American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 758

From the original sin, he already knew who Su Sheng was and how strong Su Sheng was from the countless breaths of fear he had absorbed.

When he couldn't absorb the breath of fear, he guessed that he must be blocking him from it. As long as he died, the world would not be able to stop him from taking revenge.

"How is this possible?"

The triumphant big snake suddenly cried out.

Wind, invisible in the air.

A gust of breeze swirled around Su Sheng, quickly blowing away the energy toxins that had enveloped his body.

Su Sheng lowered his arm slowly, and looked at the big snake with the corner of his mouth raised. "Impossible? There is nothing impossible with me!"


The big snake snorted coldly, its body suddenly trembled, and its long and big tail suddenly swung over from the air.


Howling to.

The big snake's tail swept over and directly smashed down the buildings in Asgard, and then swept towards Su Sheng without any pause.

Asgard's buildings are like bean curd projects, without any blocking effect, they are directly smashed down, and the falling rocks make those Asgard people who have been poisoned panic, scream, and even the unlucky ones are directly buried in the ground. During the analysis, the supply of the breath of fear was immediately interrupted.

This means, he is dead!

At least a dozen or so people swept their thick tails at Su Sheng, and Su Sheng raised his arms with a glance.


The invisible impact generated by the impact rippled through the air layer by layer as if creating a sound barrier, and even the nearby clouds seemed to be blown apart by the shock and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Su Sheng remained motionless, his arm firmly blocked the big snake's blow.

He looked up and saw the surprised expression of the big snake, Su Sheng's other hand was holding something in the air.


Flames appeared near his palm in an instant, and a huge sword quickly appeared from the flames.

"This is the breath of the eternal fire, this is the twilight sword of the flame giant!" The serpent finally changed his expression. He knew very well the power of the twilight sword of the flame giant, especially after merging with the eternal flame!

Orochi was shocked that Su Sheng could get the Eternal Flame and the Sword of Dusk, but his reaction was quick and he wanted to avoid it.

Because the Dusk Sword can hurt him!

"Little snake, you can't escape!"

Seeing that the big snake retracted its tail and wanted to fly away, Su Sheng raised the Dusk Sword from the corner of his mouth and slashed out directly.

Chapter 936: The Big Snake with a Docked Tail, Poison Ivy and Natasha


Su Sheng let out a soft drink, and the scorching sword energy of the Dusk Sword instantly slashed out.


The sword energy accompanied by the flame seemed to evaporate even the air, and even the space was split.

A long burning mark appeared in the air, and the moment the big snake was about to turn around and escape, it directly slashed his tail.


The bodies of the former Valkyrie Valkyrie and the goddess of death Hela, who were unable to break through the defenses by all means, became fragile in front of the Sword of Dusk, just like the previous buildings in Asgard.

Flame, sword energy.

The big snake screamed in pain, and its long tail broke off in response, and it fell directly from the air.


The tail hit the ground, and there was a loud noise, and the ground couldn't help shaking. The blood sprayed from the broken tail stained the ground and made a sizzling sound instantly, making the eyes on the ground instantly black and lifeless. Dusty, toxins began to fill the air.

"If you don't want to die, don't come here."

The Avengers in the distance are planning to come to support and save the Asgardians in the middle of the battlefield. But before taking any action, Hela's reminder sounded in their ears.

"There is poison in the air."

While the Avengers were hesitating whether to go there, Poison Ivy spoke slowly. "I'll go in and have a look."

"It's too dangerous!" Jessica Jones said.

"It's okay, as long as it's poison, it won't affect me." Poison Ivy said lightly and walked in.

One step two steps.

When the toxin in the air invaded the poison ivy girl's body, it quickly disappeared.

Poison Ivy saw Hela, and Hela saw Poison Ivy.

Hela couldn't help being surprised when she found out that the Poison Ivy Girl could walk in and ignore the snake's poison!

Who is this man?

As the goddess of death, Asgard's current strongest, even she can't eliminate the toxins in her body now. If it weren't for her strong self-healing ability, she might be dead by now.

"This toxin is very special." The Poison Ivy girl said with interest and raised her arm abruptly.

In an instant, the ground began to shake, and vines that should not appear here broke through the ground and grew vigorously, turning into towering trees in a blink of an eye. The leaves growing on these vines began to absorb the toxins in the air and gradually turned yellow. They withered and finally fell, but they quickly re-grew.

The vines are absorbing the toxins in the air!

Poison Ivy looked up, the injured big snake fled frantically in pain, Su Sheng chased after slowly, the two had gradually disappeared from sight.

"You can come here."

Poison Ivy said softly.

The vines have almost blocked Asgard and the Avengers, and the sound cannot be transmitted at such a distance.

But when Poison Ivy came over, she left a vine in Harley Quinn's hands, and the originally quiet vine swayed at this time, making a similar instruction to move forward.

Harley Quinn walked in immediately holding the vine.

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