Three days later, the Lin family manor was filled with joy.

There were lights and decorations everywhere, and a red carpet was laid from the entrance of the manor to the entrance of the Chinese-style villa.

James Howlett, who arrived early, learned the basic Daxia etiquette and knowledge after three days of study. He could say simple greetings such as hello in broken Chinese. He would be the wedding receptionist at today's wedding and help welcome the guests.

Two years later, his height reached 1.5 meters, and his muscles were well-developed but not cumbersome. He looked quite good in the reception dress.

At this time, James Howlett was wearing a red robe, and he would greet everyone with his hands clasped together, which made the people attending the wedding more convinced that the relationship between the Howlett family and the Lin family manor was extraordinary.

Lin Qiming was wearing a red champion suit, with a sunny and warm smile on his face, and his mouth corners slightly raised.

Since Garner couldn't invite a master of ceremonies who knew about the Daxia wedding ceremony, all the procedures today were very simple. After all the guests arrived, he would invite out the two brides wearing phoenix crowns and bridal gowns, and bow three times in front of everyone to announce that they were married.

It didn't take too long for all the invited guests to arrive. Even the arrogant old Howlett arrived before the auspicious time and hurried into the manor and sat in his seat. When the maids saw that all the guests had arrived, they hurriedly followed the master's instructions and invited the two brides out of the villa.

The musketeers who had been neatly lined up on both sides of the red carpet pulled the trigger towards the sky on time. The bang bang bang of gunfire replaced the firecrackers, but it further demonstrated the abundant martial virtues of the Lin's Manor, which amazed all the guests.

Lin Qiming took the red silk representing the marriage from the maid, and walked to the center of the hall with the two brides. He first bowed respectfully to the two characters of heaven and earth hanging high up, then stood up and bowed again in front of the two empty chairs. Finally, the couple bowed to each other to complete the three-bow ceremony.

James Howlett was standing next to the guest, explaining in English fairly fluently:

"This is the etiquette of Dr. Lin's country. When getting married, the first thing to do is to thank heaven and earth for their kindness, which allowed them to know and love each other; the second thing to do is to thank the parents of both sides, who gave the two people they loved life and raised them up; the third thing to do is for the bride and groom to bow to each other, expressing their deep feelings and beautiful expectations for their future life."

Although his explanation was a little imprecise, it still surprised the white people. They felt that the wedding of Daxia Kingdom contained deep philosophical principles, which was much more meaningful than the priest holding the Bible and mechanically asking each other whether they loved each other.

After Lin Qiming and the two brides bowed three times, they were not sent to the bridal chamber according to the traditional procedure.

After all, the guests attending the wedding were all foreigners. In their perception, it was disrespectful to everyone if the host left early before the banquet was over. The three people could only follow the local customs, holding wine glasses to toast the guests one by one and accept their blessings.

Just as the three of them walked around and drank among the guests, they were all a little tipsy and wanted to go into the bridal chamber to rest, when the sound of horse hooves came from afar, and at the same time, an old but loud voice came from afar.

"Hahahaha, Young Master is getting married, how can you not offer me a glass of wine?"

The laughter contained a strong power, and when it entered the ears, it was like a heavy hammer hitting a drum, making people panic and short of breath. The guests were silent for a while, and their faces were as white as paper.

Lin Qiming narrowed his eyes and looked at the team of people who had already galloped to the gate of the manor, and he was secretly angry in his heart.

"An uninvited guest is not a good one. It sounds like he is an old man from the Tianli Sect. Could he be the Ouyang Jing who wrote to me two years ago?"

"But it took another two years after the letter was delivered for him to come. What conspiracy does the old man have?"

A series of questions came to his mind. He seemed calm on the surface, but he had already made up his mind.

If Ouyang Jing just finished drinking the wedding wine and left, then for the sake of his parents after traveling through time, he should still maintain a certain degree of respect and give him some face so that they can part ways in peace.

But if the old man is shameless and makes things difficult for him on such an auspicious day, then he should immediately end the wedding banquet and send the guests away. At a command, let the musketeers focus their fire and send the old man to hell for taking advantage of his age.

The old man in the lead was tall and straight. Although his hair and beard were white and he was over 70 years old, he walked with a dragon-like gait and there was no sense of old age.

An old man His face was surprisingly smooth, his forehead was broad and high, his brow bones were prominent, his eyebrows were slanted into his temples, his eyes were deep-set but sharp, sometimes showing coldness and cunning.

Behind him followed more than 20 strong men with burly backs and strong waists, following closely half a step behind and no one dared to cross the line. The pace of these people seemed to be leisurely and unhurried, but it contained a strange rhythm, as if the ground under their feet was catering to the alternation of steps, and the spacing of each step was even and precise.

Seeing that the group was about to break into the wedding scene, the musketeers on both sides of the red carpet were angry, and they all raised their guns and aimed at them, waiting for the master's order to open fire immediately.

"Haha, it seems that the Young Leader does not welcome me. According to seniority, I, Ouyang Jing, am your uncle!"

"Could it be that the young leader has been in the land of barbarians for too long and has forgotten the propriety, righteousness, integrity, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness passed down by his ancestors? If so, the young leader might as well order the shooting!"

The old man looked relaxed, as if he didn't take the musket seriously at all. The young strong men behind him were also calm. Even though some of them had guns on their backs, there was no fear on their faces.

Lin Qiming raised his hand slightly, and the musketeers put away their muskets in compliance with orders.

This scene amazed the guests and the old man, and they couldn't help but look up to him in their hearts. It was indeed a remarkable ability for him to train a disciplined and disciplined musketeer army at such a young age.

"Elder Ouyang Jing has come from across the ocean, so if he is here to congratulate me on my wedding, of course we welcome him!"

"But if you are here to cause trouble, I have no choice but to offend you. I believe that even if my parents know about it, they will not blame me. After all, an old man who is disrespectful is not worthy of being treated politely by me!"

The two sides naturally used Chinese in their verbal confrontation. Among the people present, only Lin Xianyin could understand and know the cause and effect of the matter. Her little face hidden under the red veil frowned slightly.

Although Tiffany had learned some Chinese in the past two years, it was difficult for her to fully understand it.

She only felt that the atmosphere on the scene was a little tense. She quietly approached her good sister and asked in a low voice what happened. After listening, she pouted in anger.

"We are about to enter the bridal chamber with Brother Lin. This old guy didn't come early or late, obviously on purpose!"

The two brides spoke in English, and deliberately lowered their voices. The guests couldn't hear them, and Ouyang Jing and others couldn't understand them. Only Lin Qiming could hear them clearly and felt very funny.

"You are so sharp-tongued and don't know how to respect elders. Brother Lin didn't teach you well!"

Even though Ouyang Jing didn't understand, he could keenly sense the hostility of everyone.

He put his hands behind his back and posed like a martial arts master. He ignored the musketeers on both sides and walked towards the center of the auditorium. The strong men who followed him dispersed at the signal and stood straight on both sides of the red carpet.

Lin Qiming was curious. The old guy was too bold. It was a bit against common sense.

There was a famous saying on the earth before the time travel: no matter how good the martial arts is, one shot can knock down. More than 20 years ago, facing the backward matchlock guns of the Qing Dynasty, the Tianli Sect fled in panic and corpses were everywhere. Why did he ignore the more advanced percussion guns today?

"System, let me check his entry. I want to see where his confidence comes from."

【Name: Ouyang Jing】

【Position: Head of the Tianlijiao Punishment Hall】

【Race: Human】

【Intelligence: 2】

【Strength: 4】

【Speed: 2】

【Stamina: 3】

【Energy emission: 3】

【Combat Skills: 6】

【[Own entries: Unbreakable (green), Familiar with doctrine (white), Cunning (green), Late bloomer (blue), High position and power (green), Kung Fu (blue), Spiritual cultivation (purple), Soul leaving the body (gold)]

After reading Ouyang Jing's entry in an instant, Lin Qiming immediately understood his capital for arrogance.

Unexpectedly, this elder of Tianli Sect actually learned the art of witchcraft and used it to refine his soul and achieve his soul. No wonder he dared to ignore the threat of more than a hundred muskets.

Thinking of the horror of witchcraft, he anxiously checked his own and other people's entries.

Sure enough, almost everyone's original entries had a new entry [Poison enters the body]. As expected of the old immortal with the Cunning entry, he had already secretly poisoned before the face was torn.

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