American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 750

Sharon Rogers paused and understood.

"Come with me first, and I'll arrange a place for you to live in." Sharon Carter really couldn't say something in front of everyone, even if it was something everyone knew.

Sharon Carter took Sharon Rogers to arrange a place for them to chat. They chatted about the situation in this world, about Su Sheng, and about the situation in Sharon Rogers' world. Others were either busy or resting, and the night was like this It passed quietly.

Accompanied by the sunshine of the next morning, there was also the sound of noisy artillery fire!

That's right.

The sound of cannon fire was not made by Su Sheng and Natasha, but the real sound of cannon fire. Early in the morning, countless members of Hydra appeared near the Avengers Building. These Hydras were wearing uniforms and helmets. The Nazi logo was clearly printed on the uniforms and then launched indiscriminate damage to the surrounding area. And attack, in addition to several giant hydra robots, these robots are very huge, taller than the sentinel robot, although the shape is not so unique, but the destructive power is very amazing.

The people who were going to work and start a new day of life were directly confused by Hydra's sudden action. The police and military dispatched again to start a fierce exchange of fire with Hydra.

On the shoulder of a certain Hydra robot, Yuan Sin snorted coldly and swung a hammer, jumped down and began to direct Hydra to wantonly destroy and kill.

The breath of fear filled the air again.

not far away.

A drooping old man is squinting his eyes and wantonly absorbing the breath of fear. With the influx of the breath of fear, his body seems to be gradually changing, and he is recovering his youth little by little.

God of Fear, Orochi!

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a rapid knock on the door, and just as Gwen Spider was about to raise his hand again, the door opened.

Su Sheng and Natasha came out fully dressed.

"It's not good, Jiu..."

"I see."

It didn't take Gwen Spider knocking on the door and the sound of gunfire outside to wake up Su San and Natasha and figure out what happened.

Hydra even took the initiative to show up.

Originally, Su Sheng planned to use the emotional ability of the yellow light ring to absorb the breath of fear to force Original Sin and Orochi to show up after waking up. Unexpectedly, they moved faster and launched an attack early in the morning, and they were still in the Avengers Building nearby.

"Others?" Su Sheng asked.

"They have already rushed over, and there is a person who looks like a big snake. She gives me a very dangerous feeling!" Gwen Spider said.

"Yeah." Su Sheng nodded. "Go and have a look."

Su Sheng waved his hand and was about to release the shock wave wormhole and planned to go straight there, but someone ran over in a hurry from the corridor.

Holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

It was Sharon Rogers!

"Sorry I'm late, are you planning to go to the war? Take me!" Sharon Rogers said.

One more is not much, one less is not much.

Su Sheng nodded and released the shock wave wormhole directly, and several people went in and came to the edge of the battlefield.

In front, Hydra agents and robots are rampant, next to the counterattack of the police and soldiers, the Avengers mingled in the crowd to fight on their own, and Jane Fortes has turned into a female Thor and is fighting the original sin.

"she is mine!"

Sharon Rogers said a word and rushed directly into the crowd, with left shield and right sword still entering the land of no one, and soon replaced Natasha to face the original sin.

"Hydra's painting style... what the hell?"

Both Natasha and Gwen Spider rushed out, but Su Sheng stood still and looked at the Hydra robots with interest.

In the comics, if the villain organization on Earth does not have cannon fodder robots, they will be embarrassed to come out to do things. Both Hydra and Pioneer Technology will produce a lot of robots, but in this world, it may be because Iron Man does not exist, so robots There is almost no research in this direction, except for the sentinel robot. 0 Hydra has never dispatched a robot, and as a result... now it suddenly started to go mechanical?

It seems that the level of manufacturing technology is not bad. It should be the masterpiece of Sharon Rogers' world Hydra. After all, there should not be many Hydras in this world, even if there are still lurking, and they want to make this kind of hydra. Robots are not easy to hide in terms of materials and factories. If they have been researching, General Hale would not have known.

"That...should be the big snake, right?"

Jane Fortes didn't know when she came to Su Sheng's side, looked at the old man in the distance and asked in a low voice. "I can feel the breath on his body, he is absorbing the fear around him."

"Yes, and no." Su Sheng cast a glance and said in surprise.

"What's the meaning?"

Yes it is, no it is not. What does it mean?

"He is a product of technology and magic. It is a simulated robot, but this robot can absorb the breath of fear and transfer it to the real big snake." Su Sheng tutted. "I always feel that things have changed, and it is getting different from 4.7 as I imagined."

big snake!

Orochi, the god of fear, former king of Asgard, younger brother of Odin.

You want to use a simulated robot instead of yourself? He has been sealed for so long and definitely won't know about the simulated robot, so this should also be the original sin or Hydra's idea. But the technology of this simulated robot... is really good, it looks very realistic, and it can achieve the same effect as the clone through the thinking control of the big snake.

Where did the technology of this simulated robot come from?


Ps: Recommend my finished works: "Marvel: The King Comes", "Marvel: The Immortal Throne", "Zombie: The Strongest Reaper", "Marvel: Fruit of the Door", there are many words and all of them have been completed, and the volume is large To be killed!

Chapter 927 Female Ghost Rider?

Simulated robots are not a special technology in the Marvel world, but there are not many really well-made ones.

It is not clear whether Su Sheng is good at making simulation robots in the world of Sharon Rogers, but Su Sheng thinks that the simulation robot of the big snake should be produced in his own world in all likelihood. I remember Dr. Holden Radcliffe in the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. developed artificial intelligence Ada based on a plan of the old S.H.I.E.L.D., and created a very realistic simulated body for her. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s stuff is Hydra's stuff. For Hydra, an evil organization that is good at lurking and wants to rule the world, simulation robots can undoubtedly do a lot of things. I remember that there seem to be agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The simulated robot was replaced, and it was almost impossible to tell the authenticity from the fake.

"Are you not going to send someone over from Asgard?"

Su Sheng thought for a while and suddenly asked Jane Fortes.

Jane Fortes shook her head: "Asgard probably won't send anyone here, they are in a bad situation now."

Susan nodded. "Since people from Asgard 10 are unwilling to come over, then don't care..."


Before he could say the words, Su Sheng unexpectedly turned his head and looked into the distance.

A locomotive burning with flames drove over quickly from a distance, leaving long flames on the ground in the distance. The sonic boom sounded, and the nearby glass was shattered all the way. Time attracted everyone's attention.


There was a whistling sound, and the motorcycle suddenly jumped high and rushed directly to the center of the melee and stopped.

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