After Lin Qiming returned to the manor, he comforted Tiffana and Lin Xianyin who had some complaints.

In the following days, he went home on time after handling official business, and the flames in the backyard that had not yet emerged were put out. Soon, two months passed in a flash. In the nights of these two months, the villa was so lively that the maids had dark circles under their eyes, and their eyes were almost drawn when they looked at their male masters.

Caris, the bishop of the Greater Ghana region, finally waited for the Pope’s order and rushed all the way to Edmonton to ask for an audience. Unfortunately, it was too late at this time, and the ship to Daxia to pick up the Tianli Sect had already set sail.

After a perfunctory and hypocritical perfunctory, Lin Qiming sent the bishop out of the office.

He had already decided to draw his sword, and the other party came to surrender, which was embarrassing. It was unlucky to return an empty sword to the sheath, and it would be a bit bloody.

More than two months have passed since the declaration of Ghana’s independence. The reconstruction of various national institutions and the amendment of legal provisions all require the president’s authorization and signature. Lin Qiming has also further strengthened his control over the country through this series of actions, and has mixed many of his confidants into government agencies.

The new Ghana has borrowed from the federal system of the United States, that is, from top to bottom, there are three levels of administrative jurisdiction: federal government, provincial government/regional government, and municipal government.

The difference is that the upper government has the right to adjust the main officials of the lower government, rather than being completely decided by the lower government.

That is, provincial/regional officials win the election, and after being reviewed and approved by the parliament at the same level, they must be appointed by the federal government before they are officially effective.

The same process applies to city-level officials.

First, they win the election, then they are reviewed by the parliament at the same level, and finally they must be appointed by the provincial government.

The advantage of this is that it strengthens the authority of the higher government and prevents the lower government from making policy decisions that are inconsistent with the higher government’s orders, resulting in the inability of national policies to be implemented or distorted in various places.

The vigorous political system reform took more than a month to be fully implemented amidst the open and covert struggles. The heads of many key departments, such as the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, etc., were all loyal confidants of President Lin Qiming.

Most of the officials who had served in the Governor’s Office were dismissed, but the first one to report to the governor, Jasli from Edmonton, not only stayed in the new government, but was also promoted to the powerful Minister of Justice. After fully implementing the president’s will in his department, this new minister, who was very sensible to the times, ran to the president’s office to show his loyalty.

“Your most loyal subordinate, Jasili, sends his regards to the great President!”The blond-haired and blue-eyed Jasili spoke in fluent Chinese. He bowed 90 degrees despite the discomfort of his big belly, and almost knelt on the ground and cried to express his gratitude.

Lin Qiming smiled politely, raised his right hand and said softly,

“Jasili, do you know why I put you in the Ministry of Justice?”

The question was like a riddle. Fortunately, Jasili understood it after the promulgation of the Constitution, and nodded without hesitation.

“I understand what you mean, and I will implement your will in every law, especially the legislative matters of opposing abolitionism, opposing racial discrimination, prohibiting anyone from recognizing black apes as human beings under any name, and prohibiting Jews from settling, doing business, and engaging in politics in Ghana.”

His voice was sonorous and powerful, but sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

Opposing racial discrimination is easy to say, opposing abolitionism is already going against the trend, and prohibiting anyone from recognizing black apes as human beings under any name will cause condemnation from people with saintly hearts all over the world.

If a special law is enacted, the person who presides over this matter is destined to be infamous in the mouths of some people for thousands of years.

However, Jasri knew very well that he was the only one who stayed in the new government and was promoted, and he would definitely have to make some sacrifices for it.

So even though he knew that his reputation would be ruined by doing this, he still chose to keep his official position with determination and courage, rather than resigning from office with great righteousness.

“Very good, I want to see the legislation passed as soon as possible, you go down!”

Lin Qiming said lightly, and took a sip of hot tea.

The secretary led the sweaty Jasli to the door, sent him out of the office, and summoned the next senior official to report on his work. Senior officials came and went in the office like a revolving lantern. When everyone walked out of the door, they had a worried look on their faces, feeling heavy on their shoulders and a little hot under their buttocks.

Almost all federal officials, without exception, turned into loyal hounds under the means of both kindness and power, and couldn’t wait to pounce on the prey and tear it into pieces, so as to wag their tails to ask for credit from their masters.

When it came to the provincial officials, Lin Qiming only received a few major officials, and the other officials were turned away. As for the city officials, The same is true for the first-level officials. The deputy officials are not even qualified to enter this office.

Although he does not have the ability to see into people’s hearts, such as telepathy, he controls the powerful intelligence organization Black Ice Platform. Naturally, he has all the privacy and black materials of all officials. He also showed them some of them during the meeting. No wonder every official who walked out of the door was trembling with fear and obedience.

After meeting with all the officials who needed to be met, Ghana’s large national institutions finally became regular. The country is no longer like a makeshift team, but a sophisticated system with strict cooperation and high efficiency among various departments. Many things that can be solved at the provincial and municipal levels will no longer be sent to the desk of the President’s Office.

Since becoming president, Lin Qiming has been dealing with complicated state affairs. After that, he couldn’t relax and rest immediately after returning home, because there were still matters of the Lin Group that he had to decide personally after screening by the think tank.

However, although it was the affairs of the Lin Group, it was actually inseparable from the affairs of the larger country of Ghana. For example, the Ministry of Transport proposed a railway construction plan to build four vertical and three horizontal lines to connect important urban areas. It was necessary to purchase customized rails from the Lin Group’s steel mills and train engines from the internal combustion engine manufacturer. The key money was still spent on loans from the Lin Group.

Another example is that the National Protection Army was transformed into a formal national defense army, and it needed to be equipped with a large number of firearms, artillery, elixirs and other combat readiness materials. The Ministry of National Defense needed to purchase a large number of arms and logistical supplies from the Lin Group’s military factories, and the money spent was still from the Lin Group. Loan money.

For example, the navy wants to expand the size of its fleet and buy more new warships…

Such large orders related to national construction and military construction basically fell into the hands of the Lin Group. Few officials are fools, so they naturally know how to borrow flowers to offer gifts.

For Lin Qiming, it is basically a transfer from one hand to the other, and he also made a lot of interest.

But every matter has far-reaching consequences, involving many government departments and his own Lin Group’s industries. It can be said that one move affects the whole body, so after the think tank gives suggestions, he still has to make the final decision.

After lunch, the leader of the Black Ice Platform came to the audience again and brought the details of the Civil War in the United States, as well as the movements of the two major demon party blood clans, Lesenbula and Tsimis.

“Meet the leader. The defensive counterattack between the North and South of Meilijian against each other’s capitals is about to end. Judging from the intelligence gathered by the Black Ice Platform spies from all over the country, the war will enter a more intense battle for positions.”

“At present, the Southern Army, under the leadership of General Robert Lee, has won many victories on the battlefield, reversing the previous decline to a certain extent, and the army is heading straight for Washington, the capital of the Northern Federation.”

“Judging from the recent situation, the Southern Alliance has the possibility of conquering Washington. The two major blood clans have made great contributions. Not only did they dispatch high-ranking blood clans to behead many high-ranking generals of the Northern Federation, they also persuaded several officials in key strategic locations to defect, and obtained many benefits promised by Hamilton.”[]

After he finished speaking, he bowed respectfully and stood quietly by the side waiting for new orders.

Lin Qiming pondered for a while and decided not to wait any longer.

If he wanted to push the situation in the United States to develop in the desired direction, he had to take action himself. Otherwise, with the North and South fighting like playing house, he might not be able to wait until next year for a suitable opportunity to intervene.

“You arrange for some people to spread the news that the Southern Army is supported by vampires. Not only should the local church know about it, but it should also be known to the public, including the soldiers of the Southern Army.”

“After the church takes action, your people will be responsible for leading the Dragon Guards. As demon hunters, uproot the two blood clans.”

“We can first destroy their lair, deliberately let one or two live people out, surround them and attack the reinforcements to lure out the vampires they hide in the southern army, and make sure not to miss any one!”

After a few days of being the president, Lin Qiming was a little fed up.

When he was an official, he could do whatever he wanted. After becoming an official, he had to consider the impact and put the overall situation first. He was almost impatient in his heart.

Moreover, he had not fought with others for a long time, and he hoped to have a fight with the dukes of the two major clans, and by the way, copy some advanced entries to continue to improve his strength.

Anyway, he is now labeled as the Eternal God, and ordinary gods and demons dare not attack him. It would be a waste if he did not act recklessly with a backer.

Luo Bing’s eyes revealed a bloodthirsty murderous intent, and he took the order and left.

He always felt that it was weird for the leader to be the president. , but the current high-spirited and willful leader is exactly the same as the impression he had at first, so even if it is to celebrate the leader’s restoration of his nature, the two major blood clans must die.

Lin Qiming looked at his back like a sword out of its sheath, and suddenly realized it in his heart.

Before, his thinking fell into a misunderstanding, thinking that the heavenly principle he followed was the only one who respected me, and those who followed it would prosper and those who disobeyed it would perish, and he had to become the head of a country to continuously practice it, so as to improve the realm of practicing the Heavenly Principle Fist.

In fact, this is the power-hungry demon. If you can’t break this, you can only be regarded as a slave of power at best, and you can’t be regarded as the only one who respected me. How can you say that you follow the Heavenly Principle if you don’t even understand your thoughts..

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