American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 769

Too dazzling, too dazzling.

They couldn't see what happened at all, they could only faintly see a pair of white wings in the explosion.


Quietly blow.

Everyone raised their heads and looked forward to it, but Angela took the opportunity to break away from the encirclement and directly threw the teleportation magic spar.


She disappeared directly, and it was too late when the people around reacted.

At the same time, the scene in the sky was finally revealed, and a pair of huge white wings spread out in the sky, but the owner of the wings was not Queen Haven but Su Sheng.


He has the power of a real angel.

The wings spread, but Su Sheng's hand pinched Queen Haven's neck. Looking down, the people below all showed expressions of shock and disbelief after seeing the situation clearly.

Is that... Queen Haven?

Queen Haven was defeated? Angela has a partner?

Just when everyone was surprised, Su Sheng let go of his hand suddenly, and with a whoosh, the seriously injured Queen Haven fell directly into the air. She fell very fast, almost falling to the ground in a blink of an eye.


Su Sheng suddenly came to the descending Queen Haven in a flash.

"No..." Someone guessed what Su Sheng wanted to do and yelled at the top of his lungs to stop him.

The corner of Su Sheng's mouth raised, and as he descended with Queen Haven, he suddenly raised his foot and struck down at Queen Haven's chest.


With one kick, Queen Haven, who had been descending rapidly, instantly fell to the ground like a missile.


There was a loud noise, the ground was filled with dust, and the smoke filled the air in an instant, and Su Sheng plunged into the smoke.


The falling impact instantly blew away the surrounding smoke, and everyone looked over intently.

A huge deep pit on the ground spread like a spider web.

Queen Haven was lying in the pit, her left wings were folded together from the middle, and her right wings were unfolded. The original sacred and strong armor on her body was directly shattered, and her chest was blurred. A smear of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and her body twitched slightly... She was so injured that she was on the verge of death. Su Sheng stood beside her and stepped on her right wrist. Along the wrist, one could see a long sword in her hand. When Su Sheng was in the smoke, Queen Haiwen was going to swing her sword to fight back, but unfortunately... Su Sheng stepped on her foot.

"I said you will lose if you fight with me." The condescending Su Sheng looked at Queen Haven and said with a faint smile.

" are you...cough cough...wings..." Queen Haven looked at Su Sheng in shock, and spoke intermittently, as if using all the strength in her body for each word.

"Wings? These are genuine angel wings." Su Sheng laughed. "You call yourself an angel, but you only have wings but not the power of an angel. By the way, your strength is really not that good. If Odin lost control of his anger and wanted to kill you and destroy Haiwen, Haiwen might be dead now. Wen doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a good thing that he sealed Haiwen, otherwise, if you don’t talk about Asgard, just talk about frost giants and flame giants, which will bring disaster to you Haiwen.”

After a pause, Su Sheng said again: "But Angela's strength has been cultivated pretty well. By the way, do you want to know that I defeated you?"

Queen Haven kept silent and obviously didn't want to take up this topic, Su Sheng curled her lips and didn't speak.

What he used just now was the conventional attack method of the Life Tribunal. The energy beam emitted from his mouth could not be resisted by ordinary people, even if it was just an ordinary energy attack, but the quality was different, and the power was completely different!


Ps: Recommend my finished works: "Marvel: The King Comes", "Marvel: The Immortal Throne", "Zombie: The Strongest Reaper", "Marvel: Fruit of the Door", there are many words and all of them have been completed, and the volume is large To be killed!

Chapter 950 One side is male, the other side is female!

"Save the Queen!"

Shouting suddenly sounded, and the surrounding Haven hunters rushed up one after another as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"It's a bit noisy!"

Su Shenghuan looked around and muttered, the wings behind him suddenly shook.


A gust of wind-like impact instantly vibrated with the swing of the wings, instantly shaking the rushing hunters and flying them out one by one. If you are lucky, you will fly farther away, and if you are unlucky, you will directly hit a nearby building and pass out.

"You now have two choices."

"Either resist, I will kill you, and then I may slaughter the whole Haiwen. After all, I understand the principle of cutting grass and roots. Although you will not pose any threat to me, I don't think it is troublesome. Either surrender, you and Haiwen The females of Haven will become my slaves, but the remaining males will either and remain in Haven."

"You choose."

"You...ahem...don't even think about it..." Queen Haven said in a deep voice.

"Thinking of your reaction, I don't know if you have heard of Thanos? As the director of family planning, he pursues the elimination of half of the population of each planet. Of course I don't intend to do this, but I am Some slaves are needed to build the back garden." Su Sheng said with a chuckle. "You agree that at least everyone in Haven can survive, and some people can still have freedom. If you refuse, everyone will die. You understand better than how to do business."


Su Sheng snapped his fingers suddenly, and suddenly two huge glass bodies appeared in the air.

This vitreous body is like a huge container, and then I saw people flying towards the two vitreous bodies in all directions, and flew in directly, and began to pack the vitreous bodies densely like a stack of arhats. It wasn't real at first, but gradually it became apparent that the two vitreous bodies represented male and female respectively, and the Haiwen people who flew over would automatically fly into different vitreous bodies according to their gender.

For a moment, the sky was densely packed with human figures, as if covering the sky and covering the sun.

"You...what are you going to do..." Queen Haven struggled in panic and wanted to get up, but she was so injured that she had no strength at all.

Speaking of which, Queen Haven's strength is actually not that weak. How could she become Odin's enemy without two brushes? Dare to 'kill' and collect Odin's daughter? It's a pity that her opponent Su Sheng is stronger, and the power of angels is useless. The ability of the life court alone can instantly kill most of the top masters and powerful players in the single universe.

Su Sheng smiled and said nothing.

do what? Of course, it is to let you have a more intuitive cognition, so that you will know what consequences your persistence will lead to!

One by one.

These two vitreous bodies seem to have infinite space. There are more and more people inside. Even though one is full, it seems that it can still be filled.

Shouts of ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

People who are thrown into the vitreous are even more distressed because of the backlog.

"Stop, stop..." This scene made Queen Neptune turn to Su Sheng with heartache. "You, why are you doing this, why..."

"That's a good question." Su Sheng smiled. "I think Angela will also have the same doubts. Why did you do this? Even if she refuses to deal with Asgard, at least she has made contributions to you Haven over the years, right? The result is not turning your face? So Said, it's boring to ask why is right or wrong, anyway, it depends on strength, and strength can naturally do whatever it wants, right?"

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