sheng casually put the fragments of the Spear of Destiny on the table not far away, and came behind her within reach of Stargirl.


Putting it on the upturned place and stroking it, Stargirl trembled slightly.

Trembling with anger!


Her uniform was split in two from the waist, Su Sheng slightly stuck it up and leaned closer to her ear and said, "If Huntrip didn't give you this task, you might continue to stay in the Justice Society to perform it like the old obsidian Follow the mission, maybe join the legendary team like the vixen, and experience the excitement of different eras every day, but can only be forgotten here to protect a metal fragment that will only harm you but not benefit, and you still have to accept me The... violation?"

"Whose fault is this all?"


Whose fault is it?

Stargirl subconsciously followed her train of thought, Huntrip! It's Huntrip's fault, if it weren't for his appearance, the Justice Society wouldn't have so many things, and the members wouldn't have left their own era and been sent to other places to live alone. Huntrip, and even the Legends team, keep saying they want to protect the timeline, but they're the ones breaking the rules.

It's him.

It was they who harmed themselves and the Justice Society!

"Ah..." Just as Stargirl's eyes became bright and she was angry, a burst of severe pain suddenly came and she couldn't help screaming, but...the sound didn't appear.


Members of the Justice Society, but now they can only support their own star battle and let the other party invade from behind. Anger, grievance, and many emotions made her tears flow down unconsciously. Anger gradually made her think in her mind A person.


It was he who caused him to become what he is now, to bear all this!

It is Su Sheng who is obviously doing bad things, but he clearly feels that the object of Stargirl's anger and resentment is Huntrip, which makes Su Sheng very interesting. The star-chasing girl who was bewitched by just a few words programmed the object of resentment and anger into someone she should have trusted and insisted on.

This feeling of manipulating people's hearts is really interesting. Su Sheng can feel that the worse he treats her, the more ruthless she will be to Huntrip. …

Speaking of it, Huntrip is really not a good bird. At the beginning, he set up a legendary team to save his wife and children from betraying the time lord. I won’t say much about this process. The final result is that Captain Cold died. Hawkman Also died once. And he can save his wife and children and change history, but others can't? The double standard is very serious. In the second season, the Justice Society was directly pitted, and then? After going through a series of things, he actually set up a time-lord consul-like organization, became the leader himself, and began to dislike the legendary team, and wanted to ban the legendary team.

This is ungrateful, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

and then? Then this product was dumped by the organization you set up? What to do, Pidianpidian is back looking for the legendary team again.

Although Su Sheng thinks that the legendary team is a garbage dump team, he really thinks that Hunterlip is garbage among garbage. He tried to blacken Stargirl, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good. If Stargirl can beat Hunter It would be nice if Rip kills it!

Time flies very quickly when you are focused on doing something. When Su Sheng left Stargirl and snapped his fingers to restore Stargirl's freedom, the sky outside was completely dark. Su Sheng went to the side, poured a glass of water, took the fragments of the Spear of Destiny, went to the bed, sat down and studied.

The star girl silently huddled on the ground at 5.7, clutching her star battle with both hands.

No crying, no yelling.

I don't know how long it took, Star Girl put down the star battle, got up, limped, walked to the closet aside, took out a mage's robe, put it on, and walked out the door.

Su Sheng didn't stop him.

There was no shouting, no guards rushed in, and after about an hour, Stargirl came back again.

She should have gone to take a shower just now!


PS: Looking at the three seasons of Legends of Tomorrow, the one I personally dislike the most is Huntrip. Even if he blew himself up and died at the end of the third season, it didn’t change much. On the contrary, Sarah later became the captain, which gave me a better feeling.

Chapter 432: The Legion of Doom: Reverse Lightning and Black Arrow Counseled When They Meet (Part 1)

"Who are you?"

Star Girl stood by the bed and asked Su Sheng expressionlessly.

"Su Sheng." Su Sheng put down the fragments of the Spear of Destiny and said casually.

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