On November 11, 1862, the Independence Square in Edmond, Ghana.

In the square, which was under martial law early in the morning, the Black Dragon Legion was fully armed. All members of the infantry regiment were equipped with the latest rapid-fire firearms, and the artillery regiment was equipped with 120mm cannons. They rushed in without hesitation after the portals were opened.

The wheel of history rolled over a big stone here, bumping and rushing towards an unknown direction.

The officials and generals of the Confederate States of the South could not dream that they, who had been slapped in the face by the Northern Federation many times, would suddenly be attacked by the divine soldiers of their former allies, and they were easily occupied in their sleep without any defense in the temporary capital of Richmond.

At first, they thought it was the army of the Northern Federation, and they were terrified to death. After learning that it was the notorious Black Dragon Army of Ghana, they breathed a sigh of relief. Although they and others had broken their promises and offended the other party, they were all allies after all, and they would never put them on the gallows.

However, Jefferson Hamilton Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America, did not think so. He had a big fight with the wife of the Secretary of War late at night, and was dragged out of bed by his hair at dawn. He saw his old friend who used to go fishing with him.

“Hi, Brother Jie, you look in good spirits!”

“After 10 years of separation, you seem to be getting younger and younger, but I am very upset. You stood me up for no reason. Do you think I have no temper and am easy to bully?”

Lin Qiming gently patted his ugly face a few times, took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands and threw it on the ground

“I don’t have any other advantages except that I hold a grudge. Hang him on the flagpole!”

“Bring all those shitty officials and generals of the Confederacy over there, and make them stand under the flagpole and watch. Everyone must continue to stand there until he dies!”

After the order was issued, two sturdy Black Dragon soldiers carried Hamilton and took him to the 357th flagpole of the Confederacy.

They lowered the national flag and removed it.

The rope was tied to the president of the Confederacy, and he was hung naked in the air.

The birds were shivering in the cold wind.

Seeing the old friend hanging on the flagpole with his own eyes, there were a lot of officials and generals with pale faces below.

Most of those who occupied high positions were old friends who had witnessed the covenant.

Lin Qiming admired it with satisfaction for a while, asked the soldiers to clean up a room, and lay on the bed to have a good sleep. He got up too early today, and it was very comfortable to make up for the sleep now.

The ending he wanted to see was perfectly presented in front of him after waking up in the afternoon.

Hamilton, who had just sat on the throne of the president of the United States of America and had not been majestic for two years, in the past After being beaten and kicked by his best friend and subordinate, he vomited three liters of blood and died of his injuries. The surrounding Black Dragon Army soldiers were quite surprised. Those fat-headed officials and generals had climbed up the flagpole and beat their best friend and immediate superior to death.

After everyone present had pledged their allegiance, Lin Qiming treated them with a smile.

He didn’t show any concern for them, let alone reinstating them. However, he pardoned these people’s death sentences and sent them all to the Death Squad. If they were still alive after the Civil War, he would set them free. The

Black Dragon Army took many officials and generals of the Death Squad and easily took over Richmond’s troops and militia. After disbanding and reorganizing, each company was assigned three Black Dragon Army soldiers. One was to supervise the reorganized army, and the other was to improve the combat effectiveness of the newly reorganized troops to a certain extent and make them qualified front-line combat troops.

Afterwards The military action almost copied this strategy.

First, Lin Qiming opened a portal and teleported the Black Dragon Army and other troops directly to the capitals of the southern states.

After capturing these officials and generals, he reorganized the local army and militia on the spot.

The Black Dragon Army soldiers entered the (bhba) company-level units and completely controlled the reorganized army.

The officers and generals of the Northern Federation who were confronting the Southern Confederacy were all stunned.

When they saw the riots in the Southern Army, they were still gloating and full of confidence in liberating the southern states.

However, a few days later, the combat effectiveness of the reorganized new army soared, and the Northern Army was defeated and fled.

The physical fitness of the Black Dragon Army soldiers has reached the limit of the human body.

Not only are they proficient in various body-building techniques, they can have a thousand pounds of divine power with a wave of their arms, but they can also shoot through the enemy’s left eye instead of the right eye.

They have also received training from Prussia.

With the personal instruction of the famous generals, the bravery in battle and the effective command, the combat effectiveness of the army naturally soared.

For a while, the eyes of both the North and the South were focused on the invincible new army on the battlefield, but the moods of the two sides were completely different.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

The southern plantation owners were nervous and ecstatic. They knew that the current leader of the Southern Confederacy was the President of Ghana, who supported slavery and opposed abolition. This was naturally worth ecstasy, but the money paid before was thrown into the water by the person in power. If they wanted to build relationships, they would have to bleed again. They didn’t know how big the appetite of the new master was, so they were naturally uneasy.

The industrial capitalists and federal officials in the North were like losing their parents, especially Lin Ken, who had been sitting back and relaxing in the White Palace. He watched with heartache as large tracts of land were lost in a short period of time, and his hair turned half white in anxiety.

The Southern Alliance soldiers, who were originally weak in combat strength, were inspired to fight with enthusiasm and initiative after experiencing many victories. They rushed to the enemy’s defense line without the supervision of the soldiers stationed by the Black Dragon Army. If you ask them what they want, it is nothing more than the full military pay on time.

After conquering the Southern Alliance with the Black Dragon Army, Lin Qiming did not open the portal to continue the lightning raid.

He also needs to use this Civil War to train a group of troops that can really win battles, and also cultivate a large number of officers and officials with convert fanaticism, to lay the political and military foundation for the merger of the two countries in the future.

Of course, there is another reason. The manor owners of the Southern Alliance are too enthusiastic. The various rare treasures and huge wealth that they pay tribute to need to be transported back to the manor secret vault urgently. Although it is reassuring to leave this matter to the Dragon Guards, it is a bit uncomfortable to escort hundreds of cars of real gold and silver across thousands of miles in this beautiful and strong land full of beacons.

As the Dragon Guards blew up dozens of military factories in the Northern Federation and completely destroyed the armament supply capacity of the Northern Army, the great defeat of the Northern Federation was a foreseeable result.

Washington, DC, the capital of the Northern Federation, became the final combat target of the Southern Army under the leadership of the Black Dragon Army. The final decisive battle has come, and the outcome of this battle will determine the future of this country. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After gathering almost all the organized troops and collecting the deserters who returned from the front line, 260,000 Northern soldiers set up 10 tight defense lines around Washington, and also buried a large number of mines on the periphery to delay the Southern Confederate Army and the extraordinary soldiers of the Dragon Guards.

The minefield was the most effective method Lin Ken could think of, and it did slightly hinder the advance of the southern army led by the Black Dragon Army.

However, in front of the Dragon God Guards, who had 10 times the physical strength of a human, they were like a mantis trying to stop a chariot or an ant trying to shake a tree.

Their keen sense of smell allowed them to smell the smell of mines buried under the loose soil even from dozens of meters away, and they easily opened a safe attack channel by throwing stones to test the water.

The 10 lines of defense, which were equipped with various light and heavy firepower and covered with minefields, were completely broken by the Dragon God Guards in less than 3 days, and Lin Ken, who was standing on the front-line sentry tower watching the battle, looked pale.

“Oh my God, what kind of enemy are we facing? It’s outrageous enough that we can dodge bullets!”

“Now they can actually see through the mines buried underground. Like naughty children, they can destroy the minefields laid by hundreds of thousands of soldiers with great effort by throwing a worthless stone. This is too outrageous!”[]

“Is it true, as the captured Southern soldiers said, that black slaves are monsters sent into the world by the devil, and God will punish them by making them work like slaves, and we are going against God by liberating them?”

He has long been a staunch abolitionist, but at this moment, facing the Dragon Guards who came like a divine force from heaven, he couldn’t help but waver, thinking that he and many abolitionist supporters might have really done something wrong.

Just as Lin Ken was caught in a painful and tangled inner struggle, the Southern Army led by the Black Dragon Army did not hesitate, and followed the gap made by the Dragon Guards, swarming towards the Washington city area, which was no longer safe.

“In the name of the President, I order everyone to lay down their arms and surrender. We cannot win this war!”

“God is on their side. I… I have decided… to surrender. I cannot let the soldiers continue to die in vain, nor can I let this great city be destroyed by war!”

Lin Ken knelt on the ground in great pain, and issued the final order after coming down from the watchtower.

Then he took out the pistol from his pocket and put it against his head.���He pulled the trigger.


The bullet entered from the left temple, and a big hole was blown in the right temple, and red and white sprayed all over the ground. This president who had the opportunity to be remembered in history alongside Washington ended his life with his own hands.

As the order and news of Lin Ken’s death reached Washington, the high officials of the Northern Federation were in chaos, but the soldiers quickly made white flags and hung them up after hearing about it.

Only the black-skinned soldiers fell into madness. They turned their guns and pulled the triggers at their comrades who they thought had betrayed them. Some people took advantage of the chaos to smash and rob shops on the street, dragged out the beautiful and sexy daughters of the shop owners, and lined up to enjoy the last bliss of life.

It was at this moment that the people who once supported their liberation discovered that after the disguise was torn off, these slaves were really unevolved apes, and their words and deeds were extremely beastly. If they were not satisfied, they would think that others had wronged them and bullied them.

The people who were originally resistant to the Confederate Army, after witnessing the atrocities of the black apes, had to look for a righteous army that could suppress these demons.

After receiving reports from the people, the Black Dragon Army ruthlessly led its Confederate soldiers to hunt down all the black apes in the city.

With the intervention of a third-party force, the Civil War in Beautiful Ken was heading towards a completely different future.

It ended at an extremely fast speed, and the North and the South were reunified under one flag and in the hands of one person.

The great reputation of the Black Dragon Army and the Dragon God Guards, as recorded in telegrams sent to countries around the world, also frightened all those who were paying attention to the largest civil war so far.

In the White Palace, Lin Qiming walked into the Oval Office, sat in the president’s leather chair and muttered to himself.

“Hamilton, my old friend, this is where you belong!”

“It’s a pity, but this country will move towards a brighter future in my hands! I will build this country into our ideal country with the promise we made to you, and comfort your soul howling in hell!”

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